Reed was walking next to Clover, who was still crying over her cousin. He hated seeing her like this, but he didn't know how to help, so he just held her close and hoped that it was enough.
"Reed, what will happen to him?" Clover asked, with tears in her eyes.
"I don't know. If he is lucky, he will survive." Reed couldn't look his wife in the eyes.
"I, for one, say that he should stay dead," Stan mumbled.
"Stan!" Haley shouted.
"What? He threatened to kill Markus! You weren't there, Haley. He was screaming about how he was going to hang our heads on his wall, how he was going to kill the kids! I, for one, would rather that monster be dead and stay that way." Haley looked down at a sleeping Markus.
"No, you're right. If he was serious about wishing harm to Markus, it's better if he doesn't come back." Haley heard Clover sob behind her. "Clover, I don't want him dead. But if it came down to it, I'm choosing Markus." Haley approached her friend and gave her a tight hug. Clover embraced her back.
"I can't fault you. I would do the same in your place. But I still grieve for my cousin." Markus woke up and looked towards the crying Clover.
"Why is Aunt Clover crying?" He asked.
"Oh, little one, you need not worry yourself with my tears." Clover did not wish the child to know the purpose for her grief.
"But tears mean sad. I don't want you to be sad, Aunt Clover!" Markus was a sweet child, much like his mother.
"You are a sweet child, but I insist, I shall be alright. You need not worry yourself." Clover placed a hand on the little pillbug's head and smiled at him. Markus slowly fell back to sleep.
"You two are raising him right. He is very empathetic and kind. He shall likely become a pillar of his community when he grows up," Reed said.
"Thank you, Reed. I am confident that whatever Markus decides for his life in the future, he will excel at it." Haley looked down at Markus as she spoke.
"The boy is strong. He'll be a great man one day," Stan loved his son and was very proud of him. The group continued. Clover was still sad, but she hid it so that Markus would not be upset. She was used to hiding emotion; she had done so ever since she was little. Her mother had told her that a proper lord must be emotionless and stoic if they wanted to become strong. Clover only started to explore her emotions when she met Reed. It was Reed who wished to know Clover more than just the stone-faced wall she had made, but the emotional and vulnerable side to her. He was raised in a society that valued expression, emotional and mental health. He was incredibly healthy and good to her; she wouldn't give him up for anything.
The group continued walking until they reached the Forgotten Crossroads. This place was much busier than the Fungal Wastes. So many insects were everywhere, making it easy to blend into the crowd and reach the entrance to the Crystal Peak. Had Clover not been pregnant and Markus not been with them, they likely would have gone through the well. But they were carrying so many items, and getting Clover and Markus up the well was likely to be challenging. The Crystal Peaks were not as dangerous as they used to be, considering that many now used it as a tourist destination. It was their only other way into Dirtmouth, and Dirtmouth was the only way into the Howling Cliffs. The group continued through the caverns and eventually made it to the entrance to the Crystal Peak.
"Aren't the crystals here dangerous?" Clover asked.
"Only if you don't know what you are doing. But don't worry, you have us here with you. You'll be just fine," Haley responded, trying to calm Clover's nerves.
"Worry not, love. We will be through it soon enough. Just take it slow and we'll be out soon enough," Reed nudged her with his elbow.
"We've gone through here many times; it's safe," Stan spoke up. His voice woke Markus, who saw Clover's nervousness.
"Don't worry, Aunt Clover! I play here all the time! There's nothing to worry about!" Markus spoke up. Hearing all of their reassuring words made Clover relax. The group began their trek into the shining caverns. They were beautiful; the pink everywhere was beginning to irritate Clover's eyes, but it wasn't too horrible. They would be out of there soon enough. The group was walking, and Haley paused for a moment to speak to one of the locals.
"Has anything changed since we were here last, Ruby?" Haley knew this pillbug. It was to be expected that the traveling couple would have many connections around the kingdom. Clover found it ironic that the miner bug's name was Ruby; it made her chuckle to herself.
"Nah, nothing much, just a few things here and there. Oh! That's right, there was a collapse on the western cavern; it's been closed off until we can clear the debris. You'll have to take the east cavern. We've put in protections there so you won't have to worry about it, just remember to watch for the sharp crystals. Suckers are razor sharp." Ruby finished and then flew off with her mining equipment.
"Thank you, Ruby!" Haley called.
"No problem, Hay Hay!" Clover giggled.
"Hay Hay? Is that your nickname?" Haley turned and laughed.
"Yeah, I get called that by the regulars we visit." The two women were laughing together while the men were confused.
"I don't get it, what's so funny?" Markus asked. Haley stopped laughing for a moment.
"It's just silly, is all," Haley said to Markus. "I don't care if you call me that, Clover." Clover snickered at that.
"Okay, 'Hay Hay'." She laughed some more; the two women were losing breath.
"Clover, sweetie, are you okay?" Reed worried.
"Yes, love, I'm okay. Come, let's keep moving." Clover and Haley finally calmed down enough to continue moving. As they did, Clover continued to admire the crystals. When they reached a sign that said 'East Cavern', they continued through the cavern and were beginning to reach the end when Clover heard a few voices ahead of her.
"Are you sure you know where we are going?" It sounded like a woman.
"I'm sure. I've been here many times. I know this place like the back of my hand," a masculine voice.
"What are we even doing here?" The woman asked. Clover began to recognize the voices.
"Ze'mer's recipe calls for a delicate flower and moon water. This is the only place to get moon water," Ghost said.
"If you say so," Acacia responded. The group of four turned the corner and came face to face with the Silent Knight and Acacia. The two groups noticed each other immediately, and they both paused, waiting for the other to make a move.

FanfictionShe watched him defeat her mother and aunts in battle, she is an adult now and has taken her mother's place with her cousins by her side, one fateful day that mysterious knight returns, fully grown and as silent as ever. She becomes obsessed with hi...