"Clover?" the giant spider asked.
"You know who I am?" she asked, but without warning, Thorn embraced her.
"A father could never forget his child's face! I am so happy to see you! I never thought I'd be able to!" Clover had not expected her father to be so affectionate.
Clover was not displeased with his actions. In fact, she embraced him back and returned his spine-crushing hug. He laughed.
"It seems my daughter inherited my strength as well!" His voice was booming.
"Be careful with her, dear. She has children with her, after all," Ivy spoke. Thorn gasped.
"You have kids? How far along are you? Have you already given birth? You didn't travel up here while you were pregnant, did you? I would have thought my daughter would be at least slightly intelligent as not to endanger her own clutch," he said.
"Yes, father, I have children. It's only been a couple of months. Yes, we traveled while I was pregnant, but we had no other choice. The tribe isn't safe right now," Clover said.
"Why?" Thorn asked.
"The civil war, right?" Ivy asked.
"It's less a civil war and more like the entire kingdom is trying to kill Ghost and Acacia," Clover said.
"What? Why is the entire kingdom after Acacia?" Thorn asked.
"An evil demon had possessed her and made her kill innocent bugs. Then that same demon made her threaten me," Clover said.
"So why is the kingdom after her and not the demon?" Thorn asked.
"Nobody knows of him, is my guess. Somehow he has kept his identity and involvement hidden. I only found out because this demon also possessed Ash, and now Ash is trying to kill us," Clover answered.
"Is he on his way here?" Thorn asked.
"Most likely," Reed answered.
"Well, we had better get prepared. If he is going to attack my daughter, he had better be ready for a world of pain!" Thorn was getting riled up; he hadn't had a proper fight in ages.
"What do we do first?" Clover asked.
"Oh no, young lady, we will get started. You are to sit in the guest bedroom on the second floor and stay there until you have successfully laid your eggs," Ivy said.
"That isn't fair! I want to help! I am capable!" Clover opposed.
"We do not doubt your strength, sweetheart. It would be better for you and for us if you stayed here and stayed safe for when the clutch arrives," Reed said.
"You picked a good one, Clover," Ivy said.
"He really is," Clover said, looking over to Reed.
Thorn walked up to Reed.
"I've only known you for a few short minutes, but it was you who got my daughter pregnant. And instead of running off like a child, you stood by her side and have been loyal to her. If you swear to me to value her heart and be only loyal and faithful to her, then I won't have a problem with you," Thorn said.
"Sir, with all due respect, I have been with your daughter for years. She means more to me than my own life. I would give my life up if it meant she could live a happy life with our children. Nothing could ever stop me from loving Clover," Reed said.
"Heh, alright kid. I approve of you. You hold onto that girl with everything you have; she is the best thing to ever happen to you. Oh, and one more thing." He leaned down close to Reed's face.
"You break my little girl's heart, and I will rip yours out, understand?"
Reed began to sweat slightly.
"Y-yes, sir. I-I understand." Thorn was a jolly man, but he was still a spider, and as spiders do, he was quite intimidating.
"Good! In that case, let us get to work." Thorn stood and walked into the kitchen.
"Pay him no mind, Reed. He was just reunited with his daughter for the first time since she was only a few weeks old. He will naturally be a little overprotective," Ivy said.
"I don't hold it against him. Should we have a daughter, I will likely be the exact same," Reed said.
"Good! Now that all of that is settled, let's get you moved to the guest bedroom, sweetie." Ivy placed one of Clover's arms around her, and Reed did the other.
After getting Clover situated in bed, Reed stayed with her while Thorn was preparing Clover some food. The rest were getting prepped for sleep in the 'house'. Daisy stayed on the first floor while the pillbugs slept in the second-floor lounging room. It was spacious and had plenty of room for the three of them. Daisy couldn't help but be sleepless. She sat up on the living room couch and pondered for a moment. She hadn't even noticed Ivy behind her.
"Can't sleep?" Ivy asked.
"No, not really," Daisy responded. She could still feel the scars on her back.
"Oh dear, those wounds have not been properly treated. Here, let me get you patched up, and we can talk," Ivy said as she walked to the bathroom.
The two sat down, and Daisy had her back facing Ivy.
"Now talk to me," Ivy said.
"I just can't help but feel guilty. I unknowingly assisted Shade in helping him hunt down Acacia and Clover. At the time, I thought it was Ash who I was helping, but that doesn't excuse what I did. I handed Shade the entire Hive army on a silver platter," Daisy said.
"If you didn't know, then where is your fault? You were tricked, just like Acacia. If I may ask, why did you want to help Ash in the first place?" Ivy asked.
"I don't know. Something about Ash made me want to be close to him. I wanted him to be pleased with me and to desire my company as much as I desired his," Daisy said.
"Oh, so you like him?" Ivy asked.
"W-what? N-no, I just, uh, I just..." Daisy was red in the face.
"Ah, young love. It's okay to like him. I understand wanting to catch the eye of a male you desire. I was the same with Thorn when we first met," Ivy said.
"But the thing is that I don't know where this attraction came from. All the time I knew him, he was possessed by Shade. I don't know Ash; I've only seen him and heard his voice," Daisy said.
"Sometimes that's all it takes. You like how he looks, you like how his body looks, you like the sound of his voice. Sometimes that's all it takes to spark an attraction. But are you going to pursue Ash as a person or for his body? Answer that, and you'll know if this attraction you feel is just a crush or if it is actual love," Ivy said.
Daisy pondered her words for a moment.
"Are we planning on killing him? Ash's body, I mean," Daisy asked, worried.
"I would rather not. If my sister found out I was partially responsible for her son's death, she would likely seek vengeance on me. If we can avoid killing him, that would be the preferable option. And done!" Ivy said as she pulled the final stitch shut.
"Wow, really? I never felt anything," Daisy said, stunned.
"The mind tends to ignore pain when heavily burdened. I made sure to disinfect the wounds and stitch up the openings. You'll be okay with a few days rest. And hey, think it over. When we get Ash back from that demon, confess to him. If it works out, then it works out. If it doesn't, then move on. I promise that as long as I live, no harm shall befall the boy. Goodnight, Daisy." Ivy walked away back into her room.
"Goodnight, Ivy," Daisy said.
She mulled over Ivy's words as she tried to fall asleep. She did think that Ash was physically attractive, and his voice was gentle and soft. Perhaps she did feel an attraction to him. If she did, she would do anything to save him.

FanfictionShe watched him defeat her mother and aunts in battle, she is an adult now and has taken her mother's place with her cousins by her side, one fateful day that mysterious knight returns, fully grown and as silent as ever. She becomes obsessed with hi...