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Ash felt like he was floating around in nothingness. He could not feel anything, see anything, hear anything, or smell anything. It was empty, it was void. Then, from the darkness, he heard a voice.

"Ash," he heard his name being called.

"Ash!" he was called again.

"ASH!" It was loud and shook his body to its core. He saw eight glowing eyes in front of him and felt like he was about to be swallowed by a beast when he was dragged backwards and woke up in his bed.

"Ash! Oh thank goodness, you're alright!" Daisy said as she sat next to him.

"Where... What happened?" he asked.

"I found you on the verge of death in the wastes! What were you doing out there?" she asked him.

"I don't know, I can't remember anything, it's all a blur, I..." He stopped. In the corner of his room was a tall shadow with horns and eight glowing eyes. He was frozen, unable to move or speak or scream for help as the shadow moved towards him.

"For a moment there, I thought I was going to lose one of my most valuable puppets." All the memories of what he had been doing rushed into his head. He realized what he was doing, what he had been saying. He felt like he was going to vomit. "It doesn't matter. I was surprised when your mind was easier to break than Acacia's, but it doesn't matter. I'll just be taking the reins back." Ash tried to move but couldn't. The shadow continued to approach until it was at the edge of the bed. It held a hand up to Ash's face and forced its long, cold fingers down his throat. He felt like he was dying, his vision faded, and he returned to the void.

Daisy watched as Ash froze, then hunched over.

"Ash? Ash! What's wrong? Talk to me!" She reached out, but Ash grabbed her wrist and threw her across the room.

"Do not touch me. I have business to attend to." Ash stood, put on armor and a new cloak, and walked out. Daisy was beyond confused and frankly a little frightened. What had happened to him?

"Ash, wait! Your injuries haven't fully healed, you need to rest!" She tried to get him to stop, but he waved his hand and she was flung backwards again.

"I will rest when the traitors are dead." He spoke with hate and an icy tone that made her shiver.

"They are likely long gone by now. How do you plan on finding them anyways?" Daisy shouted.

"I have my ways." Ash continued to walk until he reached the town square. "My citizens! The time has come! We must begin our hunt! Unfortunately, I have horrid news to share with you all. Another one of our lords has left us; she deemed herself more important than the tribe and has abandoned us. Our prime target is still Acacia, but if you see her, do not hesitate to end the life of another traitor." The crowd looked at Ash and believed his words. They were angered by Clover's actions and hungered for blood. Daisy tried to reason with them.

"Wait! Shouldn't Clover be judged for her actions? Allow the law to handle deserters!" The mob ignored her and began gathering weapons to leave when Hollow and his knights appeared.

"What are you doing here?" Ash demanded.

"Acacia is traveling with my brother. I care not how powerful you think you are or how many of you there are. None of you are a match for him. If he has dedicated himself to protecting Acacia, none will ever be able to touch her. We offer assistance in hunting her down. You may take her, but we will have Ghost." Behind Hollow stood his mother and Ogrim, the last of the five knights, along with hordes of armored knights. Then the door to Deepnest opened behind Ash, and when he looked back, Hornet and Quirrell stood.

"My brother has made a terrible mistake. He must be brought home," Hornet called. Behind her stood the entirety of Deepnest's forces. Shade was laughing to himself; this was perfect. Ghost stood no chance against the entirety of Hallownest ginning for his throat. It was likely that Acacia would die as well, and Clover would likely run far, far away, staying out of their plans. Shade heard Ash's voice.

"You are horrible!" he screamed.

"What are you going to do, hm? Talk me to death?" Shade laughed at the restrained mantis. Ash did not know how to overcome Shade, and his body was subject to Shade's will. He was a puppet.

"I will get out of these bonds, and when I do, I'm taking my body back and setting everything right!" Ash shouted.

"Boy, you forget. I am no insect. I am a God! I am a force of nature! I am the darkness that you fear! I am the lord of all that terrifies you! I am death! I am darkness! I am the Shade Lord!" Shade laughed and sent Ash's mind far into the abyss, where he would never be found.

"What is our plan?" Hollow asked.

"Currently, it is to make one. We haven't a clue as to where he is at the moment," Hornet responded.

"He is at the Crystal Peaks," Ash said.

"You know this how?" Quirrell questioned.

"I have eyes everywhere. I got word this morning that he is hiding in the Crystal Peaks," Ash responded. It was true; Shade did have eyes everywhere, but they were not mantis eyes. He was looking through Ghost's eyes to see where he was, what he was doing, and what he was thinking.

"We will discuss that at a later date, but for now, we must head to the Crystal Peaks," Hollow said.

"What if he is gone by the time we reach there?" Ogrim asked.

"I wouldn't worry too much about that. I have someone trailing them; he will let me know if they move, and we can adjust our plan accordingly," Ash said. Root could be heard in the other room trying to silently weep to herself. She hated how her child was being so ferociously hunted, but she had no choice in the matter; he was dangerous and had to be stopped.

"Nevermind her; she understands what must be done," Hollow commented. "Now, we march. To Crystal Peaks!"

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