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“Taehyung? Is that you again?” I rambled off as I slowly moved towards his deep voice which was singing a song. He used to sing my favourite song whenever I felt awake.

“Maybe, we could be, slow dancing, until the morning~
Maybe, we could be, romancing,
the night away, yeah,”

He stopped singing when he saw me staring from afar, and then he smiled.

Why do you smile like you're alive and with me when actually, you're not?

“Taehyung?” I softly whispered while moving towards him.

“Yes, my love?” his soft deep voice welcomed me warmly.

“A–are you really here..?” I looked at him with emotional eyes.

I'm always here, with you, love.” He again smiled in his beautiful way.

“B–but you're–..” My mouth wasn't able to let that word leave as if it got stuck halfway.

I promised, didn't I?” He tilted his handsome face in a teasing way.

“A–are you coming back Tae?” I asked, full of hope.

“I never left that I have to come back to you, my loveHe chuckle in his velvety voice.

“P–please, don't leave me Taehyung..” I spoke and walked towards him to finally hug his body after such a tiring event.

Never, you'll always have me, love” He said before wrapping his arms around my shorter frame. His embrace was warm and comforting, as always, but something was there, that was missing.

“I love you Taehyung..” I sighed, closing my eyes to give them a rest and snuggled more into his warmth.

“Yeonmi?” The voice of his mother broke our hug and I turned to her with open eyes.

I ran to hug her tightly. “Eomma! L–look! T–taehyung! He's back! I told you he will come back!”

“Yeonmi..” I parted away in confusion at the quietness of her tone.

“He's not back, Yeonmi. He's not coming back! He's dead Mi!” She shouted.

“What? B–but look!–” I turned to Taehyung, only to find him nowhere.


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