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Cassia is the last child of Elrond. only thirty years Arwen's younger, she is very close with her sister and her father. where her and her sister differ is where their desires lie. Arwen is a strong elf maiden who lives in Rivendell and harmonizes with the lands while Cassia's free spirit pulls her all across middle earth to explore and learn knew ways of strengthening herself and the lands before her. 

Cassia is easily befriended by all except those who choose to be corrupted by the influence of Sauron's power. although not all grotesque beings were influenced by Sauron's power, anything that chose to harm her without question is another exception where she kept a distance. Goblins and Trolls were of these beings which she avoided. Dwarves were nearly on the list until she befriended Thorin Oakenshield and earned the respect of most dwarves for her noble acts in efforts to help them.

her place of residence lies in Rivendell but she has made home in the houses of Thranduil, Lady Galadriel and Lord Celeborn, and Denethor, though she tries to keep her distance from the white city unless one of her good friends Faramir was home from travels. King Théoden also knew of her but she had only crossed paths with the riders of Rohan and when she did see the riders in passing, she greeted Eomer and shared a few words and news with him in exchange for his news of his adventures and then they both go their separate ways.

she has a very close friend whom she often visited more than anyone even if she lied to her people about where she was going. it was not a lie of secrecy, it was a lie of annoyance for the amount of times she had been asked why she was returning to Mirkwood again. Legolas Thranduilion was born in the same year and the two elves formed a tight friendship as they were the same age and both of royal lineage and understood each others circumstances more than any of their other close friends. Legolas visited her in Rivendell almost as often as she visited Mirkwood but the two went on journeys across Middle Earth together more often then either of them would like to admit.


The structure of each story will go like this:

Title of story

summary of story so that you can decide if you want to read it or skip to the next story


1- time the story takes place

2- characters that appear in the story

3- if it was a request, the account that requested it will be named here. the request will also be copied here for further context unless i am asked not to.


(the actual story)

If you have any scenes or stories you would like me to write for you please make your requests in a comment here or in an announcement that i have made on my account. it will be easier for me to track any requests i receive.

 i do not write smut or anything insinuating it but i will happily write any romance between Cassia and those that she is familiar with. for her character, it is more likely for her to have romantic interactions with Legolas, Fili Durin, or Faramir. because the main character is the same elf through all of the stories it would make sense and be easier to write lore between her and those characters but if you have any other characters that you would rather it be with in a romantic situation i can see what i can do. i can't make any promises about other characters.

 if you want to include a title in your story request, feel free to. it will make my life easier but you do not have to.

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