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I'm willing to die with and for you.

To calculate a plan for running away, ensuring their full safety, Ishan needed some time to think and unfortunately he was ordered to go to the kingdom in the north with a peace treaty the day after they had even decided on running away. He decided he will think of a plan during this time and after he goes back, they can finally be free and with each other. 

So, here he was, sitting in a gigantic room of the neighboring kingdom's palace, staring out at the moon from the balcony, that not-so-surprisingly reminded him of his beloved. 

Strangely, he was feeling very restless today. There was a weird feeling in the pit of his stomach that was probably trying to tell him something was wrong. His heart was anxious and ached a lot but it wasn't a physical pain, but instead something that made him feel scared, worried, and want to cry and he didn't even understand why. He had this weird urge to just leave everything and immediately run back home, preferably in his love's arms, his comfort place, his home.

Ishan sighed, glancing down at his hands that were very jittery. He looked at them for a second before fisting them tightly and closing his eyes. “I hope he is fine.” 

After tossing and turning in the bed for so long, almost the whole night, Ishan was finally about to fall asleep before his sleep got interrupted again in the form of his door being barged open. 

“Your Highness!!”

Ishan's eyes widened at the intruders. He got up from his bed immediately, alarmed. “Maya, what are you doing here? Is there something wrong back home?” 

“Your highness, we need to go back right now.” Manav, a man around the same age as Ishan, said. His twin sister, Maya, was standing beside him but she looked like she was too shaken to say anything, her hands were trembling, fear etched onto her features deeply. 

They were the main Royal Mages of Ishan's kingdom, having grown up alongside him because of their same age. You can say they were Ishan's only friends in that huge, lonely castle he was supposed to call home that actually never felt like one. 

“What happened?” Ishan asked. His whole body had tensed completely, face drained of all the colour. Manav was travelling with him but Maya wasn't supposed to be here, she was supposed to be home and if she is here, then it's definitely some dreadful news. 

“What happened?” Ishan repeated again, this time his voice has risen in volume. He was already restless from the morning and now this. 

“The que- queen somehow got to know about you and Sir Shubman.” Maya was the one who spoke this time. Her voice was trembling, eyes filled with tears as if something very horrible had happened or was about to happen. “She is holding him captive right now.” 

Ishan's heart dropped to his stomach at the words, his breathing turning laboured. He covered his mouth with his trembling hand, stumbling backwards. NO, NO, NO, OH, MY GOD, THIS CAN'T HAPPEN!! WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO NOW?!! OH, GOD!!

“We gotta go back immediately.” Manav said, grabbing Ishan's hand who looked like he was in a trance, completely rooted to the ground. Maya held his other hand, both the twins closing their eyes as they prepared to transport back to their kingdom. 

In a minute, they were in the garden of their own palace. 

“Where are they?” Ishan asked. He looked like he was finally back to his senses now, a little out of the initial shock but his whole stance screamed worry and anxiety. Urgency.

“In the throne room-”

Even before Maya could complete her sentence, Ishan had already started running towards the throne room, almost stumbling and falling down in the way.

Destined hearts (Ishan x Shubman)Where stories live. Discover now