CH 21 Postpartum Alex Reclaims the Children

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Inside the grand Chameleon Embassy, Postpartum Alex met with all the males her predecessors had freed, as was customary whenever a new Alex arrived. The atmosphere hummed with excitement and chatter as Razz, Trac, and Kress weaved through the crowd of males, their tails flicking in lively conversation about recent events. Razz's permanent Chameleon sleep mate, Teela, also mingled, her hide a calm green.

The varied colors of the Anolis males' hides reflected off the polished marble floors and ornate tapestries that adorned the walls. It was a gathering of freedom and celebration, a reunion of sorts for these liberated beings who were once enslaved by their own kind. As she looked around at the smiling faces, Postpartum Alex couldn't help but feel grateful for the path her counterpart had taken to bring them all to this moment and was glad she was now on it.

"I require the largest carriage your world has ever seen," she declared to Zilik, who had taken it upon himself to follow her around. Alex's voice rang out confidently, addressing the room with a strong and commanding tone to ask, "Who has children at the care facility?"

The room fell silent as all eyes turned to her, some in awe and others in fear. Still, a sea of hands shot up at the question. Alex glanced over at Trac and Kress, who stood on either side of Razz like loyal guards seeking guidance from their leader.

"That's too many for me to take with me. Who wants to come with me to get their children?" She tapped her chin at the sight of all the hands. "Still too many."

"The proper question would be: who could help you best at the care facility?" Trac looked over his fellow males.

"That would be me," Razz said with authority.

But Alex was not convinced. Her furrowed brow showed concern and perhaps some disbelief. "You have children at the care facility?" she asked.

Razz hesitated before speaking again. "No, but—"

Before he could finish, Alex dismissed him with a wave of her hand. "You're not going."

Razz tried to protest, saying something about needing to help, but Alex cut him off. "I need nothing from you," she stated firmly. "However, your children need you, their father. You are not coming."

Teela clasped her hands, and her color turned a bright green. "I love you, Guardian Alex, for putting our children ahead of your agenda."

Razz looked at Teela with astonishment. "It is not the Guardian's agenda. Freeing my fellow males is our agenda, the agenda of most free species. How can any of us be free while others are enslaved?"

Teela bowed her head and her color turned blue.

Trac interjected, his voice urgent. "The best option would be to enlist the help of Acton and Broc."

Razz's fists clenched at his sides as anger boiled within him. "Male extremists? Absolutely not. I despise them for their betrayal of Alex." As he spoke, he realized that his list of those he hated was growing longer by the day.

Trac let out a series of rapid clicks with his tongue. "But they are the most skilled candidates for this task. They're armed, well-trained, and have a deep desire to rescue the children from the oppressive facility."

Razz's voice turned into a vicious snarl. "And how do we know they won't turn on Alex once the mission is complete?"

"There's no reason for them to betray her," Trac insisted. "They're pragmatic individuals who understand the potential future benefits of working with Alex. She'll be safe with them."

Rile stepped forward, determination etched into every line of his face. "No one will lay a finger on Alex," he declared.

Postpartum Alex nodded firmly. "I will hear the full story when I return," she stated, her voice filled with quiet but unwavering authority. She adjusted the forearm shields the chameleon named Zilik had given her. She wasn't sure she wanted to know his history with her counterpart, but the shields were useful. Judging by the number of males that adored her counterpart, she must have been a very busy woman.

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