Sent us all to space

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The others went to bed since it was pretty late but I was energetic so I stayed up. I didn't get a chance to write in my diary. I still remembered my language at least. When I was done I read through the pages to remember what I did. The Doctor got a bit of sleep also and I let her sleep in my bed. When I was done with my diary I put it aside. It was nearly morning I went into the kitchen. I decided to make pancakes since who doesn't like pancakes? I got everything I needed.

I started to make the batter which was pretty simple. The others woke up when I started frying them. I was going to make two each.

"Morning, did you get any rest?" Graham asked.

"No but I'm not tired and I feel fine," I assured him.

"Sis not to be rude but you literally changed your...," I cut him off.

"Yes I did but I'm really ok there's no need to worry about me," I was never putting my feelings aside this much.

I was definitely the overly sarcastic type which was different. I didn't use sarcasm that much as my old self. That seemed weird to think, it would take a lot of time getting used to this. I finished the pancakes for everyone and we all sat down.

"So what's the plan?" Graham asked.

"Well I need to find my Tardis and probably get some new clothes, I'm guessing you need some new onee also Angel," I nodded.

"First stop clothes store and then to the warehouse?" Ryan asked.

"I think I will stay here with Grace last night was pretty tiring and we're not as you as you lot," he told us.

"Well I'm actually over 2000 Graham so the oldest here but sure you two can stay if you want," she told them.

"What are you exactly?" Ryan asked.

"I'm a timelord...well lady now from the planet Gallifrey, my planet though it's gone," she looke down sadly.

I noticed something though, her planet being Gallifrey there's no way it's just a coincidence right. Definitely worth a shot asking.

"Is Gallifreyan the language of it...?" I asked trailing off.

She covered her mouth looking and face palmed. I was confused did that mean it was. My brain was kind of lagging right now. It was probably nothing though.

"Oh Angel I'm so didn't even know the planet's name and I just told you that it's gone," it kind of clicked then.

"At least I know where I'm from now of course I find it out when the planet is gone," I spoke letting my guard down.

"Angel...," Ryan trailed off.

"No don't worry I'm ok, I should clean up let you lot get ready, you and Nan get back to bed Grandad get a bit more rest," they went up.

I gathered everyones plates and rinsed them before putting them in the dishwasher. I then started filling the sink so I could do the dishes. Everyone went to get ready and the Doctor stayed in the kitchen with me.

"You're really ok?" the Doctor asked.

"Yep of course I am, it's one of those you know no point staying sad about it," I replied pushing the tears back.

Just learning about my planet to realise it was gone. Maybe it hurt more than I was showing. I just couldn't show my emotions though. There was this guilt that I would someone make the others feel not good. I didn't have that before so it was new to me. I didn't want to hurt them though or be a burden because I didn't want to lose them. Grace wanted me to be normal and I didn't get that as my old self. If I wasn't normal she might leave me too. So might the others.

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