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Clover and Haley were wandering through Deepnest cautiously. The sentient inhabitants were very friendly, but it was the mindless insects that they feared. There were parasites that infected corpses and reanimated them, flying worms that could swallow you whole, and little burrowing bugs that could fling themselves out of the cave walls and take your head off. Needless to say, the place was terrifying for your first time through. Luckily for Clover, however, Haley had traveled all over Deepnest many times before and knew Deepnest well. What they didn't know was where Reed had run off to. He could be anywhere! And Deepnest was a winding maze of shadows and deceptive tunnels. Clover could swear that they had been walking in circles, but Haley said she knew where they were going, so she trusted her.

"Trust me, Clover, we'll find him. And if I may ask, what made you decide to turn over a new leaf and apologize?" Haley wanted to ask her questions now, and Clover would gladly tell the truth to her new friend.

"Originally, it was Ash who had told me that if I didn't change, Reed would hate me and I'd never get him back. But as I listened to the stories of all these other places and people, I grew interested, and I really did want to learn more." Clover looked back on her past actions and deeply regretted how she behaved to her friend and her lover. "I want to apologize again. The things I said and the actions I took were wrong. I see that now. I am sorry, Haley." She couldn't believe that she ever acted so childish and immature in the first place. How embarrassing.

"Clover, I'll be honest. You have nothing to apologize for. Outsiders are a problem in your culture. If anything, I should not have overstepped as I did. Having so many new people in your tribe that you've been taught are unclean and dirty, it makes sense that you'd explode the way you did." Haley was the type of person who did not hold grudges or hate in her heart. She forgave Clover not even an hour after the incident had happened. She put on a show because she thought it might be funny; she never once thought that maybe she would get the mantis to abandon the tradition and culture she had grown up in. Haley was positive that Clover and Reed's relationship would benefit from the new worldview.

"My tradition should not have clouded my vision so much. I should have noticed sooner how much good diversity does for the tribe." Clover spoke truthfully. Perhaps having so many different skill sets could lift the tribe to greater heights than ever before.

"Well, I'm glad you feel that way." Haley paused. "Has your opinion on crossbreeds changed at all?" Haley was hesitant to ask the question.

"I do not know. When it comes to Reed, I love him, every part of him, even if he is a crossbreed. I do not know how to feel about others yet." Clover looked down at her feet. She knew such a thought would not help bring her closer to Reed, but she was conflicted. She loved Reed. Could other crossbreeds be like him? He had the strength of a mantis, with the speed and agility of his dragonfly mother. He likely would produce incredibly powerful offspring, but could other crossbreeds be like Reed? When Clover looked up, she had lost Haley. She looked around her. How had she lost the pillbug so easily? She began to shout out into the dark tunnels for Haley.

"Haley! Haley, where are you!" Clover was beginning to panic. She was about to start moving when she felt a hand on her shoulder and Haley spoke up.

"Relax, sorry I hadn't noticed you stopped following me. Here, let's keep going." Haley walked past Clover and kept moving in silence.

"Wow, you scared me for a second there, Haley. Thought you had ditched me or I had lost you. I'd probably be dead if I was stuck here on my own." Clover began to relax again.

"Yea," Haley responded.

The two walked for what felt like hours. Eventually, when Haley wasn't looking, Clover scratched a small symbol into the wall of the cave. A few minutes later, they passed the symbol again. Ok, now she knew they were going in circles. She decided to speak up. "Hey, Haley? Do you know where we are going?"

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