Violet stood still for a moment before speaking.
"Well, what's everyone doing just standing around? Hurry up and get my son stable, damn it! NOW!" Violet had been in the room for only half a second and was already giving out commands.
Everyone began to scramble around the house. Daisy was preparing a small light meal for Ash, and the pillbugs were standing with Ivy, trying to wake Ash up. Reed rushed upstairs to Clover, who was still unaware of what was happening downstairs. Thorn was doing his best to keep Violet from tearing everyone's heads off.
"HOW COULD YOU LET THIS HAPPEN?" Violet screamed at Thorn.
"It wasn't my fault! I hadn't even arrived by the time Daisy had gotten to him!" Violet looked over to Daisy, who was still preparing something that Ash's body could handle.
"SO IT WAS YOU WHO ALMOST KILLED MY SON!" Violet charged past Thorn and screamed at Daisy, who was not having it right now.
"Yes, now if you keep interrupting me, it won't be 'almost'." Daisy glared at Violet, who was stunned.
"HOW DARE YOU SPEAK TO ME THAT WAY? I SHOULD KILL YOU RIGHT HERE!" Violet reached for her tooth spear.
"If you kill me, you'll lose the only one here who knows how to treat him. As far as I know, no one else here is a doctor." Daisy wasn't even looking at Violet as she spoke.
"HOW DO YOU KNOW NONE OF US CAN TAKE CARE OF HIM?" Violet was still yelling at Daisy, who was not fazed in the slightest.
"Because if everyone here were twice as smart as you, there still wouldn't be anyone smart enough to care for him right now. Now SIT DOWN!" Daisy said.
Violet was too stunned to speak. She just did as she was told and knelt down on the floor at the head of the couch, placing a hand on Ash's head. The group was still struggling with trying to wake him.
"Enough, I know how to wake him," Violet said softly. Everyone stood back.
"What are you doing?" Ivy asked.
"Let's just see what she'll do," Thorn said. Violet sat down on the floor next to Ash.
"Oh no! Ash, look! Daisy dropped her bath towel on her way to the shower! You better wake up or you'll miss it!" Violet was rubbing her nails with her thumb as she spoke.
The entire room paused. Thorn and Ivy were shocked. Stan was covering Markus's ears, and Haley was covering Stan's ears. Reed and Clover had confused looks on their faces, and Daisy was a blushing mess in the kitchen. Without warning, Ash shot up, only making Daisy blush more.
"Where?" was the first thing he said.
Daisy was on the floor, and everyone else began to bust out laughing.
"How did you know that would work?" Ivy said, shocked.
"I know my son, so I know his type. That bee girl has some spunk, and I know he would have his eyes on her."
"Did... You... Have... To... Do... That..." Daisy spoke slowly. Violet just laughed.
"What's the matter, girl? It's not like he won't see it eventually." Daisy couldn't take any more of Violet and just screamed.
"Have you no shame, woman?" Daisy shouted.
"None at all, my scrawny in-law." Violet placed her hands behind her head and leaned against the arm of the couch.
Daisy threw a pillow at Violet's face and sat down next to Ash.
"Hey! That is no way to treat your mother-in-law!" Violet said, smiling.
Everyone just continued to laugh. Ash was covering his face with his hands.
"Mother, please!" Ash begged her to stop.
"Don't be so embarrassed, Ash. Hey, I get it. The Hive has some attractive people." Violet placed a furled finger to her chin and smirked.
"MOM!" Ash was beyond embarrassed at this point.
Daisy wasn't having any more of this and took Ash's head and laid it on the arm of the couch, across her legs.
"Enough, you need to eat. To make sure you don't overeat, I'll be feeding you." Daisy said.
Everyone continued to laugh.
"FOR MEDICAL REASONS ONLY, YOU ASSHOLES!" Daisy said, with red covering her face.
"Sure, medical reasons," Haley joked.
"Next you'll tell us that due to medical reasons he has to sleep with you," Stan joked.
"Well..." Daisy started.
Everyone continued laughing. Ash was just continually becoming red.
"Look, I need to be able to monitor him constantly! That means when he is sleeping too!" Daisy tried to make some excuse, but nothing was working.
"You have to see these jokes writing themselves, right?" Thorn asked, through tears of laughter.
"Hey, everyone, I think that's enough. Let the couple have their privacy," Ivy said.
"You all are horrible!" Ash said.
"Don't get too comfortable down there! We wouldn't want two pregnancies on our hands!" Clover called from upstairs.
"Leave! All of you! I have a patient to take care of!" Everyone walked upstairs to Clover and Reed while Daisy and Ash sat on the couch.
Daisy took it very slow, constantly making sure that Ash wasn't suffering when he ate.
"I'm starting you off with just simple things: vegetable broth and some rice. We'll see how your body reacts to small— and I mean small— amounts of this. Then as the days progress, we can adjust accordingly," Daisy spoke softly to Ash, much softer than her tone just moments earlier.
"How much longer until I'm back to normal?" Ash asked, keeping his eyes on her.
"Could be a few weeks to a few months," Daisy answered, getting another spoonful of broth and taking it to Ash's mouth.
"How much longer until I can fight again?" Ash asked, taking a sip of the broth.
"Could be a while. I advise that you fully recover before you jump back into fighting," Daisy said, setting the bowl aside and checking Ash's pulse.
"I have a question. Did you kiss me just to free me from Shade?" Ash turned his head, and Daisy blushed.
"Well, no. I had no idea that doing that would free you. I just... wanted to kiss you, I guess," Daisy placed a hand on her face, and Ash turned to look at her.
"You... really?" He had a strange glow in his eyes.
"Y... yeah." Ash reached a hand up and pulled Daisy into a kiss.
"What was that for?" Daisy asked, stunned when she pulled away.
"I wanted to kiss you," Ash said.
Daisy sat completely still for a moment. Then leaned back down and let her lips lock with Ash's. They both melted into the kiss and only pulled away for air. From the top step, the two could hear clapping.
"That's my fucking boy, you get you some and I'll keep everyone upstairs," Violet stood and walked down the hall.
"How long was she there?" Daisy asked aloud.
"She is a hunter, who knows," Ash answered before pulling Daisy into another kiss.

FanfictionShe watched him defeat her mother and aunts in battle, she is an adult now and has taken her mother's place with her cousins by her side, one fateful day that mysterious knight returns, fully grown and as silent as ever. She becomes obsessed with hi...