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Ghost was walking down the halls when one of the palace butlers approached him. "Sir, the king has requested your audience."

"Very well." Ghost turned and began to head to the throne room. When he arrived, he was greeted by Hollow, Hornet, Quirrell, his mother, and Daisy. "Did I miss something?" Ghost asked with a little bit of sass.

"You almost did, dunderhead." Hornet shot him a sharp look. Ghost understood it was not the time to be goofing off and sat down next to his mother. Hollow began.

"As you all know, one of the three mantis lords has taken residence inside the palace. This meeting is to discuss what we are to do with her. I have already notified the other lords. They will likely be here within a couple of days. Until then, what are we to do with her?" Hollow looked to the other rulers in the room. While Ghost wasn't a king, he was her caretaker and he felt that Ghost needed to be involved in such a decision. Wherever she went, he was likely to follow. Hornet spoke first.

"I believe it would be best to keep her here. After all, if the other lords are on their way, moving her would be unwise." Hornet spoke with her usual tone, cold and sharp. Quirrell agreed.

"If they are on their way, moving the lord could cause unnecessary problems." Quirrell always took Hornet's side. He was loyal to her. It made sense. Root spoke next.

"I do believe there are other factors to consider, such as why she was not here in the first place. How can we be certain the story she has told us to be true? If she was assaulted, why not return to her fellow lords? Why run all the way out to Greenpath?" Root made a good point. Ghost was fiddling with his fingers as she spoke. Daisy spoke up as well.

"I second the motion. The Hive are on neutral terms with the Mantis Tribe. They harbor us no ill will. However, it is hard to overlook the fact that their lords do not often venture far beyond their borders. It is suspicious, to say the least." Daisy was different now that she wasn't drunk. She spoke nobly, but you could still make out a slight accent in her voice. Hollow looked to Ghost.

"We are at a tie. What do you suggest, Ghost?" Hollow looked to his brother, who was sweating and bouncing his leg up and down in nervousness. "Brother? Are you well? You seem anxious." Hollow noticed his brother's actions and worried for him.

"I am well, brother. And I personally believe that she should be allowed to stay. I have spoken with her extensively, and I have come to the conclusion that she is being honest in her words. As to why she was out in Greenpath, still eludes me. But I am certain that she is being truthful to us." Ghost hated lying to his family, but Acacia was the only ally he had. He needed her, and he would do anything to keep her. Hollow looked to his brother in slight suspicion, but continued on anyways.

"Very well, three votes to stay and two to leave. As I must be impartial, Acacia stays. Meeting adjourned, thank you all for attending." The group stood, and all began to exit. Root was limping slightly so Ghost went up to his mother to speak with her.

"Mother? What is the matter? Are you feeling alright? You don't look so good." Ghost cared for his mother dearly, and concerned for her health.

"I am well, my son. I am likely to begin the rebirthing process soon." Ghost looked to his mother in confusion. "I suppose I must explain. When my body begins to age and wither, I shed this body and return to a younger one. The process is long, and it can be painful at times, but nothing I can't handle. Do not worry for me. This has happened many times before. I would be more concerned for your friend. It is likely that she ran because she committed some crime. If that is the case, she could be dangerous." Root looked down at Ghost softly.

"What would happen should she have committed a crime and they return her to her tribe?" Ghost asked nervously.

"They would likely execute her." Root said with a blank look on her face. This response made Ghost feel something in his chest, fear? Yes. Likely because of the chance he could lose an ally and a friend. Something, however, made him think that maybe he was afraid for another reason. The thought made his face heat up, and he pushed the thought away.

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