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3rd POV

 It had been 2 days since the incident, and Levi had yet to return, or even turn the lights on. And because Saija didn't have a bucket to use, while sleeping, Saija had urinated all over himself the night before. Saija still lay on the concrete floor shivering whilst he slept. Levi stood outside the door, watching him through the glass. Though he'd never confess it, Levi harbored deep regret over his actions; he just couldn't keep his emotions in check.

The light flickered on, causing Saija to wake, the sudden bright light burning his eyes, and causing him to wince in pain.

The door unlocked, and Saija's breath hitched, fearing what was to come. Levi walked in, breathing in the pungent odor of urine. He looked toward Saija, prepared to say something, but paused, horrified by the hand-shaped mark on his cheek. He hastened to Saija, kneeling beside him and gently grabbing his face.

"Please," He whispered, "Forgive me." He begged, but Saija only pulled back and shot him a filthy glance. Levi's eyes pleaded with him to reconsider. "I'll let you take a shower." He offered, which piqued Saija's interest.

"And get me clean clothes." Saija added. Levi nodded. "I'll forgive you." He whispered, Levi grabbed his hand, guiding him to stand. Levi took a set of keys out from his pocket and reached for Saija's wrist and began to undo the shackle. Upon the release of his shackle, Saija displayed a subtle smile whilst gently massaging his wrist. Levi kept a light grasp on Saija's wrist and began leading him out of the room.

As they walked through the basement, Saija took this as a chance to scope out the area. There was blood splattered everywhere, and the stench of carnage was heavy in the air.

At last, they emerged from an exterior door, and he took a deep breath, relishing in the heady aroma of fresh air.

"You like?" Levi questioned as he led the way through the trees. Saija hesitated before nodding, and Levi sighed with relief. They continued on, following a pathway that led deeper into the forest, where Saija spotted a large wood cabin, that looked to be rather old but was in good condition. Vines were crawling up the sides, engulfing the cabin.

They walked up the porch to the cabin, and Levi released Saija's wrist as he began to unlock the door. Saija glanced at the forest, wondering how far he'd get.

The door opened, and Saija was greeted by the enticing aroma of freshly baked apple pie as they entered. Saija hesitated, the cabin being in stark contrast to the basement.

It was warm, welcoming, and cozy, whereas the basement was...not.

They made their way up the stairs and toward a room.

"If not for being kidnapped, this would be a nice place to stay." Saija softened his voice as they paused in front of a door. Levi opened it, and as soon as he did, Saija wished he hadn't.

Hundreds of images of Saija were taped to the walls, and several were even lying on the floor, covered with what one could only assume was Levi's Seamen. Saija stared in confusion, noticing most were pictures from his phone... photos he had taken of himself, and the others were polaroids of him sleeping.

"What. The. Fuck..." He whispered, his face contorted in confusion.

"You—you don't like it?" Levi asked, perplexed and somewhat stung by Saija's words. His head slumped down in despair. Saija wanted to yell at him, tell him it was disgusting, and made him feel sick. But he felt that wouldn't go over so well.

"It's just—," Saija paused, at a loss for words; the sight revolted him, yet there was something almost strangely endearing about it. "If you ejaculate on someone's photo, you shouldn't then show them. It's creepy." He continued speaking softly as if to soften the blow.

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