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3rd POV

 Saija sat up against the headboard, staring at the bedroom door, waiting for it to open. 'What did I do?' He buried his head in his hands, letting out an annoyed heave. 'Did I go too far?' He feared that his rejection was too much for Levi, it had been hours and he had still not returned. Even now at 2:00 am he wasn't home. 'Why do I even feel bad? He's a bad person, I should be happy he's hurting. He is a perverted man who kidnapped me in the dead of night.'

He pressed his head back into the headboard, guilt eating away at him.

'But, he can be nice. He makes me food, let's me read and sleep all day. And when he kissed me, it didn't feel bad.' He gently ran his index finger over his bottom lip as he recounted the kiss, remembering the gentle yet hungry touch of Levi. He wanted to have hated that kiss. He wished it repulsed him, made him feel sick, but it didn't, and denying it only made his feelings stronger.

It was then the silence was disrupted by the heavy steps of a man coming toward  the door. The door pushed open, and there Levi stood, soaked, water dripped from him forming a small puddle on the ground beneath. They shared a glance, but no words were exchanged.

Levi stepped into the room quickly disappearing into the closet. Closing the closet door, which was unusual-he would usually leave it open atleast a crack so Saija could watch-

After a few minutes, he stepped out of the closet, wearing sweatpants and a wife beater. He made his way over to the bed, not even offering Saija a second glance as he got into the bed over the covers.

"Levi?" He whispered, needing to hear some sort of reassurance that he was okay. But Levi didn't pay him any mind and continued to lay there silently. Saija hesitated before scooting down on the bed so he was now lying down. He scooted closer to Levi until their shoulders were pressed against one another. He took in a deep breath, his brows creasing together. "It felt good, and that scared me." He admits, as their knuckles brush against one another.

There was a brief moment of tense silence.

"The things you said," Saija hesitates, "and when you kissed me. I was scared to admit that it felt good." He confessed, his voice slightly shaky.

Levi's hand gently came to rest atop Saija's, a small sign that he understood.

Silence ensued once more, but this time, it was comfortable, the sense of understanding clear. And with that, the pair drifted off to sleep.

The Next Day

Saija came downstairs, his hair still wet from the shower he just took. He ventured into the kitchen in desperate need of water. Levi was standing at the counter, cutting tomatoes.

He stared for a moment before moving to the cupboard, reaching up for a glass. But as he did, he realized all the glasses had been moved to a shelf just out of his reach, something Levi had done so that Saija would 'need' him. He didn't want to ask Levi for help, his guilt from the day previous still resonating deep within.

He wondered if maybe he could climb up onto the counter to reach it, but he could understand that'd be a stupid idea and he could, and probably would, get hurt. He glanced back at Levi only to see he was already watching him. Saija's cheeks flush red, and his throat became dry.

No words were exchanged as Levi walked over, Saija didn't even need to say a word for Levi to come to his rescue. He reached up, grabbing him a cup, but he didn't hand it to him. Instead, he took it upon himself to fill it with water before handing it over.

Levi didn't linger long before he returned back to his work, cutting tomatoes. Saija stared at him, anxiously chewing at the inside of his cheek.

He took a small sip of water, setting it on the counter.

"Can I read to you tonight?" Saija asks in a quiet tone, a lack of confidence in his words. Levi pauses, feeling almost confused at his sudden offer. He nodded lightly.

That Night

Sat against the headboard, Saija watched as Levi made his way toward the bed, dressed only in sweatpants, which hung dangerously low.

He crawled into bed beside Saija, sliding beneath the covers as he did so. Once fully hidden under the thick comforter, he slipped his mask off. Resting his head against Saija's thigh as he wrapped his arms around it.

Saija began to read aloud, his cheeks flushing red as he felt Levi's hot breath run over the smooth skin of his thigh.

"Saija." Levi breathed, his lips brushing over the outside of his thigh. His voice filled with need. Saija's heart skipped a beat as he stumbled over his words. Levi pressed a soft kiss to his thigh, his breath drawing heavy.

Without warning, Levi's tongue slipped out and ran over the already sensitive skin of Saija's thigh, his grip tightening.

Saija managed to ignore the tingles, but then a sharp pain came from his thigh. Levi bit him. His teeth sank in, imprinting into Saija's flesh. He quickly released, immediately easing the temporary pain with his tongue, using it to massage the area.

Biting his lower lip, Saija managed to suppress a whimper. His cheeks burned red, his eyes glazing over. The line between pain and pleasure blurs as he struggles to understand what he is feeling.

Levi finally stopped and rested his head on Saija's thigh, feeling satisfied.

Saija sat there silently, his breathing labored.


Sorry it took so long to get this one out, i've just been pretty busy. I thought my summer was gonna be boring and I'd have alot of time, but I've had like zero time to do much. And I'm not sure if I like this chapter, it seems to short and idfk...awkward. So please lmk what y'all think and I hope you like it, if not then...suck it. Anyways, goodnight y'all<3

Word Count: 1045


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