The woman

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(Author note: Just letting you know when they're using telepathy I will use this ' and when Angel is talking in her language with Ryan or someone else it will be in italics because there's no keyboard for it.)

I was on the train with Grace and Graham. They were talking with each other and I was just listening to my music. Graham was worried about him not being called Grandad.

"Do you ever think he's going to call me Grandad?" Graham asked worried

He seemed worried and I knew he was. I remember feeling that way with my adoptive parents. The fact our father threw us to the side is so careless. We didn't consider him a father anymore but I'm glad Grace took us in. It did take some time for me to trust but they waited patiently. They still took care of me. I felt loved and just hoped I wouldn't lose it again.

"Give him time," Grace advised bringing me out of my thoughts.

"She's right Grandad he might still one day," I assured him.

"Three years we've been married and Angel is ok with calling me Grandad," he pointed out.

"Well she grew up with an adoptive family and you've never been happier in these three years," she smiled.

I put my head in my hands and looked away not even hearing what Grace said to the man across from us. I blushed red in embarrassment. Graham also seemed embarrassed. I shook it off and looked back at the window. The train came to a halt suddenly and it went dark.

"Everyone alright?" Graham asked.

I saw Graham had fallen out of his seat. We all got up to look around and Grace checked the doors while we checked everywhere else. It looked like everyone had gotten off but what were they running away from. Maybe we should do the same. I heard the sound of the doors locking or maybe we weren't getting out of here any time soon.

"Graham, the doors just locked we're shut in, I can't get them open something's wrong," Grace mentioned to him confirming what I had heard, seems we were stuck here unless...

I managed to bring the device I mentioned. I was about to get it unlocked but then I started to hear electricity down the train, my hearing was pretty sensitive compared to a normal humans. They seemed to hear it too after a while and we all started moving backwards to the back of the train. It seemed hopeless but then a woman fell through the roof of the train. That's one hell of an entrance.

"What?" she asked as soon as she stood up.

We pointed behind her and she stabbed it with an electrical wire.

"Ok should have brought us some time," she let us know which was good but also not because there was no way out.

We looked up at the ceiling and she mentioned she would talk about it later which was understandable, there was no time for stories right now. Grace mentioned the doors were locked and the woman started searching for something she mentioned was a sonic. I was about to pass her mine but then decided against it. There could be others on here that we didn't see. First we sort this out and then we will have to see if anyone is still here. The creature came back to life and seperated us from Karl.

"It's going to kill us," he spoke seeming terrified.

"If it wanted to it would have, what's your name?" I asked trying to keep him calm.

"I'm Karl," he replied anxiously.

"Ok Karl, just want you to take some calming breaths, I know you're scared but just do your best to stay still don't attack or anything, can you be brave for me?" I asked.

He nodded and did as I said, just then I heard someone running from behind me.

"Whoever is running in, stay back and don't move," I advised.

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