How it began

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Hi I'm Angel and this is my story of how I met the Doctor. I didn't think I could meet someone like her and I hope I can find out the answers I've been searching for. I was an orphan and was adopted by the Sinclair family. I don't know what happened to my family but there is something strange about me that I can't seem to figure out. I don't remember my parents but it makes sense since I was a baby when I was left at the orphanage only a strange device with me.

It was clearly from them but it didn't look like something a normal human could make. As I got older I started speaking another language besides English, it didn't make much sense to me. I was at the orphanage until I was 10. They didn't know when I was born so they gave me a birthday on the day my parents left. That's definitely a great day to have a birthday. It was January 1st 2004, it was 2024 so I was 20 now exactly. I was adopted by the Sinclair's who were great to me. I had a normal life mostly besides the weird things going on with me.

Ryan was protective over me ever since they took me in and he was the best brother I could ask for honestly. He tried to help me find out more about this mysterious language, I wasn't taught it or anything but it was the only language I knew. The orphanage wasn't exactly qualified to teach English and they weren't that great as I got older. Almost treated me like I didn't really belong. I was so glad when the Sinclair's got me and I felt so loved by my mum but sadly she passed away when I was 12 and Ryan was 11.

Our dad left us to our grandparents Grace and she had another husband then but it didn't work out. When I was 17 and Ryan was 16 Grace met Graham, they met in a hospital. He was a patient. Two years later they got married and have been for three years but he doesn't know much about me. Besides the fact that I'm adopted but he didn't mind and he treated me like part of the family. Ryan wasn't as close to him which made sense because after our father left he wasn't as trusting.

Our grandad left but not for the same reason but because of me, I wasn't normal and it was obvious. If you look at my life you know I'm not an ordinary human, I'm highly intelligent which is how I finished education at 16. A year after being given to our grandparents, I had a diary which I wrote in my own language. Since living with Grace I started to try to learn more about myself. I managed to get myself into what seemed to be based on aliens. I didn't find anything on myself but I learnt about aliens that had appeared on Earth.

They never even noticed their system was hacked in the first place and I wrote all the aliens that appeared on Earth. Grace's first husband didn't get why Ryan's mum adopted me because it would have been better to adopt a normal child or why she didn't have another child with her husband. She saw me on an ad to the site as she was scrolling through and no one seemed to want me because I was nearly a teen already. Ryan also wanted her to because he didn't mind having a sister even if I was older than him.

When he saw the diary one day he just left, I mean some of the monsters I admit were scary looking. I couldn't say anything to it because Unit seemed pretty private with the amount of things that I had to get through. I guess Ryan didn't trust Graham because he was worried he would hurt me. Grace seemed to know more than she was telling though about my language especially. I also taught Ryan my birth language a few months after being adopted but it took him to 14 to understand it, so a few years.

We only spoke to each other in it secretly it was helpful for him to talk about how he felt because in any case someone did find out they wouldn't understand it anyways. It seemed so easy to speak for me but I guessed it just wasn't easy to learn.  I wasn't sure what Grace knew about it though and I didn't talk about it because I don't think she would give me the information.

I felt so lost since I felt I didn't belong and it was hard to make friends, the only person who dared to be friends with me and Ryan was Yaz but we lost touch with her which is sad. Anyway enough about me let's move on with the story:

I was just getting ready in my room when Ryan came up. We're going to help him ride his bike today and like I mentioned it was a struggle for him. I try to be there for him as best as I can. He came into my room and sat on the bed with me as I was sorting my makeup. Nothing fancy, just basic, I found a repetitive routine to be calming.

"You ready sis?" he questioned and I nodded.

"Breakfast is ready downstairs," he let me know, I immediately knew he made breakfast for me again.

"I can make breakfast myself," I assured him.

"I know just want to make sure you eat, I know you often forget breakfast," that was true.

"Well thank you but let me make breakfast for you sometimes then, you're allowed to be taken care of too, I'm the older sibling it's meant to be the other way around," I felt I should be looking after him not the other way around.

We got up from my bed and I got my jacket. We both went downstairs to be greeted by Grace. Graham wasn't here but I was guessing he was getting ready still. He always did take a bit of time to get ready it drove Grace mad sometimes especially if there was a given time we needed to be somewhere.

"Morning you two, you ready for this Ryan?" Grace asked him.

"Never am but I know I can do this," he spoke determinedly.

"It's good to be determined but don't push yourself ok Ryan, it's perfectly ok to not be able to ride a bike," I assured him.

"Yeah I guess," he replied.

"Ok you two, we better go," Grace told us.

We got up and cleaned our dishes before putting our coats on. I was sure he would do ok and that in time he would learn to ride his bike.  We walked to the hill where I was holding Ryan's bike. It was surprising, but I was pretty strong. My family didn't really question the strange things about me anymore. It was just normal and if anyone dared to look at me in a strange way Ryan gave them the death stare. He was pretty protective over me despite me being stronger than him. I guess that was just a normal brotherly thing.

Grace and Graham loved how close both of us were. We both had each other, I wished Ryan would try to get close to Graham. Maybe try to call him Grandad I know he says he doesn't mind but I can see it hurts him that Ryan is so distant. We finally got there and I stood with Grace while Graham stood on the other end.

"You can do this," I assured him which made him smile a little.

"Three, two, one, go!" Grace counted before giving him a push and he peddled unsteadily along the grass towards Graham.

He was getting further than the last time. I was really proud of him getting so far and he was still going until Graham decided to open his mouth like he always does which I think makes Ryan lose his focus on what he is doing.

"Go on Ryan, you're doing it, mate!" he shouted and then Ryan fell off.

I ran over to him with Grace to make sure he was ok. Didn't get a chance to say anything to him before he threw his bike off the cliff. Well that does seem like an overreaction but it's definitely annoying not being able to get something no matter how many times you tried. We all sat on the cliff edge and Ryan seemed to be a bit calmer.

"I should be able to do it, it's just a coordination condition," he spoke annoyed.

"It's not your fault Ryan and you're trying so that's the main thing just try to keep at it," I assured him.

He nodded with a sad expression and our grandad mentioned about him having to get his bike alone. We all got up since we had to get the train back. I would have gone with him but I decided it was better if he had space. He's the type of person that needs some space to calm which I got. Graham and Ryan weren't different in that way. I turned back around as we walked.

I saw Ryan going carefully down the slope. Once I could no longer see him, I paid my attention back to getting to the train.

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