CH 22 Bringing the Children Back

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As the carriage descended onto the ground of the Chameleon Embassy's grand courtyard, a team of guards in shimmering green armor surrounded them. The children inside the carriage were initially intimidated, but their fears dissipated as the chameleon guards waved and smiled at them with gentle expressions on their faces.

Stepping out of the carriage, Alex was greeted by the indomitable Hilto, a chameleon known for his charm and culinary skills. He emerged from the Embassy with a large tray of sweet baked goods, his confident strides exuding grace and poise. As fathers directed their sons towards him, Hilto settled himself on the ground and placed the tray in his lap. His calm demeanor seemed to ease the nerves of the timid children as they cautiously made their way out of the carriage. The air was filled with a sense of wonder and excitement as they approached Hilto, eager to taste his delectable treats and soak up his gentle energy.

Razz, Lok, and Zilik stood in front of the grand doors of the Embassy.

Razz said to Lok, "That was a genius move recruiting Hilto."

Lok replied, "Only temporary, until Guardian Alex returns. He says he likes keeping an eye on the different species involved in political intrigue. Pun fully intended."

Zilik gave a warm greeting to Alex, the male extremists, and the group of rescued children and their fathers. Unfortunately, his tail lashed in impatience, a habit he seemed to have developed since becoming Council President. "Kidnapping again?" he questioned with a raised eye-ridge.

Postpartum Alex interrupted him before he could continue. "I didn't let Razz come with me. It wasn't his plan. It was mine, Acton's, and Broc's." Her voice was determined. She sat among the children, her face now serene and soft as she lovingly held them close. "Let the blame fall where it belongs. Besides, how can it be considered kidnapping when I am reuniting these children with their fathers?" Her gaze flicked towards the group of grateful fathers. "Tell me what I need to do to keep these boys."

Rile stood tall and strong beside Alex, his posture alert and ready for any trouble that may come their way. Though he did not touch her or even the children, his presence was a constant source of comfort.

As they waited for Zilik's response, the tension in the air was palpable. The chameleon's color remained a fiery red, his tail lashing behind him in agitation.

"You can't fight for these children," Zilik finally spoke, "You must have claimed their fathers first, and then make separate challenges for the children."

Alex took a deep breath and attempted to remain calm despite the stress of the situation. "So, my schedule will be booked for the next few weeks, then? How many challenges did my counterpart typically fight in a day?"

Zilik's pacing only added to the growing sense of urgency. This behavior was unlike him. "You can't retroactively make challenges," he stated.

"Why not?" Alex asked, feeling both frustrated and worried as she gently nuzzled the smallest boy, who whimpered in her arms.

"It is a part of Guardian Alex's culture," Razz's words hung in the air, heavy with the weight of their cultural significance. He tapped his muzzle, a gesture of contemplative thought, before speaking again with more force. "In Guardian Alex's world, children abandoned to care facilities can be claimed by a victorious female warrior. Only those children whose parents keep and treat them well cannot be taken."

Postpartum Alex's face contorted with pain at the mention of this tradition, causing the older children in her care to cling tighter to her. She fought back tears, not wanting to frighten the young ones any further. The braver males nodded as well.

Broc interjected with pride, "We have adopted this tradition as well."

Acton nodded in agreement, and even the braver males among them showed their approval with small nods.

A hush fell over the group as Sec, a quiet and reserved male, spoke up. "We want to keep our children," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "Will you truly be willing to face any challenges for them?"

"Of course," Alex said. "I prefer the dagger, by the way. How did my counterpart become so proficient with a sword before coming here?

Rile chimed in, his voice tinged with hesitation. "That's a long story." He flushed with embarrassment and added, "But I'd rather not talk about it."

"Is it the story or my counterpart that you don't want to discuss?" Alex questioned, sensing Rile's discomfort. She felt sympathy for him, always being so stoic and guarded. "Perhaps sharing will help ease your burden."

"Why should I feel any better?" Rile snapped, clearly annoyed. Without another word, he stormed out of the room and took up watch outside.

Alex let out a heavy sigh, the weight of the conversation hanging in the air. The youngest boys huddled close together either on her lap or with their fathers, their little bodies trembling with fear.

Sec's smile was gentle as he looked down at his two sons, a warmth radiating from his eyes. "Let's not dwell on any more painful topics for now. The children must be starving." His words were met with soft whimpers of agreement.

"I've a disaster to contain in the Council chambers," Zilik fumed and stalked out

"Not by yourself." Razz followed him out.

"Indeed not," Lok said, hot on his heels.

After a satisfying lunch, Postpartum Alex declared it was time for a post-meal siesta. She invited the fathers and children to join her in a massive puppy pile. As they all nestled into the cozy embrace, Alex felt a sense of comfort she hadn't experienced before. Surrounded by the fatherless children, their tiny arms wrapped tightly around her, she found herself drifting into a peaceful slumber. In her dreams, the children seemed to hold onto her with such strength that it kept any nightmares at bay, allowing her to fully relax and rest. The air was filled with the faint sound of soft snoring and contented sighs, creating an atmosphere of pure tranquility.



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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25 ⏰

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