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As the stag pulled into King's Station, Ash jumped off and hit the ground, beginning to walk into the city.

"Where is he going?" Daisy asked.

"During their fight, Ash placed a scent marker on Acacia's cloak. He can reliably track her now," Reed responded.

"Hm, sounds useful," Daisy commented.

"He must have known that she would likely escape. The markers are usually used on elusive prey. It helps us track them easily," Reed noted. The two hurried up to Ash, who was on his way through the city, bumping into people and knocking things over. Many insects looked distastefully at him for his attitude, but he did not care. Daisy and Reed followed closely behind him, apologizing along the way to anyone Ash had disturbed.

"Hey Ash, no offence or anything, but you're being a little bit of an asshole right now. Could you stop running people over?" Daisy was not a fan of his attitude but did not want whatever Ash was feeling to be aimed at her. Ash said nothing, not even acknowledging her presence. Reed was beginning to worry.

"My lord? Are you feeling well?" Reed didn't want to have to return home with two missing lords, but Ash's actions were pointing to a likelihood that he would not be careful about these things. Once again, Ash paid them no mind and continued to walk. They had been walking for a short while when they reached a hotel. Ash went inside and began walking down the halls. The clerk called to him.

"Uh, sir! If you have a room, you must check in!" Ash was not listening and continued to walk down the halls until he reached a room. The clerk caught up to him and tried speaking to Ash. "Sir, this room is currently occupied. If you will follow me, I can get a room set up for you." Ash didn't even look down at the insect and kicked the door in. There were a couple of insects inside who were gathered in the entrance room. They all screamed as Ash walked in, but he walked past them and into the bathroom. When he entered, he found no one. He soon realized that Acacia had washed the cloak, so his scent marker had been washed away too. He was furious and slammed a fist into the wall, frightening the clerk and the residents. Without a word, he left.

"Find anything?" Reed asked. Ash didn't respond and just left the hotel lobby, beginning to walk down the street. Reed noticed he was heading to the path that led to the fungal wastes. "Wait Ash, where are you going?" Reed was confused. Finally, Ash responded.

"We've lost them. I'm going to get the best trackers from the tribe to help hunt them down." Ash didn't look back as he talked, but Reed could tell Ash was beyond furious. He had an air to him that felt unsettling. They walked, and Daisy was beginning to wonder if it was worth it. She decided to ask about Acacia.

"So, what did she even do?" Daisy asked Reed.

"Well, she killed a group of insects outside the village and threatened the life of a fellow lord, who is currently pregnant," Reed said. He was still full of hatred towards Acacia for her behavior towards his wife, but it was overshadowed by the fact that Ash seemed to be losing his mind over it all.

"Wow, that sounds insane. But Ghost told us all something different. He told us that she was going to be assaulted by those insects she killed in self-defense. That's what she said at least," Daisy wondered who was lying.

"Even if that is true, she still threatened the life of a fellow lord, one who was pregnant as well. She wouldn't have just killed a lord; she would have killed said lord's future heirs. It's abhorrent. We have a duty to uphold and bring Acacia to justice," Reed said. He did not believe the story that was told to him. Acacia was no liar, but he did not know if she would lie to save her life. She had done some foolish things before; he could believe that she could lie. The group continued to walk until they arrived at the village. Ash walked on stage and made an announcement.

"People of the Mantis Village! I call you now, as lord of the tribe! There is a powerful fugitive on the run. I request your assistance. Those of you who are excellent trackers and warriors are asked to step forward and help us to find this criminal and bring her to justice!" Ash spoke with ferocity and hatred. His words moved the townsfolk as many mantises stepped forward. Even a few outsider bugs stepped forward to help. By the time all who wished to join had stepped forward, Ash had a small platoon of soldiers and hunters who could help him track down Acacia. She would be in his claws soon enough. Clover, accompanied by Haley, walked into the village center. Clover spoke up.

"I wish to help as well," she said.

"Wait, dear, I don't think—" Reed was cut off by Ash.

"Good, we need all we can get," Ash said, beginning to walk away when Reed spoke up again.

"Now wait a second, Ash, she is in no condition to fight. She needs to stay home," Reed mentioned.

"That is of no concern to me. If she wishes to attend, then she can. You cannot control your wife, Reed," Ash spoke with his back to Reed, who was growing extremely agitated.

"No. I won't let your personal vendetta endanger my wife and my children," Reed said, standing his ground this time.

"What did you say to me?" Ash turned his head, murder in his eyes. "You forget your place, Reed."

"My place is the husband to Clover and father to her unborn children. I will not allow you or anyone else to harm the one I love. I do not care that you are my lord," Reed said, placing his feet in a fighting stance.

"You would dare defy my rule?" Ash turned to face Reed. Clover spoke up.

"Reed, if you wish me to stay, I shall. Ash, you forget we are three lords. It is not just your rule," Clover spoke firmly but softly.

"You forget one of our three is a murderer and traitor to the throne," Ash responded.

"Yes, but I am still here. Do not undermine my authority by placing yourself as the highest power in the tribe," the two were staring daggers into each other's eyes.

"Fine," Ash turned and walked to his tent. "Reed, pack your things. We leave in the morning."

"I'm not going. I'm staying here to care for my wife," Reed said. Ash stopped walking.

"Your loyalties are to the tribe," Ash spoke coldly.

"My loyalties are to my wife," Reed spoke with a fire in his heart. Ash said nothing in response and walked off. Reed took Clover back to their hut to care for her. Haley and Stan moved their tent closer to the couple's hut so that they could be available. Ash stepped into his tent and began working on battle strategies while Reed and Clover enjoyed a nice dinner with Haley, Stan, and Markus, who was happy to have 'aunt Clover' and 'uncle Reed', as he called them, staying with them.

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