Remembering the past

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(Author note: The memories will be in bold. The ages aren't accurate I know but makes more sense than before now.)

We made it to what looked like a boat but it looked pretty run down. I went to the engines to get a closer look. It was old but didn't look damaged, the three things on the back looked like it absorbed solar power. I guess we had to be quick then if we wanted to make sure we didn't stay out at night. Not to mention sitting for a little while would be nice after walking for so long. The more I pushed back the tiredness the stronger it got and I felt pretty light headed now.

The heat wasn't helping but making it worse. There was some commotion between Epzo and Angstrom but my mind was too hazy to focus on it. The Doctor seemed to defuse it.

"Anything interesting Angel?" she asked.

"It works on solar power so not broken just really run down but it should work," I replied walking back over to them.

I didn't notice Yaz coming to my side and catching me as my legs gave in. I didn't have to keep going but I wasn't sure how long the boat ride would be. I didn't want us all to get killed because of me being tired.

"Sis you don't look good, you look how she was after the train," Ryan pointed out.

"Right ok Yaz Ryan, get her on the boat, I will get this up and running," she told them.

"I...can help though...what if those Epzo gets in the way," I tried to defend but my body was too drained at this point for me to speak coherently.

"Look love don't worry I will keep Epzo out of trouble it will be my pleasure actually but they are right you don't look good," she seemed really nice actually compared to Epzo anyway.

Yaz and Ryan got me on the boat, it was nice to have shade. Yaz sat on the end before getting me to lay next to her and got my head to be on her lap. I was half asleep when the boat started running and the others got on. Before I was completely asleep I felt someone put something over me.

I was born a bit before the war started and my mum kept me safe. I was born in the year 1911 but we didn't really have birthdays on Gallifrey because time was different for us. My parents raised me pretty well. I watched as I grew up my life seemed peaceful watching the sunsets, going to the academy. I started when I was 9 in human years I wasn't sure what my age was on Gallifrey but I looked like I was about 6.

The academy was like human school but we didn't do the same lessons. We did learn math but it was more advanced. Also learnt Gallifreyan, it was more spoken then but as time went on it changed. I had two friends, best friends actually. No one got why I was friends with them since well they didn't behave that well. I completely forgot about those two but made sense. I doubted they were still alive now. When I was 30 in timelord years I still looked pretty young, that's when the war started.

In human years I was 50. Me and my family seemed to have stayed hidden inside. So many got killed and I would have seen my friends but I wasn't sure if they were still alive even. Any movement detected by those metal machines and it was instant death. There were bright explosions everywhere but they shot them before they could change. It was so horrible to see. Anyone inside was safe but anyone outside had no luck. For the next  years well 30 in human years.

When I was 35 my mum started to create a machine that made me younger. It took her 15 years to make well 20 in human time. It made sense how I was a baby on Earth. My knowledge was there so inventing and Gallifreyan pretty anything I learnt, that stayed, which is how I knew it still. I didn't know anything after being made younger. Just glimpses of seeing my mum and then crying as she left me on my own in front of the orphanage with the note and my sonic.

I woke up suddenly having too many memories back too quickly and the Doctor looked at me confused. I saw I had her coat over me.

"You doing ok?" she asked.

I nodded not sure what to say to that, I saw everyone else was asleep besides her. I sat up properly because I didn't feel as tired anymore and I was worried I would have more memories of the war. I didn't want to see that again.

"Don't want more sleep?" she asked.

"Not right now, can I ask something?" she nodded.

"You know me regenerating, well can it trigger memories to come back?" I questioned.

"Is that what you dreamt about, memories?" she asked already knowing why I was asking.

"Yeah," I replied.

"It is possible yeah also possible to lose them as well but they come back in the end, what happened in the memories do you have more answers?" she asked.

"Gallifrey is gone because of the war isn't it meaning my mum is gone too, I lost my dad before I even got here," she looked at ne sadly.

"Yeah it is, sorry you had to see that but it's good you know," that was true.

It hurt but I was finally getting real answers. It felt a lot better than always being confused or unsure of myself. We made it to the other side and I got Yaz awake. We all got off the boat and continued forward. I hoped we would find the Tardis soon though.

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