The Tardis library

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I managed to get a few hours of sleep but after a while I was pretty well rested unable to sleep anymore. I wasn't sure what to do but the Tardis sensing sent me to the library where I saw the Doctor. She looked so peaceful and happy as she was snuggled up in a blanket on the sofa with a book in her hands. She looked up and smiled when she saw me.

"Hello Angel welcome to the library I assume the Tardis brought you here," she guessed.

"Yeah couldn't sleep anymore, what about you?" I asked.

"Same well we only need a few hours sleep really then we are good feel free to read a book if you like there's a lot to choose from and don't worry if you want there's also books in Gallifreyan if you prefer it's the only thing left of your parents isn't it?" I nodded.

"That and my sonic but I made that with my mum it seemed like a nice moment though even if it went bad, I never would have met you though if I wasn't sent here so I guess it's a good thing," I smiled.

Finding out I lost everything was hard but the Doctor also lost everything. I wasn't alone in it at least and I also knew about myself now well more than I did before. I certainly didn't have all the answers like what happened to my friends if they died also but I'm not sure how I would find that out. I got up and looked through the section on Timelords guessing that I might as well find out more about my species.

"We have two hearts?" I spoke, surprised.

"Yep pretty much cool isn't it?" she asked.

"Octopus have three so I'm not sure I guess it is though," I replied.

"Yeah that is true not the only interesting thing about us I assume you're trying to find out more about timelords," I nodded.

"Well like you said we have two hearts and 12 regenerations unless you're me because of saving Trensalore my regenerations got renewed without limit," I listened as I read through the book.

"Do I have a limit?" I questioned.

"Not entirely sure, what did happen in your memories?" she asked.

"Well at first everything was fine, I created my sonic with my mum she decorated it for me with roses, it was her favourite flower I think. When I was 35 in timelord years she started making this machine to make me younger, I lost my dad before she activated it, she then left me in front of the orphanage as a baby with the sonic and the note," she listened as I told her what I had seen.

"Well given what the machine did...I doubt you have a limit anymore," she spoke as she scanned me.

"Yep no limit it probably messed it up but that's ok I mean at least we never lose each other right?" I nodded that was a plue sign at least.

"I can get the Tardis to create a framed photo of them if you like, just need to know what they looked like but it's impossible," the Doctor offered.

"That would be nice," I replied.

"Anyway you have been through a lot so you don't need to learn all of this immediately just relax now," she spoke as she put my book away.

She patted an empty space in front of her lifting the blanket and I cuddled up against her smiling. This was honestly so comforting and I swear I heard the Tardis aww. The Doctor read the words of her book. Her voice like a calming melody. I remembered suddenly my mum and dad reading to me when I was younger it was a nice memory and I smiled. I could still appreciate the good memories I had when I do remember them even if they aren't here anymore to create new ones.

Just meant I had to keep a hold of the ones I did have and the ones I would hopefully get back in the future. I became sleepy again. When the Doctor noticed she started stroking my hair and within a few minutes I fell asleep cuddling close to her feeling more loved and comforted than I ever had in years.

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