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Their trip has finished, it was something they had enjoyed so much, so many memories to cherish, the quality time spent with the people they love, filled with warmth and happiness, it was definitely a trip they'd always remember and reminisce about.

To Ishan and Shubman, this all felt a lot more special, they got to know so much about each other and had gotten more close since they were practically together all the time. They had already gotten so used to that place as well, leaving it felt like leaving home. Painful.

The next up was the psychology conference in a very prestigious university and it has been a delight. They got to meet and hear the thoughts of many geniuses of the field. Mrs. Banerjee even got her students to sit and talk with a very famous author and professor, specialised in parapsychology and criminology.

"Hey, Shubman, what's up?" Mayank asked, coming to stand beside Shubman, "What are you doing standing here?"

"Oh, nothing," Shubman looked at him, giving him a small smile.

Mayank looked at where he was looking before, "Oh," He mumbled noticing it was Ishan he was looking at -Obviously- with a guy who was from this particular university.

"Wondering who's that?" Mayank asked Shubman with a knowing smile.

"Yes, no, I mean no. Definitely no," Shubman rambled.

Mayank chuckled, "Are you jealous?"

"No, I'm not. Why would I be jealous?" Shubman mumbled, a frown etching his face. Yeah, why would he be jealous? There's nothing to be jealous of. That guy might just be a friend. What if he's not? His brain suggested, at the very wrong time.

"If you say so," Mayank muttered, suppressing a smile.

"Who is he, by the way?" Shubman asked, looking back at them. He internally rolled his eyes as he noticed the lad placing his hand on Ishan's arm.

"Rishabh Pant," Mayank replied, "He was with us in school,"

"Hmm," Shubman nodded.

"You know, Ishan have had a crush on him for more than four years," Mayank said.

"Oh, wow, that's long," Shubman mumbled. He remembered reading somewhere that if a crush last for more than a year, it's not just a crush anymore. God, why the fuck did that hurt?

"Don't you think he should confess already now?" Mayank asked.

Shubman finally teared his eyes away from Ishan before he starts looking like a weird and creepy person. I think you already were. His brain spoke, at the wrong time. Again.

"Yeah, he should," He mumbled, forcing a smile.

Mayank winced a little as he saw the look on the man's face. He looked like a kicked, hurt puppy. Even though he was trying to hide it behind his smile, the smile too seemed very saddened.

"Oh, God," Mayank muttered to himself, "I'm so sorry, Shubman, I was just joking,"


"Yeah, Ishan had never had any crush on him, I was just teasing you," Mayank muttered, receiving a glare from Shubman, "Rishabh is a friend, more like a brother to us, nothing else. And he already have a girlfriend as well,"

"Right now, I really feel like punching you, Mayank," Shubman grumbled.

Mayank grinned awkwardly, "Hehe, Sorry,"

"Fuck you," Shubman rolled his eyes.

"Nah, that's Abhi's job," Mayank muttered, receiving an eye roll from Shubman.

Destined hearts (Ishan x Shubman)Where stories live. Discover now