The two moved through the city slowly, Ghost constantly checking their surroundings, and Acacia watching behind them. There would be moments where Ghost thought he saw something move from the corner of his eyes, but when he looked, there was nothing. The two continued to look around and move through the city swiftly. Acacia looked up at Ghost and asked a question.
"So where exactly are we going?" she asked.
"First, we need to reach the elevator that will take us to the Forgotten Crossroads. From there, we will go to the Blue Lake and enter the Resting Grounds. There, we will find Ze'mer's old home. Hopefully, she has something there that could lead to answers on how to defeat Shade," Ghost said, keeping his eyes focused in front of him.
"How far away is the elevator?" Acacia asked.
"Just up ahead. We'll be there soon," he answered.
The two continued to walk through the wet city until they reached their destination. This elevator was used by many bugs to transport items and such from the city to the Crossroads. It was cheaper than a stag and took less time than walking, so it was popular. Ghost had expected there to be many bugs gathered at the elevator, but surprisingly, he only found a few guards lounging about. They saw Ghost, but due to his disguise, they paid him no mind and went back to doing their nothing. Ghost pulled the lever and called the elevator. As the elevator descended, a familiar face was currently on his way down with the machine: Ogrim. He did not notice Ghost, as he was still wearing his disguise, but Ghost did wonder what the knight was doing here. The elevator hit the ground, and Ogrim sighed.
"Nothing. We'll have to check somewhere else for them," he said. One of the knights responded.
"What exactly are we looking for? You have yet to tell us, sir," he said.
"Maybe if you paid attention, you'd know. But it does not matter; we are looking for Ghost. Hollow has declared him a traitor to the throne and a danger to Hallownest. We need to find him and bring him into custody. Lethal force is permitted." Ogrim had a sadness in his voice; he helped train the knight when they were very young. It hurt his heart to have to hunt down his old student, but it must be done. "He is apparently traveling with a mantis; both are considered threats, and she must be captured as well, but our priority is Ghost." One of the knights looked to Acacia; she hid herself further into the hood of her cloak. Ghost noticed this and gently pulled her to the elevator and pulled the lever. Ogrim had yet to notice them, so he turned and saw the two mantises as the elevator began ascending. He knew Ghost was capable of disguises and immediately saw through it. He went to pull the emergency stop, but Ghost threw a spell, breaking all the levers. "You can't run forever, Ghost!" Ogrim shouted.
"I don't plan on it, old friend, but I have things I need to get done first. Maybe one day you'll understand." White flame swirled around Ghost as his disguise faded. "Stay strong, Ogrim; I promise all I do is for the kingdom. And for those I love." Ghost pulled his hood over his head as the elevator ascended out of sight. Acacia looked up to Ghost; she saw black tears pouring out of his eyes. She didn't know what to do, so she embraced him gently. Ghost tensed.
"You're doing the right thing, Ghost; this is for them. Remember that," Acacia spoke, and Ghost embraced her back. She could feel his tears against her cloak, and she tightened her grip. After a few moments, they broke away, and Ghost wiped the tears off of his face and looked up.
"Thank you, Acacia; I'm glad you are here with me." Acacia blushed at his words, but she just leaned against him and looked up at their destination approaching. When the elevator docked, the gates opened, and the two exited. Ghost reapplying his disguise walked down the stone path, and the two continued. "We head east, and we will soon be at the lake." Ghost continued to walk, and eventually, Acacia could see the reflection of the water bounce off the cave walls. Walking a short distance, they exited and came upon the soft yellow sand and the calm blue waters. Acacia couldn't help but sit and admire the serenity of the lake. She sat down on the lake's shore and stared out; she could barely make out the other side of the lake from where she was sitting. This place was massive.
"It's... beautiful," she could barely speak. Ghost sat down next to her, and she leaned into him; he placed his head on top of hers, and they sat and stared out on the lake. Acacia felt herself growing tired, and she could not contain her inner thoughts and spoke freely. "Ghost, I'll be honest with you. Even if you don't reciprocate, I need to tell you this. I know we've known each other for a couple of months, and in this time I have developed a feeling for you. I don't know what this feeling is; I've never felt this way for anyone else. I think it's love, but I have never known how to love another person in the way that a married couple would. I've been interested in you ever since I saw you when I was young. You probably don't remember, but when we were both very young, you arrived at the Mantis Village. I had sprung to attack you, and you swiped me down with one swing of your blade. I was on the ground, and instead of finishing me off, you spared my life. It is customary that when one loses a fight, they are put to death. But you spared me. Why you did I may never know, but I grew interested in you. I watched you defeat my mother and my aunts in battle, and I only grew more intrigued as time went on. I prayed that you would one day return so that I could know the one I was so engrossed with. When I met you at Hornet's celebration, I was overjoyed that I would get to see you and speak with you again. Then when you accepted my duel, you honored me; then you defeated me, and then you cared for me afterward. Yes, Clover told me what you did after our duel. Then when Shade manipulated me and I lost everything, you took me in, and you cared for me again. You've been so attentive, and you do everything you can to help and make me comfortable. Then we continued to travel together, and you've been placing my safety and well-being over your relationships with your friends and family. I never noticed until earlier, but this whole adventure is taking its toll on you. I'm sorry I haven't been as good to you as you have been to me, but I promise that I'll be here if you ever want to talk." Acacia finished off her speech with a yawn; then Ghost spoke up.
"I do remember you from all those years ago when I came through the village my first time at such a young age. All I saw around me was prideful warriors who would die before losing. Then I met you, and I could see that you weren't like the others. You didn't fight for the sake of fighting; you fought because you sought approval. It reminded me of my brother. He only ever did the things he did because he wanted father's approval over everything, and it almost killed him. Then all those years later when you asked me to duel you, I looked and saw that same little mantis who only ever wanted the approval of her peers. I accepted as not to dishonor you, but I would not kill you. You are strong, and you do not need others' approval. But I understand why you did what you did. I took a sort of pity on you when I saw you broken in the woods; Shade does that to people; they hate and they destroy. You are right to hate them. For me, I want to be rid of this horrible curse of their influence. I know I am not strong enough to kill them; no one is. But I want to sever this connection to them. I won't lie and say that I don't like having you here; you have been a wonderful companion, and I would have fallen a while ago if not for your reassurance and comfort. Thank you, Acacia. While I myself have never felt love, I know that I feel something for you, a closeness that I can't match any other emotion to." Ghost continued to stare out at the lake. Acacia looked up at him.
"So what does this mean?" she asked.
"Acacia, if I can sever myself from Shade, I'd be willing to explore myself with you, if you'll let me bring you along," Ghost answered. She nuzzled into his shoulder.
"I'd like that," she responded.

FanfictionShe watched him defeat her mother and aunts in battle, she is an adult now and has taken her mother's place with her cousins by her side, one fateful day that mysterious knight returns, fully grown and as silent as ever. She becomes obsessed with hi...