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Few weeks passed nothing really changed, today Nicolas came in the middle of the night, a stab wound in the side of his stomach, he says another death eater found out about Draco helping the order, so he did the obvious killed him, I healed him as soon as I saw the wound, I couldn't help but worry about him and Draco.

After I finished healing his wound, Nicolas collapsed onto the bed besides me, the exhaustion evident on his face even if he doesn't let it show. "How is Draco?" I asked

He let out a heavy sigh, running a hand through his hair. "He's fine," he said, his voice weary. "But he's taking this hard. The weight of it all. It's not easy being torn between two sides, especially when one of those sides is led by dark lord"

I placed my hand gently on his arm, my thumb tracing small circles on his skin. "It's not fair," I murmured, more to myself than to him. "We're all just kids. We should be worrying about school and exams, not wars and death and betrayal."

He looked over at me. "You all are not kids anymore, and haven't been in a long time." I opened my mouth to protest, but he placed a finger over my lips, silencing me. "Seen too much, done too much, to pretend otherwise."

"And what about you?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper. He has been through much more, from a earlier age, he's seeing everything we're seeing since he was seven, does he ever get tired.

He let out a weary laugh. "I'm well past being a kid," He took my hand in his, intertwining our fingers as we're laying side by side "But you don't have to worry about me. I'll be fine. Someone has to keep you idiots from dying,"

"You talk big for someone who got stabbed in the stomach," I muttered.

"Touché," he replied with a small smirk. "But I got the job done, didn't I? Not a scratch on Draco."

"You need to be more careful," I said, my eyes fixed on the now-healed wound on his stomach running my hand over it. "You can't push yourself like this."

He grabbed my hand, stilling my movements. "You worry too much. I can handle myself."

I rolled my eyes, knowing better than to argue with him. "You always say that. And then you show up with more wounds than I knew were possible in the human body."

"And yet, I'm still here, right?" He said "Besides I don’t hear you complaining about being the one to heal those wounds."

I huffed, feeling a mix of annoyance and admiration. "Yeah, yeah" I fall silent laying my head on his bicep,


We lay together there on that small bed as the silence enveloped us again, my mind wandering back to Draco. I couldn’t help but wonder how he was dealing with the weight of it all. The expectations, the guilt, the stress of being torn between two worlds. It wasn’t fair, what any of us were going through.

It wasn't fair what he was going through, alone, if only he had let me be with him instead of pushing me away, despite all this, the realisation of being torn between these two brothers — Nicolas the man who has been here holding me for days weeks when I was alone, and Draco, Draco my chest hurts with guilt of my actions, and feelings towards Nicolas.

I feel guilty for a lots of things, like not being there for Draco, what must he has been going through.

I turn to look at Nicolas, the warmth of his body next to mine and the steady rise and fall of his chest. I feel guilty for how easy it was to fall into this comfort with him, how much I crave his presence when he's away.

How guilty he himself must be to have these feelings for me, despite his brother, he'd made it very vocal before too, that he was holding back because he can't do this to Draco I pushed him and some selfish part me would do it again to have him like this.

Malfoy | Draco Malfoy [Book1](Unedited!)Where stories live. Discover now