Three days after Katerina had gotten the news that she would be flying in the F-22 and she had yet to really fly it. She had taken it out for a spin, sure. but she had not tried dogfighting in it, and she was ready.
It was a Monday, her students were in classes for most of their day and most of all, her squadron was stationed at Top Gun.
By the time mid-day came around she had booked the air time, along with a few F-18s for Pirate and his wingman to act as the enemy aircraft for her to practice in her new plane, along with Micky as her wingman.
The timing had lined up perfectly, the cast had just finished with their classes and Maverick, Pirate and Micky were all hopping into their jets. Monica, Miles, Danny, Glen and Tom plus the others who were there all followed an admiral into what they could only describe as a relaxed version of a control center. There were couches along the walls and on the only wall that did not have a couch was lined with computers who were occupied by workers.
Kat had told them that she was going to practice some dogfighting, she had seemed to be the most excited they had ever seen her.
They all assumed a position on the couches and began to silently listened to the radio that was connected to the frequency that their comms were stationed.
"Sparrow 1, away." Maverick.
"Sparrow 2, away." Micky.
"Sparrow 3, away." Pirate.
"Sparrow 4, away." Tornado.
As soon as they hit the air, the aviators started to get into a full on air force conversation.
----In the air----
As she flew up above the hard deck of 5000 feet she felt at home. For her the air had always been her home.
When her group finally reached a safe altitude, they started to make some small talk, it was something that they had perfected over the years.
"So, Maverick, how are the 'students' coming?" Pirate asked her, according to him it had been a lower position than the one she had held when she was working with their squadron regularly, and at first she had thought of it that way too, but it seemed that many good things would come out of it! She had already made friends with them and she got the new plane and that in itself was a win for her.
Once they had reached their preferred altitude for dogfighting they felt into position: Micky behind Maverick and Tornado behind Pirate. The pairs went their separate ways and then the dogfight began.
As per his style Pirate came on hard and fast, his wingman hanging back a bit. Maverick and mickey preferred a different system, they preferred to stay closer to each other and break apart when they had separate targets to attack. So when Pirate attacked them it was their signal to break apart.
Pirate came shooting down the middle of them and as they separated to each side he flew right by. Micky slowed down to go after Tornado as Maverick chased after Pirate.
The new F-22 Raptor was definitely different than the F-18s she had been used to, the stick was more sensitive and the controls were either just completely different or in a new place. It took her a few seconds to adjust to the new tech and placement before she finally got the hang of it and started to give Pirate a real chase.
----On the ground----
It was easy to tell when Maverick had started to really go after Pirate, the actors could hear his breathing speed up just a tad and they could almost swear they heard him mumble a few swear words under his breath.

~Maverick~ Top Gun cast
ActionWhen the cast of Top Gun: Maverick comes to Top Gun to learn how to fly a jet, and it turns out their instructor is the real life version of Maverick. This is based off of another story that I loved and wanted to make my own version. I don't know...