CH 8

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Rile had meticulously briefed Alex on the intricacies of the Anolis world. So, when they stepped through the shimmering portal and Razz enveloped her in a tight embrace, she resisted her initial instinct to defend herself.

"Your death was all a cruel illusion," Razz whispered fervently, his arms wrapped around Alex as if he feared letting go would make her disappear again. "I should have known better than to trust a portal spewing black and red sparks."

"Aren't you the affectionate one? Do you give back rubs as well?" Alex retorted with a sly grin. Her fingers stroked his head, treating him like an overgrown pet.

Razz pulled back, his face a mask of bewilderment. Sensing the tension, Rile placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

"You witnessed Alex's death through a strange portal?" Rile asked. "I'm sorry, but that part was true. This Alex standing before you is from what we refer to as another timeline."

"What, am I not up to par with your precious little angel?" Alex snapped, her voice laced with bitterness. "And stop calling me Alex. That's what Morgan called me."

Rile's anger overshadowed any sympathy for the pain behind her words, but Razz's sensitivity caught it.

With a deep bow, Razz addressed Alex solemnly. "I am thankful for your presence here. It will be challenging to live up to your predecessor's legacy, but our need for your help is immense. I promise not to compare you to her. You are unique in your own right, and for that, I am deeply grateful. My brothers will share this sentiment and will accord you the respect you deserve. As for your name, we are counting on 'Alex' to strike fear into the cowardly. May I gently suggest 'Selam Alex'? It roughly means 'Alex who owns a harem.'"

Selam Alex humphed, her irritation palpable but noticeably diminished as she inquired with less venom, "What did Miss Wonderful do?"

"She engaged in mate challenges with the Anolis warrior females," Razz replied.

A spark of interest flickered in Alex's eyes. "Hmm, that could be fun. Did she win often?"

"Every single one," Razz said somberly.

Selam Alex pressed on, "What happened to the mates she won?"

Rile interjected, "After spending a night with each of them, she emancipated every single one."

Selam Alex scoffed at the notion. "I'm not gonna do that. If I'm risking my life, I'm gonna reap the rewards if they're as affectionate and polite as you. So, when do I start?"

Razz nodded. "They will be just as grateful, affectionate, and polite as myself. I'll send out the announcement of your arrival immediately. It should only take a day or two before the males start arriving. Let me show you to your quarters."

With that, Razz led her to the most opulent accommodation available—a suite draped in luxurious fabrics and adorned with intricate carvings that captured the essence of elegance and comfort. Razz ordered it stocked with fine wine, the best cheeses and bread. He understood what mattered to Alex and felt less guilty about exploiting her talents if he could reward her with what she desired most.


The waterfall roared with full force, cascading down onto Selam Alex's head as she stood beneath it. She combed her wet hair with her fingers and seemed entirely at peace. Rile watched her with longing in his eyes, pretending that this was his Alex. But then her eyes opened and the cruel hardness returned, shattering his fantasy.

"Want to join me?" Her words held a scornful tone, mocking him for his refusal. "Oh wait, you came here with Miss Savior of the World," she sneered. "Too many painful memories for you?"

Rile turned and left, unable to stand another moment in her presence. Even Razz kept his contact with Selam Alex to a minimum, unable to bear the weight of their shared pain. As he stomped down the hallway, Razz joined him.

"Did you watch Morgan murder Alex through the portal as well?" Razz asked.

Rile stopped and closed his eyes. "No," he replied.

"Do you wish to know what happened? Or is it true for your kind that ignorance is bliss?" Razz prodded.

Rile shook his head. "I don't know what's worse. I just know that he killed her. There aren't enough Morgans in enough timelines for me to kill," Rile said, frustration boiling in his voice.

"As much as we talk about killing him, he still lives while Alex is dead," Razz remarked with bitterness.

Rile's shoulders slumped in defeat. "Yes."

"If I were to tell you how he starved and tortured her before finally ending her life, would that motivate you to greater efforts?" Razz asked, his tone becoming colder and more calculating.

Rile's hide paled, and he covered his face, unable to bear the thought of Alex suffering at the hands of their enemy. "Yes," he choked out.

"Excellent. Your efforts so far have been pathetic. Try to be of some use," Razz stated coldly before walking away. "Goodbye, so-called Guardian."

Rile fell to his knees,overwhelmed.



So I decided to create an AU where Alex was murdered and see how the characters reacted. It's been quite an experience.

What do you think?

Thanks to


for suggesting the new name for the alternate Alex to help the reader keep track



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