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I let my sister finish my very last braid before sighing in relief glad that this shit was over

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I let my sister finish my very last braid before sighing in relief glad that this shit was over. I had been sitting here for a minute. I just got some braids to the back but I did have a few designs in it so I get why it took longer. Azha was in the kitchen cooking some smothered chicken and rice. Delicious.

"Ok, all done," Kenzie spoke making me sigh in happiness because I  had been sitting down for a while. I got up and stretched before sitting right back down on the couch making her laugh. "What happened to you being tired of sitting down?"

"Yea on that hard ass floor. This couch comfy as fuck. I picked it out," I told her getting comfy making her chuckle.

"Have you talked to your friend today? What's going on between you two?" She asked me as I smiled. These past few weeks have actually been pretty amazing. He's been coming around more and whenever his dad left he was always finding his way over to my house. We would just play Mk1 listen to music and talk. Religion hasn't been the subject of our topics unless it came from him asking me about religious characters in MK, me doing stupid shit, and him saying he'll pray for me because he thinks I'm crazy, or him suggesting gospel music to listen to.

The way my face lit up when he started rapping No Love word for word. Minus the cuss words of course, but he had actually been listening to the music that I suggested, and the fact that he would sing along or rap along with it and know most of the word made me happy. He deserves to just be a kid and listen to whatever music he wants to. He needs a balance.

I also had him paint me some more pictures which I had all over my wall in my room. I called it "My Good Wall". Cause always call him Goody...he seemed to like the name and it made him laugh so. I was happy to see him laughing anyway. Now that I know the truth even if it's not the whole truth about his relationship with his father I've been nothing, but making sure I make him laugh and have as much fun as possible. I don't ever wanna see him broken in my bed like that again.

I wanted to beat the fuck outta his daddy, but I know I could just do that. I had to have proper cause and it needed to be self-defense or at least defense over Zeke. Only in the eyes of the law of course, because I had no problem going over there right now to beat that niggas ass in front of all his company, but I needed it to look right so I didn't go to jail.

I gotta be out here for my best friend. I wish we could be more than that.

I think it's obvious that I like him, especially to my sisters, but it's to him he can't tell and I don't really want him to know. I really enjoy being around him and I know how he thinks and because he's so heavily religious he'll send me to hell or something. I really like him though and I wish I could take him out somewhere and just spend the day with him out on the town. I'm still new here and for the past 3 weeks, I've been in the house with him or going to the store, or working at my sister's place.

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