CH 16 Need Another Alex

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Before Razz stood the imposing figure of the Portal Guardian, towering at ten feet tall with wings spanning eighteen feet. His body radiated a fierce turquoise fire, taking the shape of a majestic falcon. Despite his intimidating appearance, the little Anolis gazed up at him fearlessly.

The Portal Guardian spoke in a deep, commanding voice, addressing Razz's actions. "You have dedicated yourself to serving the Creator of All for many years, yet you have tormented my fellow Guardian, Rile. Why? He loved Guardian Alex dearly."

"And I did not?" Razz retorted angrily. "I became whatever she desired. I obtained whatever she wanted, including Rile. And how does he repay me? By abandoning her for Drake, for his own amusement, leaving her to be tortured and starved by Morgan until he eventually murdered her. Rile should suffer just as much!"

"My predecessor died attempting to save Guardian Alex. You think a mere Guardian could have prevailed where she failed?" His wings folded and unfolded in agitation, the turquoise fire dripping down and vanishing when it hit the ground.

Razz's voice was heavy with rage as he spoke. "He never should have left her," he said, his eyes fixed on the distant horizon. "Where was he when she was taken?"

The Portal Guardian extended a claw towards Razz and placed it gently against his forehead. As soon as they touched, memories flooded into Razz's mind like a tidal wave. He saw flashes of the past, moments of joy and pain shared between him and Alex.

"I see," the Guardian said, withdrawing his claw. "My predecessor often lamented all the emotional attachments of her Guardians, this team in particular. Sometimes she would proclaim she wished she could extinguish the emotions for efficiency's sake. I found it odd, given her own affection for them. I wish to understand. Perhaps I can manage my Guardians better."

He paused, leaving his claw hovering in the air for a moment longer before retracting it completely. "It must be most painful for you to discover that you both felt unworthy of each other's love and denied yourself a loving relationship. Even I can understand the poignancy of that. My predecessor had a favorite timeline, where you and Guardian Alex were joined. Would it help if I showed it to you?"

Razz's expression hardened. "No," he replied firmly. "Not at all."

The Portal Guardian's voice held a hint of genuine interest as it spoke. "I see. Is the display of an alternate timeline not typically beneficial?"

Razz let out a knowing sigh before answering, "It can be excruciating. Though I suppose a parent might find solace in seeing their deceased child alive once more. But that pain would surely outweigh any comfort gained from the viewing."

The Portal Guardian nodded. Its tone turned stern as it issued a warning: "Remember this lesson and do not torment Guardian Rile again. If you do, I will not hesitate to show you the painful timeline of you and Alex."

In a burst of energy, the Portal Guardian materialized in front of Rile. This time, its form was that of a towering column of dark emerald fire, casting an eerie glow over the surrounding area, not bothering with its falcon form.

"I have need of another Alex," the Guardian spoke with a voice as deep and resonant as thunder.

Rile furrowed his brow in concern. "What happened to the last one I got for you? And the Cale that was with her?" He rubbed at the two golden bands adorning his upper arm, a nervous habit he had picked up. "Are they dead?" Genuine anxiety laced his words.

"Not at all. He is tending to Alex, whom he named Seren. She will survive," the Guardian assured him.

Rile couldn't help but tease. "If you keep breaking your toys, I am not getting any more for you." But deep down, he knew there was truth behind his words and he couldn't ignore the worry gnawing at him.

"I believe both will benefit from recent events and their aftermath. I may even procure more Guardians from them in the future." The tolling voice sounded smug.

It amused Rile until he thought of what it would have been like to raise one of the abandoned clutches with Alex and his heart clenched.

"You will help another Alex again." The tolling voice turned as soothing as it could be. The Portal Guardian was no mind reader, only perceptive. "This one should be much easier than the last. Your mission is the same: pay a visit with her to the Anolis females to remind them of Alex's power. They are a formidable race, known for their stubbornness and favored by The Adversary for feeding him power. Some even worship him as a deity, as dangerous as that is."



One more chapter before I introduce another Alex.

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