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3rd POV

Sometime in the night the light was turned off, giving Saija enough time to fall asleep. He didn't want to go to sleep, fearing that the man would come back, but he couldn't fight it, and eventually, darkness consumed.

Still, the light was on when Saija woke up again. Brian had woken earlier and was devouring some sort of meat. He looked like an animal as he ate. The two exchanged glances, but no words were spoken.

As he finished the meat, the lights flickered and the door opened, and there stood the masked man, holding a carving knife.

'The type of knife a butcher would use...' Saija thought to himself.

The man seemed enraged as he glared at Brian. His grip was so tight on the handle of his knife, that his knuckles had turned white, and his chest puffed out with every deep breath he took.

Fearing what might come next, Brian's breath caught as he fixed his gaze on the man. Gulping nervously as the man advanced on Brian with a heavy gait. He stopped in front of Brian, letting out a grunt and gesturing for him to stand. Brian listened without hesitation, he slowly began to stand, his hands trembling in fear.

The man tightly grabbed Brian's left wrist, roughly shoving it into the wall. He hissed in pain, but that didn't stop the man, in fact, it only fueled his rage.

The man brought the blade to Brian's pinned-down arm, grazing the tip against it and drawing a thin line, drops of blood spilling from the tiny slit.

"Please stop!" Saija begged, but the man didn't listen and continued on with his work.

He had started etching letters into Brian's skin. read. Brain stared at his now bloodied arm, tears slipping from his eyes.

"I—" He stumbled out. "Are you talking about the food?" His voice trailed off as he questioned. The man released Brian's arm and grunted as if to say 'yes'. "He told me to eat it all." Brian lied, to which the masked man looked back at Saija, as though to inquire if this was true.

Saija hesitated, lowering his gaze as he nodded. Though, the response didn't seem to meet the man's needs. He moved away from Brian and hurried to Saija. He roughly grabbed a handful of his hair, forcing him to stand, and shoving him against the wall. Saija let out a painful cry, his head throbbing in pain.

"Please," He pleaded with the man as tears began welling in his eyes. He was in excruciating pain in the back of his head from being previously struck. The man brought the blade to Saija's lips, using the tip of it to gently pull on his bottom lip.

He paused for a moment as their eyes met. Saija's eyes were full of fear, but the man's eyes were full of a sense of need. But need for what?

Withdrawing his blade, the man let go of his hair and reached down to rest his free hand loosely on the nape of Saija's neck. Leaning in closer so only a few inches were separating the two.

Saija had rarely had someone so close to him. So when he searched the man's eyes for an answer as to why, a chill ran down his spine, and his breath caught in his throat as he lowered his head.

Behind the man's 'need' there was something darker.

With a small grunt, the man in the mask leaned over Saija and pressed his other hand against the wall whilst still holding his blade. He leaned close to Saija, the snout of his pig skin mask grazing over his ear.

"Liar." With a deep, raspy voice, the man growled out, making it clear that he had been silent for some time. The grip on Saija's nape became tighter before the man pushed him further into the wall and backed up, obviously irritated by this whole situation.

He glared at the two men one last time before turning around and leaving the room, shutting and locking the door behind him.

Upon his departure, both men exhaled deeply in relief and collapsed to the ground. The room thick with tension.

Given that the man doesn't often feed them, Brain felt guilty for not sharing the food.

"I wasn't trying t-" Brian began, then stopped, at a loss for words. Saija could understand why Brian did what he did, but still, he now felt a level of distrust toward him.

"He knew I was lying." Saija admitted, and Brian gave him a puzzled expression, as though he wasn't sure what he meant. "He whispered the word 'liar'." He continued, and Brian's expression faltered to something unknown. And silence filled the air.

But, the silence was broken by the light flickering, and the door opening, and the masked man entering again. But this time, he was carrying something: a paper plate with a sandwich on it.

The man approached Saija and stopped in front of him, his imposing masculine frame looming over him. He crouched down in front of Saija, his arms resting on his knees. Saija's light green eyes were met with the dark eyes of the man.

The man looked at Saija with a look of expectance, as though he was supposed to know what to do. But he didn't. So, after a few moments of silence, he grunted in frustration and nodded toward the plate. Saija cast a suspicious glance at the plate, wondering if the sandwich was tainted. His hesitation only made the man more enraged.

He wasn't used to showing kindness, and now that he was and somebody wasn't accepting it. That made him beyond mad.

The man let the plate fall to the ground, then used his right hand to grab the sandwich and his other to hold onto Saija's jaw. He groaned slightly in pain and attempted to pull away, but the man's hold was too tight.

The man gave Saija a warning look as he gazed into his eyes with great intensity. But Saija hesitated, realizing the man was no longer wearing gloves; the man's hands were surprisingly clean.

The man shoved the sandwich into Saija's mouth, forcing him to bite and interrupting his train of thought. Saija began to choke and tried to spit it out, but the man covered his mouth with his hand, keeping it shut. He went on, breathing deeply through his nose while coughing, his eyes beginning to water.

When he eventually choked down the food, the man released Saija's mouth. Finally able to breathe via his mouth, Saija released panting breaths. Brian sat in confusion across the room, having never received anything but disgusting meat or scraps. The man held out the sandwich, and this time Saija didn't hesitate before grasping it. He took a bite, whilst the man just watched.

Saija paused as he swallowed his bite, and glanced up to meet the man's eyes.

"Thank you." Saija spoke barely above a whisper. He didn't want to thank the man, but he thought that perhaps if he was kind to the man, he had a better chance of getting out of there.

Confused over his remark, the man tilted his head to the side, and his eyes grew wide. This was new ground for the man, no one had ever thanked him. For anything. He grunted softly, acknowledging his words.

For several minutes, he remained squatting there, observing Saija with curiosity. But after a short while, he picked up the plate and got to his feet.

He turned to face Brian and held up two fingers. When Brian realized what that meant—he would have to go without food for two days—he froze. The man then made his way out of the room, letting the quiet take over.

With just under half the sandwich remaining. Saija cast a glance toward Brian.

"Do you want it?" Saija questioned, holding it out to Brian. Saija was hungry, but this was nothing new to him—When he was younger he'd often go a few days without food. Brian glanced over and rolled his eyes. With a hint of remorse gnawing at the back of his mind, Saija simply nodded and continued eating.


Hey y'all... i just wanted to lyk, if y'all want to give me any ideas or criticism than u can either comment here, or mssg me...anyways, good night y'all <3

Word Count: 1421


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