CH 17

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In a cozy, dimly lit apartment tucked away in the heart of New Orleans, the distant sound of boats' horns on the Mississippi River could be heard. Cale carefully tended to Salem Alex's, now Seren's, wounds, his skilled hands gently cleaning and re-bandaging the injuries.

"Are you ready for me to change the gauze packing?" he asked with a concerned tone.

Seren, nodded weakly and struggled to shift into a more comfortable position on the couch. The scent of antiseptic and herbs lingered in the air, mixing with the warm aroma of freshly brewed tea. Outside, the city bustled with life, but in this little haven, time seemed to stand still as Cale focused on healing his partner's wounds.

"Don't sit up. Has the pain pill taken effect yet?"

"Yes, Cale. Thank you." Alex nodded weakly, her body still crumpled on the bed. She had learned to submit to pain long ago, and at least this pain was for her healing. When the worst was over and Cale was taping down the new bandage, she asked, "Did I do good?" Her voice quavered just a tad at the end.

"You were exceptional, Alex. You have truly become an exemplary Guardian." His words were laced with admiration and genuine respect.

Seren snorted. "No, I'm not. I'll never even come close to her. She was perfect."

"I seriously doubt that," Cale soothed.

"Not to hear Rile say it."

"Seren, you were listening to the widowed partner of that Alex. He was grieving and likely to exaggerate. My brother," Cale's voice caught with emotion. "Did nothing by halves. He was passionate about many things and Alex was probably his supreme passion. So, don't believe everything he says and definitely do not let it destroy you. You are your own person and you are a skilled Guardian."

"Thank you, Cale, for tending my wounds, and, I guess, just being there for me." She could feel the warmth of his presence next to her, his touch gentle and careful as he covered her with a soft blanket and tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear. It was a small gesture, but it made Seren feel loved and cared for.

As he smiled down at her, Cale's eyes sparkled in the dim light of the room before he switched off the lamp and quietly left, leaving Seren to drift off into a peaceful slumber. A comforting silence filled the room, broken only by the sound of Seren's soft breathing and the occasional rustle of sheets. In that moment, she felt protected, knowing that Cale would be there for her when she needed him most.

As Cale stepped into the living room of their shared apartment, he could feel the weight of his request pressing heavily on his shoulders. His brother, Gabe, was sitting on the couch, eyes glued to the TV until Cale's voice broke through the silence. With a click, Gabe turned off the TV and looked up at his younger brother.

"Cale," he said, his tone serious and attentive. "What is it?"

With a deep breath, Cale mustered the courage to speak his mind. "Gabe, I want your permission to ask Seren to unite with me."

At once, Gabe sat up straight, shock evident in his expression. "Cale...but without you, I can't restart the clan."

"I know," Cale replied, his heart heavy with guilt. "If you forbid it, I won't even mention it to her. I haven't said a word about it yet."

Gabe's gaze softened as he looked at his ever-loyal brother. "I can't remember a single selfish request you've ever made," he said softly. "Not even as a child." He slumped back against the couch cushions. "Rile is gone. Our clan is gone. If you can find a shred of happiness in this shattered world, who am I to deny it? You have my blessing.

Gabe looked up to see Cale smiling down at him. His brown eyes were filled with warmth and understanding as he spoke in a gentle tone.

"You're wrong about our clan being dead," Cale said, his voice carrying a hint of determination. "Have you forgotten that I apprenticed with the healer? Who better to learn about the abandoned and unwanted clutches? The healer will guide us in adopting them, and our clan will be all the stronger for the diversity of bloodlines."

Gabe's confusion and wonder were evident in his gaze and tone as he replied, "You didn't tell me this before you asked me?"

"I wanted to know how you truly felt," Cale replied sincerely. "I didn't want to feel like I had compromised your decision."

Gabe bowed his head in gratitude and whispered, "I thank you, the Creator of All, for the gift of my brother Cale. I am truly sorry I squandered the bond with my youngest brother."

Then Cale straightened and clacked his claws in anxiety, the sound echoing through the room like rapid-fire gunshots. "Well, this is all theoretical until I actually ask Seren," he admitted with a nervous smile.

Gabe's eye-ridges knitted together in concern. "You shouldn't worry. Seren is perceptive and must know you care for her deeply. I think she almost worships you."

A small spark of hope ignited within Cale at Gabe's words. "Really?" he asked, needing reassurance.

Gabe's expression relaxed, and he nodded confidently. "Really."

Several minutes later, a joyful shriek from the bedroom confirmed Gabe's assertion as Seren's melodic laughter filled the air.

Gabe lay down to sleep with a smile and soon dreams of a future with a clan full of boisterous children laughing and playing filled his head.



I decided to let this Alex have a happy ending!

Thanks as always to




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