Spread Your Wings

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"Grian!? hold on it will be fine!"

He didn't feel fine, he could feel the flesh on his back being ripped apart, welcoming a piece of him he never wanted, nor accepted.

"Mom! I think Grian is sprouting his wings!"

She seemed excited, but there was a hint of worry and confusion hanging in the air, one you could feel, yet it would be too awkward to


"Oh? Oh! Grian!"

She rushed to his side, he felt warm and welcomed kneeling there on the ground next to his mother, it was all so bittersweet, the love he felt from his family, his sister, his mother, yet the pain of skin tearing and bones regusting wanted to do nothing but pull him away. He gave into the pain and closed his eyes, hoping that if he slept it would go away... It didn't.

He just lay there, helpless, crying, broken. He could feel another presence in the room, it arrived with a cacophony of yelling and panicked scrambling, Grian didn't care enough to listen, he just curled into a ball and weeped, he hadn't cried in like that in years, in some way it felt relieving, like he finally had a reason to be sad, like people wouldn't judge him. He was in the middle of contemplating standing up when he felt a cold textile across his mouth, he immediately smelled the sweet floral scents of cherry blossom with a hint of samba wood as his eyes grew heavy and his limbs started to droop.


Grian was woken up by an abundance of banter going on in the room next to him. He stepped out of bed... his bed? How did he get here? He clumsy stumbled towards the door, when he felt his weight drift to his back, he nearly toppled over. How strange... he paid it no mind, he had just assumed that it was the dizziness messing with him. He made his way to the main room, so familiar, the round shape and the sandy walls sort of reminded him of star wars in some way, but he didn't have time to ponder, he needed answers.

His gaze drifted to them... his family, along with an abundance of neighbours, some were intrigued, others looked shocked, and his dad... he looked disgusted.

"Guy's... what happened?"

It was a simple worded question, yet it brought upon so many different answers, some left the room, others took a step back. It was his sister Pearl gliding towards him with such grace like she always had, when the chatter stopped, and everyone fell into a deafening silence.

" G... You- you've sprouted wings"

He took a step back. What!? He couldn't grow wings! You get your wings when you're 7, Grian was 14! He looked behind him, he was astounded at how large and beautiful they were. Their feathers all intricately weaved into a beautiful song fading from red, to yellow, to blue. They were so large, they might as well drag along behind him if he walked. But then he remembered. He looked around at all the neighbours, friends, family... they all had dark monochrome wings, they were all standing there with aw, disappointment or judgement painted along their faces. He glanced at their eyes... their eyes are all bright shades of blue or green. He had always had black eyes. He remembered the kids calling him a soulless human, for he did not look like anyone else from his species. The only thing he shared in common with his friends is his skin tone. His species were supposed to have dark hair, brown wings, bright eyes and pale skin. Though the skin thing doesn't really matter since they lived in a desert village, where everyone's skin was no longer glossy and white. Grian had dirty blonde hair like the sandy floor, his eyes were a deep pool of obsidian black, like the void, with speckles of purple when reflecting light. And now... instead of having no wings at all, he was bearing a large pair of bright colourful parrot wings.

Pearl, had her hands on his shoulders and his mother was standing behind her with polished and glossy eyes, ones a bright shade of blue.

"We still care about you honey, it's just... now your special"

She said it with a shrug, but anyone in the room could tell she was scared, not of him, but for him.

"More like a monster"

He mumbled, knowone heard though, except for Pearl. She brought him into a hug and comforted him.

"You were always special."

Grian had to blink and process, why didn't she cower? Why didn't she sneer? Because she loved him. No matter how special he was. Grian returned the hug with not only open arms, but also an open heart. He felt a single tear land on top of his dusty coloured hair. She was... crying? For him? Everything about this was wrong.

"What are we gonna do?"

You were always special ~ A Grian fanficWhere stories live. Discover now