Part 8:

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The demons got shocked to hear this . They couldn't believe what their king have decided .

Territory head Meng said , "King ! Forgive me for my imprudence but. ..I don't think it's a good idea. We all need a strong person as our queen who can walk shoulder to shoulder with you and run the kingdom when you are away".

The other territory heads agreed with this.  The demons were whispering among each other.

The looks they (demons) were giving Wei ying , weren't quite pleasing.

Wei ying clenched his fists thinking , "I don't like the way they are looking at me. I can't stand that. I don't want to marry this devil King. In future I might face a lot of difficulties here as I'm a human. I wish that this marriage doesn't happen".

Wei ying glared at the demons. Wangji was also glaring at them.

Wangji could hear them (Demons) talking bad about Wei ying and calling him weak and pathetic.

Wangji said loudly , "keep quiet you all. I have already taken my final decision. I Don't care whether you agree or not. I just wanted to tell you that I'm going to marry him and make him my queen and you all should accept this fact whether you want or not. I'm gonna marry him tomorrow. If anyone wants to attend the wedding they can and the others can go to hell".

Saying this wangji gave a death glare to the demons. He was transforming into his demon form. Black smoke was emitting from his body. All the demons got scared . They went on their knees and started asking for forgiveness. Wangji was Also releasing his pheromones which were making the demons feel suffocated.

Wei ying said with difficulty (as Wangji's pheromones were effecting him too) while holding Wangji's arm tightly , "Calm.. down...please".

Wangji glanced at Wei ying who looked scared , he was having difficulty in breathing. Wangji then calmed himself.

Wangji transformed himself into his human form .

Wangji angrily growled while saying , "Don't ever talk bad about my omega from now onwards otherwise you'll see my wrath".

Wangji then started dragging Wei ying away from there .

All the demons were angry . They couldn't accept the fact that their king is going to marry a mere human.

Territory head Xue said , "King is not doing the right thing. We need someone from our people to be the queen not a human".

The others agreed with this . But they can only talk because Wangji doesn't care about what others think. It's his life and he can choose whoever he wants .


Liying and Dilruba were really angry . They were thinking of how to get rid of Wei ying .

Dilruba gave a creepy smile as an idea came to her mind.

Dilruba said , "Liying ! Land me your ears. I have a prefect plan".

Liying smiled happily . Dilruba then told her plan to Liying after which Liying got happy but she was tensed too.

Liying said in a tensed voice , "But mom! What if Wangji Ge gets to know about it before our plan succeeds? He'll get angry".

Dilruba said while rolling her eyes , "Ah you silly girl! Don't think too much. Know that Your mom is Wangji's aunt and I'm not less cunning than Wangji. I have perfect plans. That bastard Wangji will surely fall in my trap".

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