The warehouse

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Grace slammed to a halt just as we got there and we all got out. The woman twirled around and I looked to see where we had to go next. I could tell we're definitely close. There was a loud sound from inside the warehouse and someone ran out. We all ran after him and the others stopped but I kept going.

"Angel what are you doing?" Graham shouted but I ignored him.

I got really close to him but as I got him he burned my arm and it felt freezing. I bit my lip to keep me from screaming. I felt this warmth wear the burn and saw it was glowing yellow throughout my veins like it had been with the woman. I wasn't sure what to make of it even with my newfound knowledge and just ran back to the warehouse going in.

"Did you get him?" Graham asked.

"No I didn't where are the others?" I asked confused.

"The Doctor is making a sonic since she wanted her own one, you weren't here exactly," Graham pointed out.

I went off to find the woman since everyone else seemed to have jobs. I never got a job but they weren't very exciting anyway so I guess I wasn't missing out on much. She turned around as she was finishing the sonic and smiled when she saw me.

"Oh hey Angel," she motioned me over.

"How are you feeling you know since finding out you're an alien?" so she did see the note most likely.

"Umm ok I guess I'm not sure, I get why Grace was hiding it from me, at the same time though knowing what I am and knowing why I'm different is better than not knowing and having no clue why I can't seem to fit in no matter how hard I try," she seemed to get that.

"Couldn't have been easy for you, must have been very lonely," she sympathised.

I nodded sadly and she put her hand on mine. It was weird but there were moments where I felt like I knew her but that's not possible we just met today. I felt it multiple times though and wondered if she did too.

"I have never been through what you have Angel but I promise you that you're not alone now, you still don't have much answers but hopefully when my memory is more stable I can help you out, I felt like I heard the name of your language before but can't be sure, I'm just hoping by the end of this I remember," I hoped so too.

The name of the language wasn't much of a clue but someone must know about it. If she knew about it that would be great. I was nervous for the full truth but also excited it was a weird feeling. My emtions were all over the place and it was like a rollercoaster right now. As soon as the woman finished her sonic we stepped out.

Ryan and Yaz came back over, guessing there wasn't anything to find then. The woman started scanning the remains of the pod. Her sonic honestly looked pretty cool.

"Did she just make that?" Ryan asked.

"Yeah it's cool isn't it, mine is just overly detailed...," I replied.

"Comparing isn't good you know, personally I think yours is better than mine," I smiled because it was sweet of her to say.

As she was scanning the remains of the pod Grace took me to one side. Did she hear mine and the Doctor's conversation. We weren't quiet but you would have to be standing right outside to hear and they were standing a bit away.

"What did you talk about with her?" Grace asked.

"I just wanted to see her making the sonic you know I like inventing things," it wasn't a lie though.

"I heard you and her talking, how long have you known?" she asked.

So she was listening in of course she was. I guess it's out in the open now and I didn't even have to tell her. Probably made it easier honestly because I wouldn't have been sure what to say. Too worried if she would be mad or upset.

"I'm not mad love I just wanted you to have a normal life, finding out your from a war isn't exactly great," that was true but I still would like to know.

"You got Ryan to translate it but didn't ask me because you didn't know what it said, but when you did find out you kept it hidden and gor Ryan to keep it hidden, did Graham know too?" I asked feeling worried that all of them lied to me.

Ryan didn't have much of a choice, she probably made out it was better for me if I didn't know so I could have a normal life.

"Umm no he didn't but that's why he left my first husband not from your diary but finding out you're not human," I looked down in disbelief.

"Makes more sense now, as scary looking as the aliens were why leave over a diary?" I questioned rhetorically.

"It's good you know now at least," she spoke.

"I just want to ask one thing, would you have ever told me, that was my mother's last words to me and she clearly wanted me to see it but obviously didn't know much about humans," she didn't reply at that.

"Look Angel...," she tried to get my arm but I moved it away.

"It doesn't matter, we have more important things to focus on right now," I pointed out.

The others were gone and I guessed they were on the roof since that is where the arrow was pointing. I wiped my eyes before going up. Everything felt so chaotic and confusing right now but I was glad that I had something else to focus on. As soon as this was over I would just focus on understanding this.

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