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"Now, we go to 'Magic rings'." Jeongguk whispered close to my ears as he hooked his arm with me.

"Ew, stop. Why are we entering like a couple? And why wearing such a flashy and tight outfit?" I said in disgust, looking at him through the blinding lights inside the club. I tried to pull down the short dress that he suggested to wear.

"So we don't look out of place. Now, look! There, it's Taehyung or 'Jaebeom'." He dragged me to a stool, where we were hidden from the sight of Taehyung but we were able to see him.

"No, we are NOT acting couples. I want to see if he recognises me or not. I'm going." I started striding away from Jeongguk and closer to Taehyung.

"Yeonm-" I ignored him.

"Hey Taeh-" Just as I was about to talk in front of him, a man got before me, blocking my view of my 'dead' lover.

"Miss, please get away from here. A deal is going on, I would suggest, you have fun without involving yourself here." He said, looking dead serious at me.

"Hey, Hoseok. What's wrong?" Taehyung or 'Jaebeom' asked. His voice so much like tae were enough to brought tears but I didn't let them fall.

"Okay." I said in a quite voice and went back to Jeongguk.

"What happened? Plan flopped?" He laughed. "Now watch me, I'm just gonna play the quite boy who was brought in this club unwilling! Bye, enjoy here!" And he ran off to the table beside theirs.

I watched as Jeongguk quietly sat there and talked with some girls who noticed that he was handsome. He really was enjoying being the 'quite boy.'

I hope he's doing his task well.

I want to know the reason why Taehyung lied about his death, it hurts so much.

I'mma gonna beat his ass I swear to god.

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