Next few days. (continued)

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     I headed back to the tent. Murphy was sitting inside. He got up immediately. "Sorry for storming out earlier." I said, sliding my knife into my pocket. "I deserved it. You're right by the way." He added in quickly. "I don't want to be though. I get why you did it. I'm just worried about you. I don't want to lose you. Again." I sat down on the bed. Murphy sat next to me. "Okay, I promise I will try, really hard not to kill anymore of us." He said, looking me in the eye. I smiled and wrapped my arms around him. I started messing with his hair. It was longer and different then from when we first got here. He had missed a lot since then. "We had a radio for a while here." I said. "Really?" He asked, sounding quite surprised. "Raven and Monty are very good at that stuff. We even saw some of Unity Day and... I saw my parents." I said. "Oh really?" He said, smiling. "Was I mentioned at all?" Murphy asked. I got up and sat on his lap and he continued laying down. "Maybe." I teased. "Did you tell them you were in love with a criminal?" He asked, winking and biting his lip. "Something like that." I joked, leaning down to kiss him. He grabbed my sides and I kissed him harder. I felt him smile slightly. "What did I do to deserve this?" He asked, looking at the ceiling. I laughed and kissed him again. Murphy tried to talk again and I lightly bit his lip. "Oh god." He whispered. "Trust me, the whole camp knows what goes on in here." I told him. His eyes widened slightly and he got a huge grin on his face. "Really?" He asked, smiling. I leaned down again and kissed his neck. Murphy's hands traveled to my waistband and pulled at it. "Ah ah ah." I said, waiving a finger. He frowned slightly. "Are you joking?" Murphy asked. He sat up a little. I moved forward and pushed him back down. "But-" He started to say. I kissed him roughly and he stopped. I took his hands from my waist and pulled them off and moved them above his head. I slid my hands down his arms and he shivered slightly. "Oh god." He said again. I kissed his neck while my hands continued down to his chest. I lifted up his shirt and felt up and down his muscles. I then made my way down to his pants. My fingers trailed along his waistline making him shiver again. I brought my hands back to his chest and he quietly growled in my ear. I leaned back and raised an eye brow. "Stop teasing." He said, with a smile. "But it's fun." I told him, winking. Murphy leaned up and kissed me, pulling me down with him. I grinded against him and I heard a light growl again, making me smile. I pushed against his chest and got up. Murphy looked shocked. I pulled my top over my head and tossed it to the side and pulled my pants down too. Murphy started to get up but stopped half way and yanked off his shirt then his pants and boxers. "Eager are we?" I asked slowly moving to him. Murphy rolled his eyes slightly and smiled. "You want me? Come get me." I teased. He caught me and pulled me with him so we fell into the bed. I smiled and kissed him. Our lovely moment was ruined when I heard a gunshot. We both bolted up. I picked up his shirt from the ground and put it on and slid my boots on. I grabbed my rifle and ran out. Bellamy appeared next to me looking pissed. We ran to the wall. "What the hall happened?" I yelled. There was already a group. Something brushed my arm and I turned to see Murphy who had pulled on his pants and was now holding them up. A blonde girl stepped forward. "I-I was on guard duty. I fell asleep!" She stuttered. The girl looked terrified. Clarke stepped forward. "Go sleep, now." She ordered the girl. The girl looked down and ran towards the tents. "Someone who can stay awake, get on the wall." Bellamy said, clearly annoyed. He turned and stalked away. "Don't wake a sleeping lion." I heard Harper say before turning to the wall. I sighed and headed to the wall. Murphy pulled me back, "What are you doing?" He asked with wide eyes. "Someone needs to be on the wall." I responded. I turned again and Miller was standing in my way. "I got this." He said. He looked down at my legs. I didn't have my pants. "You should probably go back to bed." Miller laughed. I lightly punched his arm and faced Murphy. He had his arms crossed and was trying not to look at anyone. I poked his side and he smiled. "Let's go." I said, yanking him with me towards the tents. I went inside and collapsed on the bed, kicking off my shoes. Murphy fell next to me. He started messing with my hair. His hand stopped at the scar on my head. It was hard to see but it felt like a bump. "I don't remember you having that." Murphy said, sitting up. I pushed his hand away and rolled to face him. "Because it happened when you left." I said. Murphy stared in confusion. "When I left?" He asked. I nodded. "The night when you didn't come back. I was going to leave the camp. Bellamy stopped me, when I tried to run again he tackled me. I slipped and I hit my head." I explained. It wasn't Bellamy's fault, I was the crazy one. "That's my own fault." I said before he could blame Bellamy. "What happened after that?" Murphy asked. "I don't remember much. Miller found me and brought me to the drop ship and I was unconscious for awhile. When I woke, Raven was here." I told him. Murphy sighed. "Sometimes I wish they hadn't sent us here. Then I think, if they didn't.... we would be dead anyways." Murphy moved and laid across from me. He smirked a bit. "What?" I asked him. "I came back to you, like I promised." Murphy smiled at me. Right before Murphy left on the night he was banished, he promised he would come back. I guess it was true. I smiled and rolled over onto my back. "You better come back." I said sarcastically. A heard a light snoring in my ear. I got up and headed outside. The fire was low. Raven was sitting by the fire. "Hey." She said as I sat across from her. "Hey." I responded. "I saw you practice fighting with Octavia earlier." She pointed put. I laughed. "Oh yeah, it was helpful." I explained. "Mhmmm." Raven said, turning back towards the fire. She knew I was up to something. I trusted Raven but I really didn't want her to know that if Murphy got in trouble, I would leave with him. I brushed my hands off and got up. I picked up a cup off the ground and put it by the water and walked off towards the tents. Bellamy stopped me on my way. "Tomorrow is Murphy's last day off. After that he's working like the rest of us." He told me. Clarke must have finally agreed to let him work. "Yeah, okay. What is he going to do?" I asked, crossing my arms. Bellamy smirked. "Meat shed." He walked off before I could protest. No one wanted that job, it sucked. I rolled my eyes and made my way to the tent. Murphy was sitting up in the middle of the bed. He jumped when I came in. "Bad dream?" I asked, closing the tent flap. Murphy rubbed his eyes and nodded. I pulled off my shoes and jacket and sat across from him. He leaned forward and put his head in my lap. I moved back so he could lay down. "I'm sorry about the nightmare." I whispered. His hair looked so different from when we first came here. When we first met. That seemed like a different place. A long time ago. None of us were the same anymore, Earth had changed us. Murphy got up and moved under the blanket. I did the same. He wrapped his arms around me as I lay across from him. My eyes started to close and he kissed me lightly. I opened my eyes as I saw his close. I always slept better when he was here.

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