The next morning, Ghost said his goodbyes and began making his way to the palace. Placing a disguise on himself, he made his way through the kingdom, periodically stopping to have idle chat with the residents of Hallownest.
"I heard the king is searching for the silent knight. How goes the search?" he would ask in disguise.
"Oh, that? The king called off the search a few weeks ago when the knight bested him in a duel and fled from the palace with one of the three missing Mantis Lords," was the usual answer he got.
"How goes the state of the Mantis Tribe?" He worried for Acacia's people.
"They are currently under the rule of King Hollow, until at least one of the Mantis Lords returns," Ghost was certain that Hollow would care well for the Mantis tribe temporarily.
Ghost would give thanks and continue on his way. He was disguised as a simple pillbug so as not to arouse suspicion. After a week's travel, he finally arrived at the White Palace. When he entered, he did not notice any guards or his family, at least until he ran into Quirrell.
"Oh! My apologies, I hadn't seen you there, sir," Quirrell would apologize profusely.
"It is not an issue at all, Quirrell. No need to apologize," Ghost mentally slapped himself.
"How did you know my name?" Quirrell asked, confused.
"You were Monomon's most accomplished student. You are also the husband of the Lord of Deepnest. I don't know many that don't know you," Ghost saved himself from uncovering his disguise.
"Ah, yes, I suppose that is true. I guess I still am not so used to all the popularity," Quirrell looked off down the corridor behind him.
"Is something the matter, Quirrell?" Ghost in disguise asked.
"My wife, Hornet, along with the other rulers, are having a very heated discussion on our next move. You see, with Ghost, the Hive Queen, and all three Mantis Lords missing, the kingdom is in disarray. Needless to say, it has caused myself a great deal of stress," Quirrell admitted.
"I actually carry news with me of their whereabouts. I was on my way to deliver this letter to the king," Ghost held an envelope in his hands.
"Oh! Finally some good news! Here, let me take you to them," Quirrell began to motion down the hall.
"Actually, I have spent the last week working my way here. If you wouldn't mind, I would like to stop by the kitchen first, as long as I have permission from a lord?" Ghost looked up to Quirrell.
"Oh! Yes, go right ahead. I can take the letter for you if you'd like?" Quirrell held his hand out.
"That would be greatly appreciated, thank you," Ghost handed Quirrell the note and headed off to the kitchen.
Ghost wasn't actually here to get food. He knew where Hollow's personal servants kept the king's chalice. He would sneak in and pour a drop of moon water into his cup. Even the tiniest drop would expel the Void from his body as soon as he swallowed it. Ghost made his way to the kitchen door and readjusted his disguise into that of a chef's attire. Walking in, he immediately bumped into Barney. Barney was the executive chef, in charge of everything that entered or exited the kitchen. If Ghost wanted to get to the chalice, he would need to get through Barney first.
"Lackey! Where have you been? We have shit to do and you're off doing fuck all! Get back to your station!" Barney was a harsh man who spoke crudely and ruthlessly.
"Right away, chef!" Ghost knew better than to argue with the man. It never ended well for anyone.
Ghost made his way to the back stock, pretending to grab something but had instead cast an invisibility spell on himself. Making his way out and towards the chalice, he had to be careful while invisible. If he were to knock into anyone or topple something over, someone would notice and it would be over for him. With the chaos of the kitchen, this was easier said than done. He was ducking and dodging past all manner of bugs and moving carts, eventually making it to the chalice's case. The chalice was protected by shatter-proof glass and under lock and key. It would have been a problem getting the key if Ghost hadn't snagged the key from Barney when he bumped into him earlier. He had to hurry if he wasn't going to get caught.
"Where's my damn key!" Barney shouted violently.
Ghost hurriedly took the chalice and poured the tiniest of drops into the cup. Nobody would notice. Hopefully.
"And where is that little shit from earlier!" Barney was looking for him. Barney was anything but stupid and had likely already pieced together that Ghost had taken his key.
Ghost placed the chalice back in its case and locked it, making his way to Barney and slipping the key back into his pocket. He walked back into the hallway, took off his chef's disguise, and waited for Barney to take the chalice down the hall. He waited for a short moment before Barney busted through the door carrying the chalice in its case, a bottle of fine wine in his other hand. Out from behind him followed a few more chefs carrying cups of their own. Ghost took his chance and followed them down the hall. When he arrived, he stood just outside the door and listened in. Turns out, Quirrell hadn't even been able to get a word in yet.
"We haven't the slightest idea where Ghost could have run off to! We can't have already checked everywhere! What about the Howling Cliffs?" Hollow was shouting. He never shouted at anyone.
"If he went to the cliffs, then it is much more likely that he has already left Hallownest. By now, he is long gone," Hornet answered equally as loud as Hollow.
"This can't be it... No, he is still here, I know he is!" Hollow slammed a fist into the table.
"My liege, your glass," Barney set the glass container on the table and took out the cup and poured the wine into the cup.
"Hollow, you have to read this! A messenger came in and this envelope contains the whereabouts of Ghost!" Quirrell finally managed to get out.
"Hand it here immediately!" Hollow reached out and took the envelope and opened it.
"Here is what it says. 'My brother, by the time you read this I will be back inside the palace. Far closer to you than you may realize. I do not intend to leave the palace until we have met and exchanged words over what has happened. I look forward to seeing you soon.'" Hollow finished reading and took a drink from his chalice. The moment he swallowed, he collapsed onto the floor.

FanfictionShe watched him defeat her mother and aunts in battle, she is an adult now and has taken her mother's place with her cousins by her side, one fateful day that mysterious knight returns, fully grown and as silent as ever. She becomes obsessed with hi...