CH 6

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"Do you wish to stay or return home?" the deep, tolling voice asked Gabe.

"Please, could you bring my brother here? He's united with his Alex," Gabe replied. "He and their sons should be here. We'll do whatever you want."

"Family and teammates should stay together. I will bring them here," the voice responded.

A portal opened and three figures emerged - Rile, Rafe, and Caleb, all wielding swords at the ready.

"What in the world happened?" Rile demanded. "Alex ran out of the tent like The Adversary himself was after her. We saw you disappear into a portal."

"Stand down, please," Gabe urged. "There is no battle here."

Grange appeared then, gesturing towards a nearby door. "We have a more comfortable area for family through here," he said. "You can talk, rest, eat, and drink."

The group followed Grange through the door and into a calm and welcoming space filled with plush chairs, soft lighting, and refreshments. Everyone settled in to wait anxiously for news.

Grange said as he exited, "I'll let you know what's happening."

Rile's voice was filled with confusion and disbelief as he asked, "What is happening?"

Gabe paused to take a deep breath, his face contorted with pain. Galen leaned against him, offering silent support. "Your Alex is receiving a heart transplant from the Alex I knew," Gabe stopped to breathe deeply.

Rile rose from his seat and embraced his brother, offering comfort in the face of their shared grief.

Caleb reached out to his brother, Rafe, bumping their shoulders together. But when Rafe didn't respond, Caleb draped an arm around his shoulder instead.

"I could see her, touch her, kiss her one last time," Gabe spoke softly, his eyes dimmed with grief.

"Morgan killed her." Galen's voice was heavy with anger and determination. "I will spend my life hunting him down and executing him for what he's done."

"I should say that your Tia wouldn't want that," Gabe interjected, his expression pained yet resolute. "It's true, but I want to join you in seeking justice for her."

"Our counterparts couldn't do it," Rile added, his tone somber. "It's up to us now."

"Not just us," Rafe chimed in. "The five of us together, Uncle Gabe."

Gabe nodded. We can pray. The Portal Guardian decides assignments."

Caleb's voice was barely above a whisper as he asked, "Dad, that voice said the Portal Guardian was dying, giving her life so Tia could live long enough so she could donate her heart to Aunt Alex. What happens when the Portal Guardian dies?"

"Your Uncle Cale knows," Rile said. "My guess is a new one is appointed. Perhaps the being who spoke to us."

They fell into a heavy silence, each lost in their own thoughts and fears. Rafe attempted to break the tension by wandering around the room, sampling the food and drink laid out on the table. But even his antics couldn't distract from the weight of the situation.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Grange burst through the door with news. "It's done," he announced. "The patient is doing well. Heart, blood, and bone marrow donation were all successful. The bone marrow is being frozen for future use." He turned to Rile with a reassuring nod. "You may see her now."

Rile leaped up from his seat, silencing his protesting sons with a single look and hand motion. He followed Grange out of the room,

"Tia's gone, Dad." Galen laid his head on his father's shoulder.

"Until the Creator of All restores things as they should be," Gabe whispered, his voice shaking with emotion. "Then we'll be reunited and Agama will fill the sky in flight."

"She promised us flying races," Caleb murmured, trying to find solace in memories of happier times.

"And no cheating with speed bursts," Rafe added with a small smile.

Grange re-entered the room. "You'll be allowed to see your mother tomorrow if everything goes well," he informed them.

Gabe took a deep breath before making a request. "Please, may we have Alex's body for proper rites?"

Grange's expression deepened to one of mourning. "I've been keeping the R&D boys away from Alex while she's alive. I had to pacify them with your Alex's body. I'm so sorry."

The room fell silent as everyone processed this information. Gabe and Galen's hides paled at the thought of anyone laying hands on their beloved Alex.

But Galen spoke up, his voice trembling but determined. "It's okay, Dad. Let's remember her alive."

Caleb, always the practical one, offered a suggestion. "We can still have rites," he said in a small voice. "I remember Uncle Cale having rites for Agama who were lost on missions or elsewhere."

Gabe nodded gratefully at Caleb's words before slumping down on the nearest couch. Galen snuggled against him, seeking comfort in their shared loss. Even Rafe, who was usually so full of energy and mischief, flopped down to join them.

"Your Tia was the coolest," Rafe said with a sad smile, breaking the silence. And with that, the memories began to flow as they all remembered their beloved Alex in their own way.


Well, that's one Alex murdered but she saved another with her death. Who's next?

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