Meanwhile on Vormir

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Waiting for Natasha in the bunker was one of the more boring experiences of Kate's life. Even with the company, she knew she wasn't cut out for the stakeout life. She would leave that to Yelena. The Widow seemed to have a lot of experience with long and boring stakeouts. Though when she was with Kate, it was a little less boring. Kate closed her eyes and remembered that time they got caught mid-stakeout making out on top of the roof by Sonya. They still had yet to live that adventure down. Of course stakeouts and missions don't matter if the blonde kills her as soon as she finds out she left New York. Somehow, bringing her sister back from the dead didn't seem like enough of a reason for Yelena to not kill Kate. That was a future Kate problem though, "I don't think I'd want to live here," she broke the long silence that fell over the group.

"Maybe she didn't have a choice or any way to get home."

"True," Kate was glad she had Peter with her. He always seemed to agree with her. "Plus, how did she even survive that fall? I have so many questions."

"Look alive," Jen and Wong came back into the room with them. "I heard movement out front."

The four of them stood and watched as someone entered the tent, "okay. I've only seen her in pictures and videos but I don't think that's her," Kate whispered to the group.

The person fully entered the room, stopped and looked at the four intruders, "who the hell are you and why are you in my home?"

Kate waved, "hi. Big fan. I'm Kate. Future Avenger. Any chance you know when Natasha will be back?"

"Mmhmm," she put down a sack that seemed to have supplies in it. "What do you want with Natasha?"

"We are here to rescue her, ma'am," Peter held out his hand. "I'm Peter."

"I don't think she's impressed," Jen grabbed his forearm and lowered his hand. "Do you know Natasha?"

"I mean," Kate started talking with her hands. "Who doesn't know Natasha? But there are thousands of universes. We just started with the most obvious location of the transmission."

"It went through?"

Jen turned towards Wong, "confirmed she knows Natasha."

"Look," Kate was starting to get antsy, "do you know if she's coming back anytime soon or how we can find her? We've already been here a long time and besides the fact that im starving and you don't have any snacks. Well, I have this very angry Russian at home who is going to murder me if I'm not there when she gets back."

"Angry Russian?"

Jen said in an aside, "she must not speak English."

"Does anyone speak space?"

The woman gave Peter a look saying that she understood him loud and clear, "so you are the rescue team?"

They all turned when the door opened again, "Gamora, who the fuck are you talking to in here?" Natasha came into sight and everyone turned to look at her, "oh we do have company. Friends of yours?"

"They were sent for you."

Natasha just nodded before staring at the four of them, "let's start with you." She pointed to Kate, "who are you and why the hell are you wearing my vest?"

"I'm Kate," she tried to hide her starstruck look. "I'm Hawkeye if we are going by superhero names. And umm." She didn't know how to say what she wanted to say without stepping on Yelena's toes. "This is kind of my vest now."

"Did Clint give you the vest?"

"No," Kate shook her head.

"Maybe we should move on from the vest and get to the reason why we are here," Jen couldn't help her lawyer voice coming through.

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