Chapter 11: Shura Field

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Chapter 11 Shura Field

As the best university in the province, the University of Science and Technology not only has strong faculty, but also considerable human resources behind it.

Most of the high-end laboratories in the school have close cooperation with well-known enterprises. Once there is a new research project, they can get high sponsorship funds and put it into production and practice at the first time.

Recently, Lin's Technology Group has established a new foundation in the School of Bioengineering and organized a publicity event. At three o'clock in the afternoon, the lakeside auditorium of the University of Science and Technology was full of people.

As a representative of outstanding graduates of previous years and the heir of Lin's Technology, Lin Yu naturally became the main person in charge of this event.

This is also the first time that Lin Jianxi has seen the rumored eldest son of the Lin family in person.

He was wearing a sophisticated formal suit, and his appearance was certainly outstanding, but what was more impressive was his posture. Whether he was talking with the professor under the stage or giving a speech on the stage, every move was decent and elegant, which made people sigh. He

is worthy of being the protagonist of this book.

However, Lin Jianxi appeared here at this time, of course, not to see this blood brother, but to block him.

The seats in the auditorium were divided into two sides, with an aisle in the middle. Lin Jianxi's seat was near the front. As long as he turned his head slightly, he could see the faces of all the students in the audience.

He glanced around, then casually turned on the front camera of his mobile phone and half-raised it in the air. His hawk-like eyes carefully searched it inch by inch, and he saw a person dressed very strangely. In

such a hot season, he was wearing a huge baseball cap, and a large black mask almost covered his entire face, revealing a pair of sparkling eyes. He was wrapped up tightly from head to toe.

However, the tall and slender figure, and the iconic blonde hair that stubbornly emerged from under the hat, still made Lin Jianxi recognize the identity of this person at a glance -

Sheng Mingfeng.

He has been highly exposed recently, released a new song, and participated in a creative music variety show. His fame and popularity have reached a new level. Now is the time when he is most busy.

But he hid it from his agent, deceived his assistant, and risked being discovered and surrounded by people to sneak into the school in disguise, just to see Lin Yu from a distance.

Throughout the event, Sheng Mingfeng's eyes followed the elegant young man, and his eyes were very hot.

When the event was over and the students left one after another, he stood up and pulled down the brim of his hat. It seemed that he was satisfied with this trip and was ready to leave quietly.

Hiss, so infatuated.

What a pity, since you have delivered yourself to the door, do you think I will let you get away so easily?

Lin Jianxi raised his eyebrows slightly, and cast a deep gaze at the three girls who were chattering next to him, and a smile with an ambiguous meaning appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Not long after, an excited exclamation came from the crowd: "Oh my God, isn't that Sheng Mingfeng?" The

sharp cry was very penetrating. Not to mention the people around him, even those standing at the other end of the auditorium could hear it clearly, so the scene suddenly boiled.

"Sheng Mingfeng? Where is he?"

"Right over there, the one wearing a black mask!"

"Is this true? But why is he here?"

"Who knows? Maybe he's filming a TV series? Are there cameras around?"

Sheng Mingfeng's popularity is high now, and there are many people at the scene. Naturally, there are many fans who like him and passers-by who know him. What's more, it's enough to cause a riot!

Moreover, it's strange that a popular idol appeared in the school auditorium without any warning to attend such a highly professional presentation.

Many people speculated that there was some hidden filming task, so they squeezed forward with the mentality of joining in the fun, and some even took out their mobile phones to take a photo as a souvenir. Therefore, even though the staff guiding the evacuation were trying their best to maintain it, the situation was still a little difficult to control.

Sheng Mingfeng was surrounded by the crowd in an instant, and immediately frowned irritably.

Damn it! He was recognized even though he was almost wrapped like a dumpling. It was a waste of wearing so much.

The heat and discomfort from his body directly intensified his anger. He pushed through the crowd impatiently and walked out quickly.

But once he walked out of the main entrance of the building, Sheng Mingfeng's steps slowed down. He was a little undecided about which direction to run.

He was not familiar with this place. There were many people chasing him behind him. There were also many people outside. The entertainment paparazzi were like flies, and they might be on the way. It was really a bit tricky.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, he suddenly felt a soft and cold touch on his wrist, as if a slippery water snake had wrapped around him, which made him shudder immediately.

Someone grabbed his hand in the chaos!

A trace of disgust flashed across his eyes, and he subconsciously wanted to shake it off, but he stopped his action after hearing a familiar voice in his ear.

"Follow me!"

Sheng Mingfeng turned his head in surprise and saw Lin Jianxi's delicate profile.

Without saying anything, he dragged Sheng Mingfeng and started running wildly. He skillfully took shortcuts and went into some little-known paths, so he easily left the crowd behind him.

The young man wore a huge fisherman's hat today, which almost covered the upper half of his face. Perhaps because of the intense running, there was a little water on the tip of his slightly upturned nose. His chest kept rising and falling, and he was breathing heavily, looking a little pitiful.

So Sheng Mingfeng almost unconsciously slowed down his pace. But

Lin Jianxi was stupid and didn't appreciate it at all. He stared with wide eyes and urged in a low voice: "Can't you run anymore? Hurry up, they are catching up!"

His small mouth pouted slightly with a little dissatisfaction, and his lips were a bright red, looking moist and soft.

Sheng Mingfeng's eyelids jumped for some reason.

Obviously, Lin Jianxi's fingertips were very cold, just like a piece of ice, but somehow, the place where he was tightly holding seemed to be faintly hot.

He couldn't help but shook his head, suppressing this strange association. The two ran all the way, turned around and went into an aisle, and finally rushed into a building and entered a fairly spacious room.

Lin Jianxi closed the door tightly and tried to pull it, but it didn't move. Then he breathed a long sigh of relief, took off the fisherman's hat on his head, and sat down safely on the chair next to him.

"Finally safe, this is the abandoned office of our club, and ordinary people won't come here."

Sheng Mingfeng nodded, looked around casually, and found that this place was quite dusty, so he didn't take off his mask, but took off his hat, revealing a dazzling blond hair.

The two stood and sat, staring at each other, and no one spoke. There was silence all around for a while, and the atmosphere was a little awkward for some reason. From childhood to

adulthood, Sheng Mingfeng has always been the one who supports this little brother who can do nothing. Unexpectedly, the situation has turned around. This time, he got into trouble, but it was the little brother who came out to help him out.

"Well," he coughed lightly, touched his nose a little awkwardly, and said something to make conversation: "Don't you want to ask me why I suddenly came to your school to participate in this event?"

Lin Jianxi was very obedient and immediately asked as he asked: "Then why did you come?"

Sheng Mingfeng: "..."

"See, you won't tell me even if I ask you, so why should I ask?" The young man curled his lips, with an expression of "I knew it", and spread his hands helplessly.

As he spoke, the fluffy brown curls on his head jumped up and down, and it looked like they felt good to the touch.

"I didn't expect you to be so conscious of your younger brother, and know not to ask things you shouldn't ask." Sheng Mingfeng chuckled and couldn't help but stretch out his hand to rub the top of his head.

"You still have the mind to laugh, what time is it now?" Lin Jianxi immediately dodged his claws flexibly, looking like he was disappointed in his friend.

"The school has been checking very strictly recently, and no cars outside are allowed to enter. You can only go to the school gate to call a taxi. But if you go out like this now, there will definitely be people blocking you, and there may even be paparazzi!"

He became more and more anxious as he spoke, and he kept turning around in the room like an ant on a hot pot. Then, as if he suddenly thought of something, his eyes lit up and he said, "Why don't you contact your agent or assistant first? They should have a way. We can't be stuck here forever, right?"

Sheng Mingfeng was a little anxious at first, but when he saw the young man in front of him frowning and looking more nervous than himself, he relaxed.

"What's the hurry?" He stretched his legs lazily and said indifferently, "If it doesn't work, just stay here. Can't you go out after everyone leaves?"

Unexpectedly, Lin Jianxi reacted surprisingly strongly and stood up suddenly.

"But don't you have a new song to record tonight? The recording studio is quite far from here. If you delay the time-"

"How do you know my schedule today?" Sheng Mingfeng reacted very quickly. At this time, he still keenly grasped the key points in his words and interrupted him immediately.

Lin Jianxi was silent immediately.

This kid is not right.

Sheng Mingfeng narrowed his eyes, and his stern eyes scanned up and down like a searchlight. He found that the young man actually took a half step back guiltily, and he was even more suspicious.

Then, a sudden light bulb went off in his head, as if he had discovered something interesting. He curled his lips, raised his hand and cornered the man.

"I say, you're not...really my fan, are you?"

"Of course not!" Lin Jianxi immediately retorted loudly without thinking, but his slightly flickering eyes made his defense seem a little pale and powerless.

"Well, someone I've known since childhood has suddenly become such a popular star, I'm just a little curious, so I just casually paid attention to your movements."

"You can understand so clearly just by paying attention, even checking the location of the recording studio?" Sheng Mingfeng's tone was chilly.

"Yes, yes, I like singing too, and I'm quite interested in it before I've even seen a recording studio."

He said something irrelevant, but he still felt that he had perfectly sorted out the logic and that his reasons were sufficient, so he spoke more and more confidently: "I really didn't do it on purpose-"

"Lin Jianxi."

"...What for?" The curly-haired young man was suddenly called out, and he was startled all over, and stood at attention reflexively.

Sheng Mingfeng pressed his arm down and moved his head closer and closer. If he hadn't been wearing a mask, the breath from his nose would have sprayed on the other person's face. His tone was full of ambiguous teasing.

"You're blushing."

"!" Lin Jianxi wanted to run away immediately, but there was a solid wall behind him and the young man's arm on his side. He had no way to retreat, so he had to shrink his neck like an ostrich and kept silent.

Sheng Mingfeng was amused and was about to continue teasing him, but was interrupted by a loud noise when the door opened.

What followed was a cold question, which seemed to be suppressing deep anger.

"What are you doing?!"

The two people who were entangled subconsciously turned their heads and saw the tall and handsome young man blocking the door. His gentle face in the past was now gloomy, and he looked like a storm was about to come.

Lin Jianxi: Oh, what a coincidence.

The author has something to say:

Lin Tangzhu's fish-raising tips 1.0: Allowing your fish to interact with each other appropriately will help improve their sense of crisis and make it easier to raise them.

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