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Its had been two weeks since they stared practicing and they had been in the air everyday, except for the weekends when they all went out to the bar and got drunk. Maverick had to save each of their asses at least once by now.

Miles forgot how to put out his landing gear and had to do a fly by. 

Glen didn't let go of his breaks when taking off and left a skid mark.

Monica forgot how to open her canopy and got stuck inside with Lewis. 

Jay put himself int a nosedive and could not get himself out of it. 

Safe to say she was tired. After each incident they had been mocked by each other and Maverick got mocked by pirate. 

It was their first day off in weeks, and they were all exhausted. It didn't take long for them to be bored with themselves, not used to not having to do anything so they all went over to Kats room. It was cramped with all of them in there but they made it work.

Katerina brought out snacks that she probably stole from the cafeteria and then started the boredom conversations. 

Boredom conversations are conversations that are had when nobody knows what to talk about so you just start spewing random facts or information that is inside your head. 

Miles told everyone how he had an allergic reaction to the jet, information that most of them knew but some didn't. 

Glen told everyone that he was planning on getting his pilots license after the movie was done, and Katerina took that as a complement and boasted about it for a good five minutes. 

And the circle repeated for a few hours before everyone knew too much about everyone and they all left. 

It was nearing the start of the in air filming and everyone was verry tense, in one week they would be flying the whole course and for them to be able to get the 'ok' to start filming they had to do it perfect the first time with no help from any of their wingmen. 

They had all flown the course perfectly before so they really had nothing to worry about but nerves get to people in weird ways.

It was Tom and Miles who had to be worried, they had to fly in the old F-14 that had only just now been delivered to base, and they had one week to practice. Katerina wont be coaching them in it seeing as she had to work with the others, so they would be working with a stranger witch will not help.

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Danny: I am blind. 

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