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Clover was sitting in bed talking to Reed when Thorn walked in.

"Is Daisy in here?" he asked.

"No, why?" Clover asked.

"She was out front watching the cliffs, but when I went out there to take her place, she was gone and I can't find her anywhere in the house," Thorn said.

"You don't think she ditched us, did she?" Reed asked.

"No," Clover said.

"What makes you so sure?" Thorn asked.

"She likely ran off to try and save Ash," Clover answered.

"Why would she do that?" Reed questioned.

"She loves him," Ivy said from behind Thorn.

Nearby, Daisy was engaging in combat with Shade.

"Foolish girl! What makes you think you are strong enough to defeat me?" Shade shouted.

Daisy didn't speak; she just continued to fight.

"Oh? Silent now, are we? I'd ask you for your last words, but no one will hear them anyways," Shade taunted.

"I will get him back," Daisy said.

"What is with your obsession with the boy?" Shade asked.

"A demon like you would never understand," Daisy continued to strike at Shade; Shade merely dodged or blocked her attacks.

"Oh? You love him, don't you? Well, I'll have you know, love is not unfamiliar to me," Shade said.

"How could someone so vile understand love?" Acacia asked.

"Simple. I love hurting people. I love listening to the screams of pain. I just adore watching people struggle and fail," Shade laughed to himself as he spoke.

"You're sadistic," Daisy said.

"I am a higher being. A mortal could never understand the pleasures of a god," Shade said.

"You are no god, demon. You are just another frightened creature of the shadows," Daisy smirked as she spoke.

"You think that insulting me will get my guard to drop, hm? Well, it won't," Shade continued to launch his heavy strikes at Daisy.

The two exchanged attack after attack, both blocking and dodging out of each other's way.

"You will tire eventually. No one can fight forever. Well, I can," Shade said.

"I will never stop," Daisy said.

"Try as you may, you will lose. You will not be able to fight forever; you will tire and then you will die. But do not fear, when I rule this world, I will release Ash's soul and you can share a grave together. Doesn't that sound nice?" Shade taunted.

"I would prefer to spend my living days with Ash, so no matter what, I will defeat you and save him," Daisy said.

"You still have no idea on how to do so," Shade laughed.

Back at the house, Thorn, Reed, and Stan were preparing to go searching for Daisy.

"How far could she have gotten?" Haley asked, holding Markus.

"Not very far, not with her injuries," Ivy answered.

"We will be back soon, my love," Reed said, holding Clover.

"Please be careful," Clover said.

"Don't worry, sweetheart. I won't let anything happen to the boy," Thorn said, patting his daughter on the head.

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