Meeting Tzim-Sha

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We follwed after and headed up to the roof to see the tentacle creature was disabled. I wasn't sure how long I was and I saw the woman was scanning it. At least her plan worked but of course it did she seemed smart. Still felt bad for taking so long.

"Sorry for taking so long...," she cut me off.

"No worries hun, everything ok with you two now?" she asked, I blushed a little at the nickname.

"Not really I'm just sure how to take all of this, I get why she didn't say but making my own brother act as if he was surprised by aliens and everything knowing I wouldn't suspect he would have kept it a secret from me, that's the per that hurts the most if I'm honest," she nodded in understanding.

"How she went about it probably does hurt but she did it with the best of intentions for you," that was true they did.

I went over to her scratching my head and she pulled me into a hug. I was relieved at this. We were definitely on good terms.

"I'm really sorry for not telling you but you were such a happy child or you seemed like it, I guess we were all hiding something but I'm glad you know now," that's true I wasn't showing how I felt about it and she probably didn't want to ruin it for me.

"Me too, I love you nan," I smiled.

"Love you too," she replied giving me a kiss on the forehead.

Grace went over to the Doctor to Ryan and Graham. I also went a little closer I was happy that me and Grace were ok now. She meant a lot to me and I couldn't stay mad forever. She didn't do it to hurt me intentionally but she didn't want to ruin what she thought was a happy child. She didn't see how unhappy I really was with all these questions. If I was more open maybe things would have been different but it was hard. Being open with people got harder ever since losing my mum, and then how my grandad left me.

She probably wasn't sure how to say that my grandad left me just because I was an alien and that would have hurt me a lot. She didn't want me to lose trust completely in people. I didn't though because she stayed with me and Ryan did. I knew not everyone was going to hurt you thanks to them and to Graham as well for loving me even if I was adopted into the family. Best family I could ask for honestly.

"So what did you find?" I asked curious.

"Well you were right about it being alien technology, pretty much a bunch of coils thrown together, they're usually for gathering information but what information?" she asked.

'Of course that makes sense now why it separated Karl, it struck at all of us but it didn't miss him on accident but on purpose not entirely sure what the reason is, maybe try getting the data with the sonic'

She looked at me confused but complied. It was like I spoke to her but with my mind. I don't know many telepathic aliens but the other times made sense now. Why she looked confused. I should probably try speaking out loud though because otherwise the others might be confused they don't know about this since I forgot to mention it. Karl's face appeared over the tentacles. I was hoping it was just a very likely theory but it wasn't and that meant Karl was in danger.

"Angel you were right, Karl is needed for something but what exactly?" she asked confused.

They all looked confused since I didn't say anything well at least not out loud. I don't mean to speak in her head. I did just find out that was the case though.

"Which one of you shall I kill first?" someone asked from behind us.

I was standing a bit away from them so he managed to grab me. Of course he grabbed me that's amazing. The touch of his skin killed people though so how was I ok, that didn't really make sense. It was burning though but only stayed in one area. He probably wasn't planning on killing me which made more sense it was probably just a threat in case they don't do whatever he wants. The Doctor got the rest of them behind her and she looked pretty annoyed that he just took me.

"If you wouldn't mind letting my friend go that would be greatly appreciated," she told him not asking but telling.

"You mean this freak?" he asked.

"I would watch you say if I were you, no one insults my friends, got it," he didn't seem too happy about that response.

'I know an alien got me but she was pretty hot when she was angry, not going to lie.'

'Ah so you're definitely telepathic this keeps happening a lot, but Angel seriously not the time to be having a gay panic.'

Oh damn it not again, I blushed a little that she heard that. That wasn't my intention and I really had to learn how to control this. She was right though no time for gay panics, she really was hot when she was mad though so you can't blame me for nearly having one.

'Oh sorry forgot...again.'

Those two were having a nice chat, I really wish the Doctor would go a little easy on the jokes he was holding me hostage after all, honestly not sure why because the tentacle creature was right there and no one was stopping him from getting to it. He seemed to get more angry the more jokes she made.

'Honestly darling please be careful with the jokes he is holding me after all.'

'Oh right yeah sorry Angel.'

"Let my friend go and I will let you have the data from the umm...tentacle creature," she bargained.

"Data first then I give your friend back," he comprised.

'It never works out like that.'

'I know but if he does take you I will find you I promise and I know you can handle yourself.'

'You have your sonic right?'

I nodded showing it to her slightly and she smiled. I really hoped she was right but I survived school here so I think I can survive this. Honestly don't think anything can be worse than that. Literally felt like hell the only thing I liked was the learning. He stepped forward and knelt down. He took the data. Like we thought he also still left with me via teleportation and we appeared at the cranes.

He also took the tentacle creature with him and it seemed to be active again. I managed to run off while he was looking away. I knew I wasn't of importance so he wouldn't bother with me. I hid where he couldn't find me and he soon turned back to his plan. I knew that the tentacle creature would get in the way somehow so I will deal with it so the others can save Karl.

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