Child of Poseidon ( Part 3 )

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A/n: ok some background Mattheos pov starts to when y/n left her dorm and it then goes to y/ns pov by picking back up to where y/n sees Mattheo there. Also monsters can be seen by wizards as well but it is less common because they are after the demigods. ;)
P.S. I realized it's really short sorry!

Warnings: swearing, short


Mattheo's POV:

As i fallow her and her friends they go up multiple flights of stairs and stop in the middle of a dark corridor. Then out of nowhere a door appears in the middle of the hallway. They then walk in like it's normal to have a door show up and open. Once they get inside the rest of her friends are inside of the room along with the stoll brothers from Gryffindor. Then next to them there is a girl next to them from hufflpuff. I think her last name was gardener? Then there were some other people who I didn't recognize. But they were all wearing armor as well. And they all had orange t-shirts on that had a Pegasus.

I quickly got inside managing to stay out of their sight. I was out of sight but the only problem as that I couldn't hear then. I decided to take forage of this so I don't sound more crazy when I tell people what happened. And so I can ruin their reputation by either blackmailing them or exposing them. But most likely both.

Then suddenly a big thing comes running in. It had horns, and it looked like it was out for blood. I then brought up my phone and took a photo of it with the group behind it. I then apperated out of there before I could get caught with that monster thing.

Y/n's POV:

Fuck! He saw and to make things worse he got evidence. What are we gonna do now? One thing at a time. " girls I need you all right this second we have a big problem and we can take care of the monster later! Actually Percy please take care of it! " I practically yell scaring hazel.

Hazel's POV:

Oh no! Something bad happened if y/n is yelling. But she needs us to be there for her. But I look around and I see everyone kinda surprised that they heard her yell. " well you heard her let's go! " I say before running after her as she runs out of the corridor.

I follow her with the other girls on my tail. As we all come to a stop in the Slytherin common room we see Mattheo and "DrAcO" in the room on a couch in the middle of the common room. As they look up they both have the same smirk on their face as they hold some sort of contraption that has little boxes and looks like a brick. I think Jason could pass out at the sight of it. But back on track they press some bottom and I see everyone in the common room look down to different types of those bricks in different colors and press a "app". Yeah I think that's how you call it. All the girls including y/n look around waiting for Draco or Mattheo to make a move. But they just sat there looking at us with the same smirk but it looked more sinister.

Just then a girl screamed as she looked down at the brick in her hand and pointed her finger towards y/n and the rest of us. This is not good...

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