First regeneration

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I heard the others arrive but I stayed hidden. I know they wouldn't agree to what I would do. At least the woman wouldn't. Grace said she would stay but it was her. I just learnt about myself but if anything bad were to happen I wouldn't want Ryan to lose his nan also. He's lost too much of his family and I wouldn't stand to watch him lose another.

As soon as I saw the tentacle creature attacking the crane I got out.

"Oh Angel you're ok," Graham spoke relieved.

"Of course I'm ok," I replied.

"Can you talk her out of this?" he asked.

"Don't need to," I replied helping them get the equipment out of the car.

He looked at me confused and then at Grace who was equally as confused. I wasn't that great at finishing sentences really so I did make people confused often it seemed should probably work on getting better after all this if I'm still alive.

"I'm going up there myself," I finally told him eventually finishing my sentence.

"No love, I can't let you," Grace denied.

"Ryan needs you and if this fails then...I can't let him lose you too he already lost his mum," I argued.

"But he can't lose you either," he would have Grace and Graham I'm sure he would be ok without me.

"He needs you more than anything and is closest with you probably, if he loses you it will break him and then there's no way Graham can get through to him when he just loses his family," she didn't say anything against that and agreed for me to do it.

"I love you, you've been the best grandparents I could ever for and if anything happens tell Ryan I love him," they nodded.

"We love you too sweetheart," Graham replied.

They pulled me into a tight hug probably the last one we will ever have but hopefully not. I don't know what I would without these people. I wiped my eyes.

"Go and shout when you're ready," Grace instructed.

Graham wasn't sure and Grace didn't seem to be either but there was no time to argue so I went up to the crane before they changed their mind. I started climbing up when I got to it. The creature was half way up, at least I was ok with heights. I waited till they were ready with it. Getting my bearings. It was an awkward angle so I didn't doubt that I would fall with it too but at least I said goodbye to them. I really hoped I was right but Ryan can't lose his Nan and Graham can't lose his wife.

Besides I was already up here and wasn't backing out especially since I can see how dangerous this is. From this height no one would survive. I didn't even find out the woman's name. I saw her jump across the crane which was a bit daring.

'It was nice knowing you, take care of them for me if this doesn't go right.'

She looked down at me sadly but couldn't do anything from where she was.

'Angel no don't, you will fall too.'

'I'm sorry but Ryan and Yaz are in there, Ryan can't lose his nan it has to be me.'

"Graham, Grace now!" I shouted before she could argue further.

He turned it on and I jabbed it into the creature. She looked hopelessly before turning back to Tzim-Sha. It worked really well and it fell to the ground but like I thought I did too. My whole body was in agony, I heard Graham and Grace run towards me. Grace lifted my head on her lap, I scrunched my eyes uncomfortable. I heard the woman finally say her name before passing out.

Time skip

I woke up to Graham crying over me along with Grace. Ryan and Yaz seemed to hugging. The person who I knew as the Doctor was looking down sadly.

I really didn't appreciate my top getting wet. How long was I unconscious for?

"Why are you all crying?" I asked making you all look at me in shock.

"I only passed out for a few minutes, you're acting like I died already and you're planning my funeral," I joked.

They all laughed not expecting me to be awake to be fair I wasn't expecting it either. I should be dead by now so why I was awake. I wasn't in pain really anymore which was also weird. Maybe it wasn't as high up as I thought but how did my pain suddenly go.

I sat up without any pain and I did notice I felt weird. It was kind of hard to explain though. It was like a tingly feeling underneath my skin.

'Cool name by the way nice to finally know it."

I winked at her, oh god did I really just do that. I'm honestly dying of embarrassment and I blushed a deep shade or red but it was dark so at least it wasn't noticeable.

' are you alive?'

'Not sure I replied it's a real mystery if I'm honest'

I took my jacket off feeling a bit warm and saw the burn was completely gone. That's weird when did that happen, the glowing energy that was under it was gone also. I wasn't sure how to take this. It's not like anymore weird things can happen right?

"Umm angel," Ryan spoke before pointing to my hands.

It was the same glow I had seen underneath the burn but glowing around my hands. Ok maybe I was wrong more weird things can happen. I honestly felt a little scared because I still wasn't sure what this energy was. It gave me even more questions than I ever had in my whole life.

This helped narrow down what alien I was because no alien I had seen on Unit had this kind of thing. The Doctor looked really confused and as if she had seen a ghost. I'm guessing she had seen this kind of thing before, she took my hands and got me to stand. I could without any pain which was weird.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"It's going to be ok, I can't say that it won't be painful because it will be but it will be over before you know it," she assured me.

"I'm...scared," I replied.

"I know I don't think this has ever happened to you before and the first time is always scary, the first time was scary for me also and I think I definitely know what you are because no other species does this but that can wait till after just try to be relaxed it won't hurt as much then," I nodded.

"At the end of this you will be ok it only takes a few seconds and we will all be here for you," she promised.

"We're not leaving you sis," Ryan smiled at me which made me feel a little better.

She got everyone to stand back and I felt my body change, it was pretty painful obviously that made sense because all my cells were changing rapidly, it didn't last as long as I thought and was over before I knew it, it was quite the rush if I'm honest. I had a lot of energy suddenly as if I had multiple energy cans at once.

"How do you feel?" she asked.

"Not sure...a lot better than before but I feel different," this was strange.

I felt behind me to feel my hair was longer. I had hair for days, it was just above my hip that would definitely be fun to style. It was a lot softer than before as well. I noticed I was a bit shorter than before so that wasn't great and my top was more baggy than usual. I saw three of them looking at me confused.

"That's what happened with you Doctor?" Yaz asked confused.

"Yep pretty much but I was a man before," she replied.

This day was a little fuzzy and I was finding it hard to adjust but it had only been a few seconds maybe after a few hours I would be ok with this. My thoughts were different, and my everything seemed to be different. We got back in the car since it did seem to be all over now.

"Where did...umm...what his name...where did Karl go?" I asked.

"He left went back home," the Doctor replied.

I nodded and the rest of the journey was in silence. I definitely had a lot of questions now but unfortunately couldn't remember much of them because my mind was a little foggy. I heard them mention it's the same thing that happened to the Doctor but I couldn't remember what she said that happened to her. Hopefully the brain fog would fade soon I could figure things out.

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