CH 7

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Rile and Cale sat side by side, their swords gleaming in the sunlight as they meticulously cleaned and sharpened them. Cale, always the dutiful other brother, tagged along with Rile these days, not wanting to leave him alone in his grief.

A deep, tolling bell voice cut through the peaceful atmosphere. "I have need of another Alex and I need you to obtain her for me," the new Portal Guardian declared.

Rile scoffed at the request. "What? Don't have enough quarters for the timeline vending machine? And what about Galen's Aunt Alex?"

The Portal Guardian's response was earnest, apparently not understanding or acknowledging Rile's sarcasm. "I took her first. She was gravely wounded in a challenge match and the situation is now more precarious on the Anolis world."

Rile's heart clenched at the mention of his beloved Alex. "My Alex is dead. Leave me alone," he said, his voice filled with pain and anger.

          "Is death the ultimate evil?"

The Portal Guardian's question hung in the air like a heavy fog, weighing down on Rile's already heavy heart. He couldn't bring himself to answer such a trick question, so Cale stepped in instead.

          "Alex fought Morgan to a standstill and in the end, all he could do was kill her. She won and he lost." Cale watched his brother's reaction, knew he was struggling to keep from denying his brother's words. "Death is not the ultimate enemy. We grieve because we are left behind. But Alex's dream is over. She has awakened to her true life. She is safe with the Creator of All, the source of all goodness, and that is what we all should hope for."

          The column of light emanating from the Portal Guardian sparked with a vibrant cobalt blue, illuminating the surrounding area. "Without Alex's regular appearances, Razz's kind will suffer once again at the hands of their mates," the Guardian's voice boomed, its tone filled with urgency and concern. "That power goes directly to The Adversary. I need you to convince one of the other Alex's of her potential for good, for working for the Creator of All."

Rile looked up from the sword in his lap, his brow furrowed in thought. "Which one?"

"One that my predecessor had deemed unacceptable to become a Guardian," the Portal Guardian replied, its voice now subdued and contemplative. "The Creator of All has reminded me that none of his creatures are beyond the power of His redemption."

Rile felt a sense of relief knowing that even the Portal Guardian could be reprimanded by the Creator of All. After all, it was just another creation, not the almighty Creator himself. But then he remembered that this was not the same Portal Guardian he had known before - this one had perished while helping Alex.

Sheathing his sword, Rile made his decision. "I'll go."

"Thank you," the Portal Guardian said gratefully.

Rile gazed up at the towering column of light, feeling small in comparison. "Your predecessor never thanked me."

"Indeed? Still, I thank you," the Guardian replied sincerely.


          Rile stepped through the shimmering portal, his senses on high alert. He immediately spotted Alex and shouted, "Watch out!" But before he could reach her, he collided with the figure standing behind her, Morgan.

Rile's foot claws eviscerated Morgan and his hand claws tore out his eyes and ripped his nose off his face.

Breathless and shaken, Rile turned to Alex. "Are you all right?" he gasped.

She gave him an odd look. "You thought I was in danger from him?"

Rile expected the confusion, but her question threw him off guard. "Thought? You don't know what kind of threat Morgan is?"

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