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The actors had finished their training as scheduled and now they were moving onto filming. The way the directors had decided to do this was simple: They would film the actors and their on the ground scenes while Katerina and her squadron planned out how they would get the newly trained pilots to impersonate the mission. 

Kat knew that they could not have the actors in the air with missiles or guns going of around them so she had to coordinate how to move the planes around in ways the CGI team could add the effects and make it look real. So while the actors were filming she was in the air choreographing. It was not her dream, or what she was trained for but she could not help but admit that she had fun doing it. 

It had been about a month since she had spent any real time with the actors who were busy filming and moving locations so it was a surprise when they all sat down at her table in the cafeteria. 

She had almost finished her lunch when they sat down and struck up a conversation with her. "So," Glen started. "We hear your almost finished with the 'choreography'!" He put air quotes around the last word witch made her stifle a laugh. "Yup, its almost done." She look a last bit of her pasta. "I'm going up today to finish it and then tomorrow I'm going to run it all through." She stated with a smile. She was proud of it, she put a lot of work into it and she was going to make sure it was the closest it could be. 

By this time the whole group -minus Tom- had sat down with her and had started eating their food. "So how are you going to teach us?" Miles asked, speaking up for the first time since he had sat down with Glen. 

"So what were going to do is I will fly the course for each of you and the air traffic controllers will track me and put it on a course for you to watch and then they will layer them so you will see each of your positions at the same time, and then I will course you in the air." She stated it as though it was simple, but in the actors minds it sounded like a shit ton of work for all of them. 

She started to clean up her plate and check her watch before standing up, bidding them goodbye and walking out. 

Because of her having to maneuver the plane in a certain way she could not use her new F-22 witch was hard since she loved flying in it so much, she was flying in her old F-18. She had finished with Maverick, Phoenix and Bob, Fanboy and Paybacks parts and all that was left to do was Roosters, witch was form her perspective the hardest, at least for what she was doing. 

When she flew the mission they did not have all of the drama that had been added to the movie adaption, so there were aspects that she had to add to the flying that didn't happen, like Dagger 2 falling behind. So when she planned him slowing down she had to also plan for how he would catch up, the speeds and the math. All of witch she hated.  

By the time she was done Katerina was exhausted. She had flown Roosters route and then went down to the tech room and downloaded all of the routs onto a hard drive witch she then sent to the admiral for tomorrows briefing with all of the actors, plus the wingmen that had to be in the air with them in case something went wrong.

It was hard for the cast to define who Katerina was, when she was with them she was focussed and had an intent to do her job well, witch were both qualities that they could respect but it was hard for them to connect with her like they had hoped to. 

With each other it had been easy, they were together for pretty much all of their time and became fast friends, but with Kat it seemed that they had a hard time maintain the friendship, they would do some sort of work as a group, get close and then they would go do separate things and restart. 

Miles felt a weird pull towards her that he could not define. He really liked her, she was kind and liked him for who he was as a person. and its not like the others don't feel the same way towards her to, they had all expressed it at one time or another, but Miles felt like he felt it in a different way. 

~Maverick~ Top Gun castWhere stories live. Discover now