Murphy's Law

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    I was awoken to Murphy sitting down on the bed. It was still dark outside. "What are you doing?" I mumbled, sleepily. He didn't have his shirt on anymore. I didn't mind that. He froze, his back tensed. "Its burning up in here." He said, stripping down. I could see bruises on his arms and back. It was very warm out these past few days. Earth was so different from the Ark. The blanket had been kicked to the end of the bed. Murphy fell back on the bed and sprawled out. I pulled off my cut and torn jeans. Blood covered the area where I had hurt my thigh. I lay back down on Murphy's arm, trying to fall back asleep. I couldn't believe it would be possible to get a good sleep around here but somehow it happened almost every night. Maybe it was from from having Murphy around. I shuddered at the thought of him just not being there. He must have felt that, he pulled me closer. I fell asleep in his arms once again.


    The scream was loud and high pitched, filled with terror. My eyes shot open and I jumped up, pulling on shoes and running outside.
"Y/N!" Murphy called after me. I turned and he threw me one of his shirts. I looked down, I was only wearing my shirt, shorts and boots. Murphy had pulled on his pants at least. I pulled it on and ran. Everyone else had been violently woken up by this screaming as well. All are around me were the others running out of their tents practically naked or half way. The screaming was from just outside the wall. A girl stood crying with Clarke who seemed upset as well. Murphy and I pushed our way through the crowd. On the ground at Clarke's feet lay Wells. He was dead. Bellamy and Finn came running up behind us. "No one should be outside the wall anymore. Especially unarmed." Bellamy said. He stepped forward and pulled the girl and Clarke back. "You two!" Bellamy yelled at two of the guys. "I need you to dig a grave." He said, looking at Clarke. She was holding back her tears but we could all see she was hurting. "Everyone else get back inside! Grounders are attacking us now, we need to prepare." Bellamy ordered. "Charlotte, you shouldn't see this!" Clarke said, reaching out for her. Charlotte was just a little girl but who knows what she did on the Ark. No one was innocent here. Murphy had turned back towards the tents already. "Hey, come on." He said, pulling me. Something about Charlotte bothered me. I just didn't know what. She turned and looked at me, she seemed scared almost. Murphy pulled me again. "Are you okay? Let's go." He pulled me more. My gaze did not waver from Charlotte until she turned away looking nervous. I nodded at Murphy and followed him back. My leg felt better but I still had a slight limp. "What was that back there?" He asked. "I don't know. Something just seemed ...wrong." I answered. He shook his head. I got back in the tent, finding my clothes and pulling them on. "Well that's no fun." Murphy whined. I looked up and saw him staring. "Come on, get ready!" I ordered, laughing. I still had on his shirt and I really didn't plan on giving it up right now. I threw his other shirt at him. He smirked, evily. Murphy got up and slinked towards me. "What?" I said, my hands on my hips. He came up to me and picked me up, putting my legs around his waist. I laughed and let him toss me back onto the bed. That's when the tickle war started.


    About an hour later Bellamy barged into our tent. I pulled the blanket up over myself and Murphy. I struggled, attempting to cover myself up as much as possible. "Really? " I yelled at Bellamy. He smirked and winked at me. "What Bellamy?" Murphy asked, clearly annoyed. He leaned over and threw clothes at me. "Get out here and get to work. We need everyone." Bellamy ordered. He still stood there. "Out Bellamy!" I yelled, pointing at the tent flap. He rolled his eyes and left. "Wow." I muttered. I got up and gathered my clothes from the tent floor. They were kind of everywhere. I put Murphy's other shirt back on. He didn't protest. "Sorry about Bellamy." Murphy said. I walked over and kissed him before putting on my boots. "That's Bellamy Blake for ya!" I laughed. I waited for Murphy to get dressed before we headed out for work.

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