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Clover was moving as fast as she could while supporting Daisy; Reed, on her other side, helped to support Clover. Haley had Markus in her arms, and Stan, behind them, made sure they weren't being followed.

"Why did you help us?" Clover asked.

"I don't know. When I saw that thing controlling Ash, I couldn't sit back anymore," Daisy answered.

"Thank you. You have my sincerest thanks. Had it not been for you, I would have been without my husband, and my children would have been without their father," Clover said.

"Wait... You're pregnant?" Daisy asked.

"You didn't know? I would have thought it was obvious," Clover answered.

"The thought never occurred to me. I likely wouldn't have been supporting Ash had I known that you were with children," Daisy said.

"It surprised all of us when it happened," Reed spoke up.

"I bet it did," Daisy looked down.

"Don't regret what you did, because you fixed your mistake. You sacrificed yourself for us," Haley said.

Daisy reached a hand behind her where her wings had used to be.

"A sacrifice I would make time and time again," she said.

"Why?" Stan asked from behind them.

"I don't know. I've always sought love for myself. I don't think it's right to tear that from someone," Daisy answered.

"Thank you for saving Uncle Reed!" Markus poked his head out of Haley's bag.

"Uncle Reed? Are you all related?" Daisy asked.

Haley laughed.

"No, Markus just does that. He calls the people he trusts Aunt or Uncle," she said.

"Well, little one, you're welcome," Daisy said as she looked at Markus.

"What's your name?" Markus asked.

"Daisy. I'm Daisy, little one," she answered.

"Aunt Daisy!" Markus said and sat back down in Haley's bag.

Daisy felt a surge of joy in her chest that the little pillbug trusted her enough to give her the aunt title. The group continued through the caves until they reached the exit. The winds of the cliffs were harsh and cold.

"How do you expect to find your father's house in this?" Stan shouted.

"We just have to look. I'm sure it's around here somewhere," Clover called back.

The six continued through the cliffs, checking every wall and stone, looking for anything that signaled a spider's home. Eventually, they found a small hut concealed in a hole in one of the cliff walls. Walking inside, they found a door, and Stan knocked. When the door opened, a large beetle walked out.

"Hello, who are all of you?" he said.

"We apologize for bothering you, sir, but we're looking for a spider. His name is Thorn," Clover said.

"Ah, yes, I know Thorn. If you continue descending the cliff face, his home is at the bottom," the massive beetle said.

"Thank you so much, sir. We'll be on our way. Have a good day," Clover said, and the group began to leave as the beetle closed the door.

The group continued to descend the mountain, the harsh winds blasting against them. Slowly but surely, they made their way to the cliff's base. They began looking for an entrance into the caves where Thorn's house was likely to be. Markus poked his head out and looked over to his right.

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