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We had a simple little wedding which it was hard to reel Lance in and to change his mind on going all patriotic with the red,white, & blue.

When he asked why I told him

"its our wedding that has nothing to do with the Olympics or this country we live in. its our special moment."

he agreed and we settled with blue-green which a very pretty color. not to mention it sets his eyes off perfectly.

We went away for a little bit for our honeymoon and it was there that we became pregnant.

it was a couple of weeks of me feeling like shit and not able to coach anyone or do hardly anything with our needing to excuse myself to rush to the bathroom.

first few times Lance rushed after me and helped me.  when he seemed to never end he scheduled me an appointment and took me. 

when the blood test results came back I was pregnant Lance jumped up in the air.

"yeah anther olypic gold medilst in the making" he says making the tech laugh while I simply smiled.

He and I had a long discussion about that whole olypic gold medalist comment. and I told him we'd introduce our baby to it but if they don't find it interesting we should be perfectly fine with it and just support them in whatever interest they will have.

Right now I am three months pregnant I have a baby bump which Lance loves touching all the time.  even when we are coaching the students he'll come over rub my belly and lean down to kiss it before walking back over to the student or students he's teaching. when he's aggravated he'll do the same thing.

I love how devoted and so hands on with this pregnancy he's being and how he always calls to check up on me when he's off scoutting.

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