CH 19

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Rile and Alex stepped through the portal. Razz looked at this softer, depressed Alex and his eyes widened.

Rile said, "Don't look disappointed. She just lost her baby, thanks to Morgan. She'll be a tremendous fighter."

Postpartum Alex held out her hand. "Call me Alex. Rile here briefed me on the way of this world, so point me at who I need to beat down. Or kill, depending on the type of challenge."

Razz rubbed his muzzle. "Would you like to see your quarters?"

"I'd prefer to see the training grounds. I need to polish up my sword work, pronto. My dagger skills are decent, although I would love an instructor for that as well."

Razz sent a variety of messengers, so that when they reached the training arena, Lok, Zilik, and a Chameleon in a casual military uniform were there.

"Hello, new Alex," Lok said and kissed her hand. "I am Lok. I will train you in dagger techniques. Tabak is the sword instructor for the Chameleon garrison here."

Tabak bowed.

Zilik pointedly took Postpartum Alex's hand from Lok. "I am Zilik, the Council President, at least for now. I'm here to help."

Lok scoffed. "Not really. He's the official that we must work around. He even renounced your counterpart for kidnapping a young Anolis boy."

Zilik hissed at him, his color turning red. Lok looked at him with amusement, his own color a calm green.

Tabak lashed his tail for attention and then said, "None of the matters if you're killed in a sword duel. Shall we begin? Or do you need refreshment first?"

"No time like the present," postpartum Alex said.

With a flash of light, a Guardian sword materialized in front of Alex. Unlike the traditional silver blade, this one appeared to be made of molten lava, with a liquid-like flow down the length of its steel hilt. The red and gold hues swirled and shifted like a living flame in the blade. The handle was made of steel, but seemed to absorb the fiery essence of the blade. Alex's eyes widened in awe as she reached out and grasped it without hesitation.

Rile said, "Of course, the new kid gets the coolest sword."

Razz cautiously extended a hand towards the fiery weapon but stopped short before making contact. "It looks like lava, but there's no heat coming from it."

Postpartum Alex pulled back her hand and lightly touched the blade, confirming Razz's observation. "You're right. It just looks like lava, but it's not hot. Let's get started with the lesson."

Tabak interjected, holding out a wooden training sword to Alex. "As impressive as your weapon may be, we don't practice with live steel or any other potentially dangerous materials."

Reluctantly, Alex placed her Guardian sword back into the scabbard that had mysteriously appeared at her feet and accepted the wooden sword from Tabak.

Rile watched with interest as Alex trained with the wooden sword, her movements precise and determined. She had a natural talent for combat, a fierce determination in her eyes that reminded him of the previous Alex.

Razz, Lok, and Zilik stood nearby, offering guidance and encouragement as Postpartum Alex practiced her strikes and defense. As the training session continued, Rile noticed a shift in postpartum Alex's demeanor. There was a newfound confidence in her movements, a fluidity that spoke of growing skill and understanding. She moved with grace and purpose, each strike landing with precision.

The training session ended early at Alex's request as she panted and wiped her brow. Tabak's color remained a calm green, but a look of displeasure crossed his face.

Rile approached Tabak and whispered, "She just birthed a child less than 24 hours ago and gave it up. Have mercy."

Tabak inclined his head. "Tomorrow, same place and time?"

Razz handed postpartum Alex a cloth for her sweat, as he used to do for his Alex. "When do you wish the dagger lesson?"

Alex looked up at him, a glint of determination in her eyes. "After I have a drink and snack. I want to do justice to the code name of Alex."

Postpartum Alex was fanatic about her training. She pushed herself and her instructors relentlessly, constantly seeking ways to improve. In an effort to continue sharpening her skills, she encouraged everyone in the group to spar with her, including Razz.

Like her counterpart, she loved sleeping and was more enthusiastic about the group bed than her. Rile couldn't help but wonder if it was her way of trying to fill the void left by the absence of her baby.

The sun had barely risen on the final day of their grueling month-long training when the Komodo Dragon guard finally allowed the Chameleon messenger to pass into the dining area, accompanied by an Anolis male. Alex lifted her head from her plate of sweet breads, cheese, and juicy sausage, her stomach growling in anticipation of a hearty meal after weeks of intense physical exercise. The smell of warm bread and savory meats filled the air. She couldn't help but feel a sense of relief that their training was coming to an end, and excitement for what was to come next.

The Komodo guard announced that an Anolis male had arrived. The Anolis male, a beautiful specimen with shimmering green scales and wide, pleading eyes, ran to her and knelt at Alex's feet. "Please save me, Guardian," he implored, his voice filled with desperation. "I ran away from my owner and beg you to claim me."

Alex gazed down at the reptile with compassion, understanding the harshness of life for creatures such as him. She laid a gentle hand on his head, feeling the cool smoothness of his hide beneath her touch. "Yes, I will challenge your mate," she affirmed. "But first, join us for our meal and tell us about her fighting style." The invitation was extended with warmth and kindness.

The Anolis' eyes lit up with gratitude and relief, and he eagerly joined Alex at the dining table. Throughout the meal, he regaled her with stories of his mate's fierce agility and cunning tactics in combat.



Don't underestimate a mom who lost her baby!


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