The 48

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The rockets on the drop ship started. I saw the flames shooting out. The drop ship shook and I was thrown back, my head hitting the wall. Everything went black.


I heard talking. Mumbling. Someone pushed my hair back and picked me up. I was being carried, down the ladder. "Captain Miller. We found another one. She was unconscious upstairs." A man said. He laid me down on the ground. I wasn't thinking straight. Captain? Since when did we call Nathan captain? Why was it so quiet here? Was I dead? "Nathan?" I tried to call out, it sounded like a whisper. "Nathan?" The man asked. "You know my son?" He asked me. I opened my eyes. I was just below the ladder. Captain Miller of the guard was kneeling by me. "Can you hear me?" Captain Miller asked. I scooted back against the ladder and sat up, holding my head. "Where is everyone? Where's my son?" He asked. "What? What happened? They're gone?" I asked him. "We found a few of you. The rest are missing. Including my daughter." A woman said. She got closer. Doctor Griffin. "Who did you find?" I asked, standing up and looking around frantically. Abby Griffin held a cloth to my head but I pushed her away. "Please, you're hurt." She said, looking worried and annoyed. I hit my head pretty bad apparently, I could feel blood on my temple. I made my way out of the drop ship quickly. I was blinded by the sunlight. The first person I saw was Raven. She was on a stretcher on the ground. She was pale and unmoving. Jasper's goggles were around her arm. Finn stood by her. "Finn!" I said as I ran to him and barreled into him. He hugged me. "I thought they took you too." He said. Finn's face was covered in blood and some scrapes. Someone cleared their throat. I turned and saw a hand cuffed Bellamy. "Bellamy! I thought you two were dead!" I yelled at him, I hugged him slightly. He looked tired and just as bloody as Finn. What happened to them? Kane walked past me and to help someone up. Murphy. I gasped at the sight of him, my mouth dropping open. "Babe, I'm so sorry." Murphy pleaded as Kane helped him stand. There was something wrong with his leg and he was beaten up again. "You... you're alive." I said, shocked. "We need to move out." Kane told Abby and the guards. Abby brought an other stretcher for Murphy. They lifted him and Raven up and I looked to the drop ship. This had been my home. Now, there was nothing left. Everything we made, we fought to keep, it was gone. Even our own people were gone. "Come on." Finn said next to me. He ran ahead to help with Raven. Abby gave me a cloth. "Put this on your head for now." She smiled. We headed out.


The walk was mostly quiet. Kane talked with some of the guards and occasionally asked us questions. I tried to keep my distance from Murphy but... I just couldnt. I had thought he was dead this time. But he wasnt. How could I stay mad? As we cleared the trees I was shocked. The site was crazy. The whole Ark was here on the ground. "Welcome to Camp Jaha." A guard said. The gate was opened and we were brought in. Sinclair met us at the gate. Jackson ran to Abby and hugged her. People stood staring at us. Abby rushed off towards the medical area, Raven being carried behind her. Kane took Bellamy somewhere. Murphy was being taken too. "Wait!" I yelled. I rushed to his side. "I'm sorry too. I love you." I said. Murphy leaned forward and kissed me. He was pulled away. "Y/N?" I heard. I didn't want to look away from Murphy but I turned and there stood my parents. "Oh god." I said under my breath. Finn tried to smile at me. "You should be with Raven. She'll need your support now." I told him. "You're right. I'll check in on you later." Finn said, he ran off looking worried. I knew all he wanted was to find Clarke. "Hi mom. Hi dad." I forced a smile as they came towards me. They pulled me into a hug. They were probably the last people I wanted to see right now. My mom started to cry. "I'm fine. Really." I struggled to move away. Now I remembered why I had stopped wanting to be around them. This and the complaints about how I destroyed my life. "Y/N!" I heard again. Sterling tackled me. Monroe right behind him. "Sterling! Monroe!" I yelled. "I thought they took you as well!" Sterling said. Monroe hugged me too. "I was still up in the drop ship when the rockets went off. I was thrown. Hit my head pretty bad." I admitted. "Whats wrong? What are they talking about? Who was taken?" Mom asked frantically while trying to see what I did to my head. "The grounders. They took our people. The rest of us." I explained, trying to move away from her. "I want to go find them." Monroe said. She looked ready to leave. "Ill go with you." I agreed. My dad pulled me back. "No you won't. You said they took them then let the guard find them. This doesn't concern you." He said. I pulled my arm free. "The guard isn't doing anything right now when they should. We know this area better then you do, we fought the grounders." I said sternly. My mother looked at me shocked. "You're not leaving. That's final. I will turn you in if you try to do this." She threatened, pointing a finger at me. "Then turn me in." I said to my parents. My father looked at my mother in shock. I turned and mom grabbed my wrist. "No, please! I thought you were dead once before, you could die!" She begged. I pulled my hand free again. "It doesn't matter what could happen! What matters is my friends are out there and they will die if we don't save them. All of this will have been for nothing then!" I yelled. People around us were staring. They seemed to forget I was an adult now. I had to learn to survive when I was sent down to my possible death. I sighed and walked away with Sterling and Monroe at my side. Behind us I could hear my parents arguing. I almost wanted to stay here but there were things more important than that. We needed to find the others. I stopped Sterling and Monroe. "Murphy was captured by grounders. He would know where they are. Bellamy and Finn might know as well." I said. Monroe nodded. Murphy would be in medical with Raven. "You go be with Murphy, we can figure it out later." Monroe said, pulling Sterling away. I went towards where I saw them take Raven. My mom caught up with me. "Where are you going?" She asked. I sped up a little. "To see Murphy." I said not looking at her. " What? No! He is a criminal, a murderer!" Mom said, jogging to keep up. "Look mom, I love him. Don't tell me I don't. I am a criminal just like him, I have killed just like him. Those grounders came at us, they started a war." I told her, stopping. She looked shocked. My parents didn't understand that the grounder threat was a real thing. "Murphy is a killer because his own people tried to hang him. Then they banished him. The grounders got him and tortured him for 3 days. I don't blame him for wanting revenge." I explained. I had told her this before over the radio. She probably thought I would get tired of him, just forget about him. She said nothing so I continued walking. I thought she wouldn't follow but, she did. Jackson, who worked close with Abby Griffin, was standing outside. "Y/N!" He yelled, hugging me. Jackson was always around when I was little. He had always loved medical stuff. I hugged him back. "I'm glad you are okay. Can I go in?" I asked. He smiled and nodded. Abby was inside talking with Finn. They both looked up. My mother came in behind me. Abby nodded to her. "How's Raven?" I asked, standing next to Finn. "Shes still unconscious. Abby said the bullet is pressing on her spine. She needs surgery." He told me. Finn got up and went to sit by Raven. I turned to Abby. "Can I see Murphy? Please." I asked. She looked unsure for a minute. "Please, Abby. I'm his girlfriend." I begged. She sighed and agreed. "This way." She motioned. I followed her to another sectioned off area. Murphy was laying on a makeshift bed. A blanket covered him mostly but I could now see the wound on his leg. It was bandaged up. He looked up. "Hey babe." Murphy smirked. He looked tired. Maybe it was just all the blood on his face. I smiled and went to his side and hugged him. My mother cleared her throat. I pulled away and frowned. "I'm her mother." She introduced herself. Murphy kept his arm wrapped tight around me. "Yeah, figured that much." Murphy mumbled. I sat down next to him and his arms went around my waist. Abby stepped forward to check his leg. "How did that happen?" I asked, ignoring my mothers presence. "Grounder stabbed me in the leg. I 'forgot' to tell him about the mines." Murphy grumbled. He yelled when Abby pushed on it. "Well its not infected, yet. Some cleaning and it should heal up just fine. But it will need stitches" She said, smiling. Abby leaned up and checked my head. "Its not too bad. Ill check in later." Abby said, walking to my mother's side. They had worked together on the Ark. "Em, lets go outside." Abby said, pulling my mother. "But-" She tried to protest. Abby had already pulled her from the room. I let out a breath I had been holding in. "God, that's your mother?" Murphy asked, an annoyed look on his face. I sat on the edge of his bed. "Sadly, yes. I know she's trying to protect me but, I can protect myself now." I said. Murphy laughed and laid back. "I thought you had been taken too at first." He said, holding my hand. I closed my eyes. "I thought you were gone. For good this time. I was terrified." I admitted. His hand clenched mine. "I couldn't let you come with me. If the grounders got you, they would have killed you." He said, sounding hurt. I smiled at him and leaned down to kiss him. Murphy scooted over so I could lay next to him. "I love you." He said. "I love you too." I said before he fell asleep. Murphy probably hadn't slept soundly in awhile. No one came in to bother us for an hour at least. I lay there, my head on his chest and stared at the ceiling. I missed my own tent. I missed the camp, it felt like home for so long. Now, the camp was useless and almost everyone had been taken. Miller, Monty, Jasper, Clarke, even Harper and Fox. I wondered how many of us were left now. So many had died at the camp. Murphy moved next to me and threw his arm over me. I tried not to laugh. Someone was coming in the room. Finn peaked in. He smiled when he saw I was still here. "Hey." He whispered. I carefully moved Murphy's arm and got up. "Raven's awake for now." He said. I looked at Murphy sleeping peacefully and followed Finn. Raven was in a small area too. She was still pale and sickly looking. "Raven?" I asked quietly. She smiled a bit. "You're okay." She said weakly. I nodded and held onto her hand. She winced in pain. "Stay still." Finn ordered. Raven smirked and rolled her eyes. "Any luck on finding the others?" She asked. I looked at Finn, he shook his head. Raven sighed. Since she came here, she really bonded with some of us. Clarke especially. Raven coughed and yelled out in pain. "I'll let you rest." I told her. She attempted to nod. I left the room and ran into Abby. "Sorry." I said quietly. "She's awake?" Abby asked. "Yes, but shes in pain." I informed her. Abby patted my shoulder. "We have no medicine to help. Even for surgery. She would be awake the whole time." She told me. I felt sick. Raven had been through so much, why this too? I nodded and looked back at her. She was talking with Finn still. "Um.. if there's anything I can do, let me know. Please." I told her. She smiled and nodded. I moved out of the way so she could go in. I headed back to Murphy. He was awake when I came in. "Is she okay?" He asked. Her yell must have woken him. "Raven's awake but shes in pain." I told him, sitting on the edge of his bed. "I'm sorry for shooting her." Murphy explained. "I know that, and so does she." I told him. He smiled slightly. "I'm going to go try and see Bellamy." I said. "You think they will let you in to see him?" Murphy asked. I shrugged. "I'm going to try at least. Ill be back later." I told him, getting up. He put his head back down on the pillow as I left. I left the medical tent and looked around. Kane was near the Ark. "Kane!" I called. He looked up. "Chancellor Kane." He corrected me. "Fine. Chancellor Kane, I would like to see Bellamy. Please." I asked. "No." Kane said immediately. "Please!" I begged. He sighed and walked into the Ark. I ran after him. "You have 3 minutes. Don't do anything stupid." He told me. The guards opened the door and I rushed in. Bellamy was pacing the room. "Bell!" I yelled, hugging him. He held on for a minute. "Are you okay? What about the others? Raven?" He asked. "We are fine. Raven needs surgery." I told him. I pulled away and looked at his face. There were still scrapes and blood on his face and neck. "Ill ask to have someone clean you up." I told him. "Have you heard anything about our friends?" Bellamy asked. "I'm sorry, no." I said. He looked heartbroken. "I should be out there." He said. "We will get our chance." I promised. The doors behind me opened. Bellamy hugged me again. The guards came in and grabbed my arms, pulling me away. I tried to push them off. "Get off her!" Bellamy ordered. A guard came at him. "Stop! Ill go, okay?" I yelled. The guard stopped and lead me out of the room. The doors slammed behind me and the guards let go. I rolled my eyes and walked out. Kane watched me as I made my way back to the medical tent. Finn was standing outside with Monroe and Sterling. "We need to go after them." Finn argued, loudly. Monroe shushed him. I stood next to Sterling. "We can't go anywhere with Raven like that." I pointed out. Finn looked annoyed but he knew I was right. "Fine, we will wait till she has had her surgery." Finn said, turning and going into the tent. "She should be ready in a day or two. Then we can go." I told Sterling and Monroe. I went into the medical tent as well. Finn was sitting by Raven again. Abby was closing up the cut on Murphy's leg. I went to his side and he gripped my hand tightly. Abby finished. She covered it with a bandage. She looked up and left. I turned and saw my father waiting just outside the room. He was looking at Murphy's leg. He had dried blood all down his leg still. I covered it. Murphy held onto my hand. I turned back to my dad. "Can we talk alone?" He asked, momentarily glaring at Murphy. "It's just Murphy. Talk." I said, refusing to leave his side. Murphy squeezed my hand. He had a dark look in his eyes. My dad sighed and stepped forward. "You will be staying with your mother and I from now on. Theres room for you in our tent." He said. My mouth dropped open. "Uh... no? I belive I am an adult now. I'm staying with John." I said. Murphy pulled me back towards him. My dad looked furious. "We are your family! Not these murderers and thieves you brought back!" He said loudly. His eyes widened as soon as the words left his mouth. I shook my head at him. "Leave. Now." I pointed at the exit. My dad clenched his fists and stormed out. I turned back to Murphy. "What the hell?" He said. I shook my head again. "Where will you stay if you can't stay here?" He asked. "Monroe and Sterling." I told him. But I would try to stay here with him though. There was no way I would stay with my parents. They were crazy. Abby came back in. "Sit." She said, pointing at the stool. I sat and she poured alcohol on the side of my head. "Ow!" I yelled. My head was stinging. Abby held a cloth to it. "It's just a scratch, not too deep. Just keep it cleaned." She smiled at me and left again. This time in the direction of Raven. Murphy had been holding onto my hand but let go after I squeezed it. "Ow." He mumbled. I smiled, "Sorry." Murphy smiled again. Even bloodied and scratched he looked good. Abby walked by. "Wait! Abby!" I called. I ran after her. She waited. "Bellamy has lots of gashes and bruises. Someone needs to help him." I said, slightly begging her to help. "Ill ask Jackson." Abby assured me. "Thank you." I said, going inside. I sat with Murphy talking for awhile. Finn came by. "Y/N, it's getting dark. Do you want food?" He asked. I nodded. I turned to Murphy. "Ill get you something." I said, going after Finn. He was waiting for me outside. We watch Kane walk to the Ark with a plate of food. "Must be for Bellamy." Finn pointed out. We walked out towards the center of the camp where most people had gathered. "This war is not over for us. After what we did, they will kill the rest of us." Finn stated. "Finn, we will find them. We will find Clarke." I told him. Finn shook his head. "I was stupid to think we could make peace with them." He said. I stopped him. "No. You can't just sit there and blame yourself." I said. Finn wasn't the same now. Sterling came up towards me with Monroe close behind him. "Here." He said, handing me a drink and some food. I smiled at him. "Thanks." I said, taking it and following them. There was a large fire going and several smaller ones elsewhere. I looked behind me and saw Abby helping Murphy out. He came over to me. "He needs some fresh air." She told me. I nodded and sat with him. Someone tapped on my shoulder. I handed Murphy my food and drink then turned. It was Captain Miller. "Captain Miller, how are you?" I asked. "I could be better." He joked. "I wanted to ask about my son, Nathan." He explained. I nodded. "Were you close with Nate?" He asked. "Yes, he was- uh, is one of my closest friends." I said. Captain Miller smiled. "He's strong. He will be fine. Nathan will protect the others. Like you." I promised. Captain Miller smiled a thanks. I smiled and turned back to my food and sat with Murphy. He looked small right now since he was curled up, shying away from others. "Are you okay?" I asked. He smiled weakly. "Yeah, it's just weird to be around all these people." Murphy admitted. Sterling sat on my other side talking with Monroe. Finn was on the ground in front of us not talking. It seemed like he wasn't really listening either. Murphy held my hand as we ate. I looked around at the Arkers here. My parents sat together with another couple not far from us. They looked unhappy and I saw them look over at Murphy and I. Jackson sat with Abby, who kept getting up to go check on Raven and bring her food. Guards were on watch everywhere still. I thought back to our first nights on the ground. Back when almost all of us were still alive. When we had fought the grounders, I watched as so many of my people were murdered by grounders. I fought to help them, to save them, but we still lost so many. Murphy squeezed my hand and I looked over at him. "Where are you?" He asked, smirking. "Just remembering our first days on the ground." I said. Murphy laughed. I looked over at him. "The nights we had before I got banished. They were great." I whispered, winking. I laughed at him. If I closed my eyes, it felt like we never left our camp. But this was real. Abby came over to me, kneeling at my side. "Kane informed me that Bellamy Blake is refusing food. Its been awhile since most of you ate, I'm guessing." She explained, looking at the others at my side. "What am I supposed to do?" I asked her. "Get him to eat something." Abby said, getting up and leaving. I sighed and shoved food in my mouth. Murphy looked at me shocked. "Ill be right back. Stay with Finn." I told him. Murphy raised an eyebrow at Finn. I walked away and past plenty of families with their kids. I walked by an Asian man and woman who looked slightly familiar. I made my way from the comfy warm fire to the cold and dark Ark. Abby was standing with Kane, talking. "Ah, Miss.
Y/N. You have 5 minutes to-" Kane started. I put my hand up. "I know." I said. Kane looked shocked but smirked and opened the door. The guard handed me the plate and let me in. Bellamy was sitting down with his head in his hands. "I told you 3 times already that I don't want your food! Just let me go!" He yelled. "Bellamy Blake. Don't yell at me." I scolded him while smiling. He looked up at me. I sat on my knees in front of him. "Bell. Eat. Something, anything. Please." I offered him the food. "I dont want to sit here and eat and talk. I want to be out there! I want to find our people!" Bellamy yelled, pointing outside. I grabbed his arm and made him put it down. "Bell, you can't help if you are starved." I reasoned. I sat the food down and grabbed a berry. I smiled and ate it, proving it was fine. I put my hands on my knees and pushed myself up. "I have to get back to Murphy." I said, looking back at the doors. "Bell, I'll be back soon. Okay? Just eat." I pleaded. I knocked on the door. It was pulled open quickly. Kane looked at me and motioned for me to walk out. Abby was waiting in the hall. I shrugged. "Bell can be stubborn sometimes. Maybe he will eat, maybe he won't. Its up to him." I told her. Abby didn't look happy but opened the door for me to leave. I hurried back to Murphy. Abby followed me. "Y/N, wait!" She said, catching my arm. "You and Mr.Murphy have been given a tent by medical." She said, pointing. I nodded. "Thank you, Abby." I said, going to find Murphy. He was right where I left him. I moved back to sit next to him. "Doctor Griffin found us a tent." I told Murphy, smiling at him. I leaned against him, putting my head on his shoulder. One hand intertwined with one of mine. He sat down the plate. "Lets go then!" He urged, smiling. I laughed and helped him up. "Night." I told Sterling, Monroe and Finn. I looked up and saw my mother watching me help Murphy. I found the tent quickly. It was one of the only ones by medical and plus there was my name on paper attached to the opening. I pulled the name off and helped Murphy inside. A single bed. I shrugged and helped Murphy pull of his jacket. He sat down, pulling me with him so I landed in his lap. Murphy pushed my jacket off, throwing it across the tent and yanked my shirt over my head. I bit my lip as he started to kiss my neck, leaving marks. My arms rested on his shoulders and his hands ran down my bare sides and to my hips. I felt his teeth graze my lower neck and then he bit down. I cried out slightly, making Murphy chuckle. His tongue smoothed over the bite. Balancing himself, he flipped us so I was laying down now. Murphy propped himself up on his arms. "Get ready for the best makeup sex ever." Murphy whispered in my ear. I yanked his shirt over his head. Even with all the cuts and gashes, the bruises and bandages. He was perfect. I kissed him, not stopping till I was breathless.

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