Part 9:

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In human world :

Wei ying was roaming here and there trying to find a way out but couldn't. He felt like crying .

Wei ying was trying from quite some time to look for a way out but he didn't succeeded yet.

Tried , Wei ying sat near a tree while hugging his knees. He hid his face in his knees.

Wei ying thought , "How am I going to get out of here? I thought that lady demon will take me to Yang mansion but she left me here in this jungle all alone. Now I don't even know the way out. What will I do now? God please help me. Yang Zi Jie! Please come for my help. I need your help".


In Yilling:

Yang Zi and Yilling laozho were standing at a distance from eachother while holding their flutes.

Yang Zi said , "lets begin the fight".

Yilling laozho nodded. Then their fight started . They were using black magic and tricks on each other. Both of them were fighting with passion. None of them seemed like they will let the other win.

Just then , Yilling laozho felt something. He gestured Yang Zi to stop. Yang Zi stopped in confusion.

Yilling laozho thought, "Wuxian is calling for help. Wasn't he in demon realm? How did he came back to human world?"

Yilling laozho glanced at Yang Zi while thinking something and then said, "Lady Zi ! Let's continue".

Yang Zi nodded. Then their fight continued.

Yilling laozho thought , "I should let Lady Zi win. She will help Wuxian. I can't go for help as....".

He went quiet as he remembered that day.

For some time, the fight continued and a time came when the fight ended by Yang Zi winning from Yilling laozho.

Yang Zi was happy that she won.

Yang Zi said proudly, "hm. I won. Now you have to help me".

Yilling laozho nodded while saying, "ok. Follow me. I'll take you to the place where Ying is".

Yang Zi nodded. They both started going away from there.


In Demon Realm:

Wangji was standing on the stage, waiting for Wei ying. Nie Mingjue was standing beside him. Dilruba was also standing in a corner but Liying was nowhere to be seen . Mingjue didn't said anything as he knew that his daughter must be sad and might not want to see her love getting married.

There weren't many guests (demons) in the wedding hall. Only the territory heads and their few disciples were present . Wangji don't care about this. He don't care whether his people (demons) attend his wedding or not. He just wants to marry wei ying.

At last Wangji's wait was over cause Wei ying was standing at the hall entrance with Lilian standing by his side . Wangji smiled .

Wangji was about to go and bring Wei ying by himself on the stage but Gu Xiang stopped him.

Gu Xiang whispered in Wangji's ear , "Wangji ge! Can you Please Let me bring my brother in law to the stage?"

Wangji said after a moment of silence , "ok you can".

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